1. The Chinese Remainder Theorem Solve
x = 2mod3
x = 1mod4
x = 3mod5
Tell me the characteristics of x.
x = 2mod3
x = 1mod4
x = 3mod5
M = 3=60
M1 = 60/3 = 20 M2 = M3=
5. M1 = 20 m1 = 3
Solve 20x1=1 mod3
2x1=1 mod3
x1 =
6. M2 = 15 m2 = 4
Solve 15x2=1 mod4
3x2=1 mod4
x2 =
7. M3 = 12 m3 = 5
Solve 12x3=1 mod5
2x3=1 mod5
x3 =
8. X = b1M1x1+b2M2x2+b3M3x3
= 53mod60
So any positive integer congruent to
53 mod 60 is a solution to the system
9. Example to Try Solve
x=2 mod3
Solution x=233=23mod105
10. Homework If time permits, look at exercise 35 on page 58.
Read section 2.3
Exercises 33 ace f(to hand in), 35 (note that all mi are relatively prime. You can show that some of the congruences are redundant and can therefore be eliminated.)