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Transitioning to the Common core math standards grades 2 – 6 may 8, 2013. The Common Core Math Standards represent a significant shift in the cognitive demand that is expected from students
Transitioning to the Common core math standards grades 2 – 6may 8, 2013
The Common Core Math Standards represent a significant shift in the cognitive demand that is expected from students • Several of our schools participated in the Smarter Balanced pilot test. The feedback centered on these areas: • Many of the questions had a great deal of text. • Many of the questions were tiered in the sense that students had to generate an answer to the first part of the question, then use that answer to complete the 2nd part of the question. • The released items from Smarter Balanced we looked at during the training this year were the questions used on the practice test. They had little relationship to the actual questions on the Smarter Balanced Pilot Test background
All grades will fully implement the Common Core Standards beginning in July/September, 2014. This means we have next year to complete our transition from our current standards to the Common Core Standards. As of today, in May, 2014 students in Grades 2 through 6 will be taking the CST with virtually no changes from the CSTs taken over the past several years The reality
Identify common content between the current California Standards and the Common Core Math Standards at each grade level. • Identify a minimum of two performance tasks/common core aligned resources that your grade level is willing to implement during 2013-2014 • Identify the unit/chapter the performance task/resource is aligned to in either Math Expressions or Holt Goals for today
http://www.ccsstoolbox.com/ • Click on Resources for Implementation • Click on PARCC Prototyping Project • http://insidemathematics.org/index.php/mathematical-content-standards • http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/standards/k8 • Click on the Domain • Click on the Grade Level • Click on the Illustrations resources
http://balancedassessments.concord.org/ http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/TasksUnitsStudentWork/default.htm http://education.ky.gov/AA/items/Pages/K-PREPItems.aspx http://www.mathedleadership.org/ccss/greattasks.html resources
http://www.rda.aps.edu/mathtaskbank/start.htm • http://www.k-5mathteachingresources.com/ • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/common-core-sample-questions/ • Scroll to the bottom of the page • http://www.scoe.org/pub/htdocs/ccss-mathematics.html • Scroll down to MARS Tasks by Grade Level • If you still did not find something that you are satisfied with, you can Google: • Common Core Math Performance Tasks • Common Core Math Resources • Common Core Math Resources Grade _____ resources
Complete the summary sheet for each performance task or resource your grade level team chose (two per grade level per school). Return to your principal. Principals: Please make a copy or send me an electronic version closure