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Humboldt Student Ambassadors’ Bullying Presentation. Intro: U TUBE VIDEO. “What to do when you’re bullied” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BlMZ66X9ZI. What is the definition of bullying? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT0CuYp_kMs. What Is The Definition of Bullying?.
Intro: U TUBE VIDEO • “What to do when you’re bullied” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BlMZ66X9ZI
What is the definition of bullying?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT0CuYp_kMs
What Is The Definition of Bullying? • Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over.
Examples of Bullying Behavior Include: • Punching, shoving, and other acts that hurt people physically • Spreading bad rumors about people • Keeping certain people out of a "group • Teasing people in a mean way • Getting certain people to "gang up" on other
Cyber bullying • Bullying also can happen online or electronically. Cyber bullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology.
Cyber bullying can include: • Sending mean text, email, or instant messages • Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites • Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone
What is Humboldt School District board policy for bullying?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXyTsRbzJBY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
Humboldt Community School District Board Policy Definition: • Bullying and Harassment means any electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or conduct toward a student which is based on any actual or perceived trait or characteristic of the student and which creates an objectively hostile school environment that meets one or more of the following conditions:
Conditions in Policy • Places the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property; • Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health; • Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance; or • Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.
Why do kids bully?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYNCxEtxxM
Reasons There are all kinds of reasons why young people bully others, either occasionally or often. Do any of these sound familiar to you? (These are a few of them) • Because I see others doing it • Because it's what you do if you want to hang out with the right crowd • Because it makes me feel, stronger, smarter, or better than the person I'm bullying • Because it's one of the best ways to keep others from bullying me
Whatever the reason, bullying is something we all need to think about. Whether we've done it ourselves ... or whether friends or other people we know are doing it ... we all need to recognize that bullying has a terrible effect on the lives of young people. It may not be happening to you today, but it could tomorrow. Working together, we can make the lives of young people better.
DO YOU BULLY? • If you are hurting or threatening others in some way and using your size, strength or popularity to do it ... you're probably bullying someone! • Hey - let's face it, hurting and making others feel bad is NEVER cool. Just admitting that you are doing things to harm others takes some guts. But that's not enough. Trying to find out what you should do to change the way you're acting ... now that's a step in the right direction!
Think about what you're doing ... and how it affects others • If you think calling others names is really harmless, or if you think pushing, hitting or stealing from other kids is funny, you've forgotten what it feels like to be hurt yourself! Teasing, hitting, keeping others out of a group - all of these things harm someone. All of us have been hurt at one time or another and we all know how it feels - awful!
The next time you are about to bully someone: • Put yourself in their shoes • Think about how it must make them feel • And just don't do it
If you realize you are a BULLY • Talk to an adult. Making other people feel badly should never make you feel good. If it does, or if you're not really sure why you bully other kids, you need to talk to an adult about it. Even though you might think an adult won't understand, or that you'll get yourself into trouble, they can help! Whether it is your parent, a teacher or another trusted grown-up, you should tell an adult how you've been acting so that they help you deal with it. School counselors are also great people to talk to about how you feel and how to change the way you treat others.
If you are a Victim of a Bully • Tell an ADULT right away – Bully’s count on you not telling. This is not tattling. It is called setting healthy boundaries. You owe it to yourself andothers to set Healthy Boundaries. • In the school setting it is important that the teachers, administrators, counselors, & support staff are made aware of incidents that involve bullying. This will help provide a SAFE ENVIORNMENT for all students.
Optional – The following slides arepractice scenarios and acceptable responses
1. You walk up to two friends as they are talking and laughing in the hallway. You realize as you approach that they are saying very mean things about another student in your classroom. What should you do?
Acceptable response(s) • Tell your friends to stop saying unkind things about a classmate. • Refuse to participate in the conversation.
2. When a student leaves the classroom to get a drink, another student puts a tack on her seat. Several kids see thishappen, including you. Some of the kids are laughing. The student will walk back into the classroom at any moment andmight sit on the tack. What should you do?
Acceptable response(s) • Tell the student who put the tack on the seat to remove it. • Remove the tack yourself. • Warn the student returning to her seat about the tack. • Tell an adult.
3.You learn that some friends of yours plan to trick anotherstudent into inviting them all to a party at her house--andthen not show up. They think that this will be a really funny idea. They expect you to play along with this trick. What should you do?
Acceptable response(s) • Confront your friends and tell them not to play this trick. • Ask them how they would feel if someone played a trick like this on them. • Refuse to play along. • Let the victim know that she is being duped.