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Recommendation Reports

Recommendation Reports. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012. Introduction Our last project for the class is a recommendation report.

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Recommendation Reports

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  1. Recommendation Reports Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012

  2. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Introduction • Our last project for the class is a recommendation report. • This is a form of persuasive writing that requires you to make an argument for one of several alternatives. • These documents are used in a variety of contexts: • Decision on purchase of equipment • Decision on vendor or contractor • Decision on course of action for the company

  3. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Introduction • These are fact-intensive documents. • Effective recommendation reports compare alternatives • on a consistent basis • using quantifiable details. • Not subjective or based on personal opinion. • The purpose is to show that one alternative is the best based on some established criteria.

  4. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Types of Reports • Some recommendation reports are organized on the basis of alternatives • Others on the basis of criteria.

  5. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Types of Reports

  6. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Types of Reports • We will use the second style: organize on the basis of criteria. • Why? Easier to do a side-by-side comparison.

  7. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Parts of a Report • Your report should include the following parts: • Cover page • Transmittal memo • Body • Conclusion • References • Presentation

  8. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Cover Page • Make sure your cover page looks professional and includes • A title • Group members • Class: ETWR-2377 • Date

  9. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Transmittal Memo • In the real world, reports are not just delivered by themselves. • Writers usually include a transmittal memo, which is a sort of introduction. • See page 290 of your book for an example. • The memo should identify the purpose and context of this report. • “We prepared this report in response to a request from management to find a cost-effective replacement for the company’s current payroll software.”

  10. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Table of Contents • Like the proposal, make a simple table of contents. • Remember, these documents are built around ease of use. • If the decision maker wants to find a particular section, and doesn’t care about the rest, you want to make it easy for them. • Use your criteria as major subject headings: • Price • Performance • Etc.

  11. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Executive Summary • Begin the body with a summary of your argument. • What you are comparing, what is your basis, and what is your conclusion. • Who wins?

  12. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Body • Organize your comparison based on the criteria you establish. • The situation can be fictional. But you should find something on which you can make real-world comparisons. • Actual products and services. • Today you will outline the problem or need to which your report will be responsive. • Your topic should be accounting or business related.

  13. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Body • Examples: • You are an accounting firm in need of new payroll software. • You are a small company considering whether to incorporate or form a limited liability company. • You are a company considering whether to outsource its payroll services.

  14. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Body • Once you have decided on a problem, you need to establish your criteria or basis of comparison. • Think about relevant and concrete bases. • Avoid criteria that leave you saying one is “good” or “ok.” That is subjective. • The purpose of your document is to show that one of the choices is objectively better based on some criteria. • Pick at least three points of comparison. • And at least two alternative solutions.

  15. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Body • Once you have established your criteria, you may need to do some research to find out how each of your choices performs. • Keep your sources of information and make sure they are credible. • Specifications should come directly from the company, not user reviews. • Pricing quotes. • Reputable ratings, awards, or testing.

  16. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Body • The body will lay out your findings. • Use subject headings for each basis of comparison. • Incorporate at least one table or chart. • Remember, you should have • At least three points of comparison. • And at least two alternative solutionscompared in your report.

  17. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Conclusion • After you have gathered information on your alternatives, you need to decide which one is the best. • Your decision and explanation go in the conclusion • One alternative might not be a winner in every category. • You should rank your criteria in terms of importance. • Organizations rarely make decisions by simply counting: which alternative scored highest. • Part of your report should include some argument on which comparison point is the most important. • Explain your balancing of the criteria.

  18. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 References • The last page should be a list of your sources of information. • Credibility: show that you are not just making this stuff up! • We will talk more about generating a reference page later.

  19. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Presentation • This writing project has the added component of an oral presentation. • In addition to your written report, you will create a PowerPoint presentation in which you present your findings to the class. • Your grade for the project will be based on both components. • The groups will present their reports during the last week of class. • We will talk more next week about the details of your presentation.

  20. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Examples • Two examples of recommendation reports • Real world example: Houston Metrorail Expansion. • Student project from last semester

  21. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Examples • Houston Metrorail expansion. • Southeast Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement (2007) • Required to comply with NEPA. • Several routes for the rail system considered. • http://www.ridemetro.org/CurrentProjects/ProjectDocuments.aspx

  22. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Tonight: Part I • The first part of this project is to select your topic. • You will do this by drafting a memo that outlines a hypothetical or real problem or need within a company. • It must be accounting or business related. • And you must be able to find real-world (not hypothetical) solutions. • Explain the need. • Then decide what the right criteria are and list them in your memo.

  23. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Part II • Then you will use your problem and criteria to research alternative solutions and write your report. • I will set up a new wiki page for recommendation reports. • Next week we will talk about the presentation component. • The following week will be a work day. • The last week of class will be devoted to our presentations.

  24. Advanced Business Communication Spring 2012 Good luck!

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