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Ebook Riches ,Ebook Riches review,Ebook Riches review and bonus,Ebook Riches reviews,Ebook Riches reviews and bonuses,Ebook Riches discount,Ebook Riches bonus,Ebook Riches bonuses,Ebook Riches review and discount,Ebook Riches review in detail,Ebook Riches ultimate review,Ebook Riches coupon,Ebook Riches demo,Ebook Riches demo review,Ebook Riches huge discount,Ebook Riches discount coupon,Ebook Riches download, Get Ebook Riches,Ebook Riches review demo and bonus,Ebook Riches massive bonus,Ebook Riches specific review,Ebook Riches particular review and bonus, Where to buy Ebook Riches,Ebook Riches review comparison,Ebook Riches biggest bonus,Ebook Riches demo product,Ebook Riches demo in action,Ebook Riches secretreview, http://beginnerdiary.com/ebook-riches-review-bonus/ Ebook Riches Review – New, Done-For-You Private Label Rights Package You Can Sell As Your Own And Keep 100% Of TheProfits! EbookRiches:
When you've put so much work into your online business only to see very little to no results. You've tried affiliate marketing, only to see a sale here and there. You've tried ranking your site on Google, but it's taken so much time and money to get it ranked. All-in-all, you've basically tried everything that the experts have told you and just can't seem tobreakthrough. And what about creating an information product or training course? It's even more difficult! What if I told you that there was a quick, easy and painless solution to having your own product to sell and not worry about the whole process of creating one in the first place? Just imagine having a simple system that's all done for you so you all you need to dois: Download Edit Upload Sell Well, that's how easy it is when you grab our brand new private label rights product you can proudly call yourown... So what is EbookRiches? "Ebook Riches":How to Create a Winning Ebook and Sell it forProfit! Comes Complete With Private LabelRights! Ebook Riches isn't just another "101 tips" type of eBook; it's a full-blown course containing supplemental cheat sheets, mindmap and resources so that your customers can take action on the course, rather than leaving it to collectdust.
And don't forget, it's all done foryou! Ebook Riches's KeyFeatures: Here are a few top reasons why you need to grab this PLRpackage: High-Quality Content. Copyscape Passed100%. Rest assured knowing that the content produced is original and not plagiarized, recycled or copied. We use native U.S. writersonly! Professionally Designed Graphics And WebPage Includes eCovers, minisite, buttons, checkmarks and banner graphics. PSD, JPG & PNG filesincluded Quick & Easy ToSetup Simply modify a few details, upload and you’re done! We’ll even provide you with step- by-stepinstructions.
Complete Sales Page & Landing PageIncluded All the sales materials done for you. Just add your order button and autoresponder code! Checklist, Resources & MindmapIncluded It’s not enough just to have an eBook – You need accompanying actionable checklist and resources. Keep 100% of TheProfits! As you’ll be the owner of this product, you get to keep 100% of the sales plus any leads yougenerate. Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get Inside... Module 1: High QualityEbook The main eBook is called Ebook Riches.It's a completely brand new guide sharing a how to create a winning ebook and sell it forprofit.
It's not just another eBook filled with theory and fluff, it will guide the reader all the way and get him or her to take action by the end of the guide. It is a practicalguide. • You can rest assured knowing that this eBook was written by a fluent, native U.S. writer who holds a Certified English Degree, and was chosen based on industry expertise. • What'sincluded? • Over 11,000 words (60 pages) of "how to", step-by-step content. 100% unique andoriginal. • Screenshots and images embedded throughout the pages, so it's not just all boringtexts! • Editable DOC file included so you can freely edit the eBook as youwish. • Professionally and beautifully formatted and styled -- definitely an eBook you'd be proud to call yourown! • PDF versionincluded. • Module 2: PrintableChecklist
As soon as your customers finish going through the eBook, they can follow this complete checklist that's like a summary of all the important points from the eBook, except in actionable steps that easy todigest. • Formatted for print. You can simply print and check off the points you've completed. • A great companion to the main eBook that your customers will highlyappreciate. • Module 3: Resource CheatSheet • In this resource cheat sheet, you'll get a rolodex of top sites, books, tools, software and more! It includes resources such as: • Top apps, tools andsites. • Top blogs andforums. • Top tips and howto's • andmore!
You can add your own resources, too! You could add products/services you're an affiliate of, and of course your own products so you can increase your profits on the backend! Module 4:Mindmap • A quick glance over this mindmap and you'll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the mainguide. • This mindmap adds even more value to your customers because some are more "visual"learners. • Provided in high-resolution 2000px wide JPG & PNG (transparent) format making it perfect forprint. • Module 5: Ready-Made Salesletter & Thank You Page • Sell this product right away using this ready-made sales page. You literally only need to insert your order button, add your name as the seller and you can start collectingorders.
No copywritingfees. • No wasted time trying to write a sales pageyourself. • Add your order button and you'redone! • You keep 100% of thesales! • You build your customerlist! • The included sales page was written to convert visitors intocustomers. • You'll also get a Thank You page so that your customers can download the product. Simply insert your downloadlink. • Take a look at a sample of the sales page and thank you page:
Module 6: Lead Magnet & Opt-inPage Trying to make a sale and spending your hard-earned money to drive traffic to the sales page is a big waste. I'm sure you know that,right?
And you also know that giving value and establishing a relationship with your prospects first will give you a higher chance of makingsales. • Give This Report Away To Build Your List As Well As Your Credibility & Authority. • It's been proven that the highest-converting "lead magnet" offer are ones that share things like the "Top 10 tools...." or "Top 5 Mistakes...." in a niche. This report shares the Top 10 eBookResources. • This will be the lead magnet/bribe/incentive/opt-in bait or what ever you'd like to call it, so that you can build a hot list in this niche and get them in your sales funnel to buy the fulleBookRiches. • 10+ Pages of content including images! • Includes source DOC file forediting. • The eBook Riches product has been automatically featured as the "Recommended Resource" in the report so you can make sales on thebackend.
Lead Box Opt-inPage • A lead magnet is incomplete without a page where you can offer thereport. • Formatted and structured for high-conversions based on multiple tests completed in thepast. • Simply insert your autoresponder code and you're ready to generatesubscribers! • Easy to edit and doesn't require programming knowledge and complicated landing pagesoftware. • And don't worry, I've recorded a step-by-step video tutorial on how to quickly & easily set this module up in just a few minutes! • Module 7: High-Quality ProfessionalGraphics • You'll get access to the entire graphics library whichinclude: • Minisitetemplate • Arrows andcheckmarks • Ecovers - eBook, box, CD, DVD, report and combostyles. • PNG/JPG and source PSD Photoshop filesincluded.
Also included are a set of 5 banner graphics in the following popularsizes: 120x600, 125x125, 200x200, 300x250, 468x60 and 728x90pixels. Module 8: 10 x QualityArticles You'll get 10 top-notch articles around the subject for multiple uses. Here are the 10 articles you'llreceive: • What can you do with thesearticles? • Use these articles for content on your blog to train and educate readers on the subject • Compile all the articles to create a short report to promote the mainproduct • Load it in your autoresponder sequence so your subscribers see you as an expert in the field and gains theirtrust • Use it as a bonus, giveaway or freebie for anypurpose • Private label rightsincluded • Each article is at least 400 words inlength • Formatted in TXT version for easy copying andpasting
Includes all articles in DOC format aswell • Module 9: Promotional EmailSwipes Use these email swipes to immediately and easily make sales from emailing your subscribers. Simply choose your choice of email swipe, pick a subject line, paste it all to your autoresponder and you'redone! These swipes have been written for high open rates and click-throughrates. Module 10: Social Media Viral ImagesPack With almost everyone on Facebook and the evergrowing Instagram social media platform, why wouldn't you engage with your audiencethere?
Upload any of these inspirational, graphical quotes to get your audience engaging and share your quote with theirfriends. Quotes get engagement, and with engagement comesTRAFFIC! LicensePack And of course, you'll get the private label rights, master resell rights and resell rights licenses. These certificates grant you rights to theabove. How Does Ebook RichesWork? It Couldn't Get AnyEasier! Downloading, modifying and making sales is easy when you grab this PLR package. All you need to dois... Step 1: Make a fewmodification
Step 2: Upload yourfiles Step 3: Send sometraffic • 18 Smart Ways To Use This PLRProduct • GIVE IT AWAY AS A BONUS when your customers buy through your affiliate link. Bonuses have proven to convert prospects into paying customers! Sky- rocket your sales using thistactic! • INCREASE THE VALUE of your existing product for more sales. You can dothis • by offering this PLR product as a bonus to your existing product. Customers ALWAYS love it when youover-deliver! • Use the content to POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA profiles to re-engage your followers. What better way than to simply swipe some content out of the PLR and share it on social media! It brings engagement and establishes yourself as an authority. • SPLIT THE CONTENT and post to your blog so readers have a reason to come back to your blog. Again, it's as easy as swiping some content and putting it on your blog. More readers = moresales. • RE-PURPOSE the content for OFFLINE USE. Use it for your keynote presentations, turn it into a physical product and sell it at a higher price of$100, • $200, even $500, it's up toyou! • Use it in your COACHING PROGRAM. Use the PLR contents as part of your curriculum when training yourstudents. • CREATE A 7 DAY ECOURSE. for your newsletter subscribers. Build trust and pre-sell your list by offering tips via yourautoresponder.
Split the eBook into 2-3 SEPARATE EBOOKS. The eBook you get in this PLR package is approx. 60 pages, which could easily be split into 2-3 smallerreports. • Add it as an UPSELL or one time offer in your funnel. Don't have an upsell yet? Offer the PLR product and double your profits easily! • Split the content into 52 PARTS, which gives you A YEAR'S WORTH OF CONTENT. delivered once aweek! • TRANSLATE the content to other languages, enabling you the power to reach a wider, less saturatedmarket! • INTEGRATE the product on your JV partner's sales page as a special bonus or on their downloadpage! • Add the product to your paid MEMBERSHIP SITE so you can retain and keep them active, payingmembers! • Re-purpose the content into audio or videoformat! • Add more valuable MEAT to your existing product by adding the content from this PLR product toyours! • Re-write, re-brand, re-title, customize, manipulate and change the product the way you'd like or simply sell it as is! It's yourchoice! • Sell the ready-only, resell rights or master resell rights to this product for 100% of theprofit! • Even if you have no plan or desire to resell this product, you'll get a ton of value out of what's shared in theguides! • Exclusive Bonuses Of EbookRiches: • BONUS #1: QuickstartGuide • Aurclius Tjin knows your time is valuable and you want to get started as soon as possible, so he prepared this guide on how to set everything up from the ground up, so rest assured, you won't get lost! You'll findout: • How to customize the main eBook and turn it into a PDFdocument. • How to edit the included sales page and opt-inpage. • How to customize thegraphics. • The tools you'll need for customization (most arefree). • How to add an opt-inform. • How to add a PayPal order button so you can start collectingorders.
And muchmore... BONUS #2: 12 Step-By-Step VideoTutorials • In this in-depth video training series, you'll find out how to customize the core contents of the PLR product you'llget. • It contains 12 how-to video tutorials in high-qualityformat: • VIDEO 1: Overview and introduction to the private label rightspackage • VIDEO 2: A quickstart guide to get you up and runningfast • VIDEO 3: PLR licensesexplained • VIDEO 4: Two ways to get your PLR productout • VIDEO 5: How to customize theeBook • VIDEO 6: How to convert your eBook to PDFformat • VIDEO 7: How to customize thegraphics • VIDEO 8: How to work Photoshop "actionscripts" • VIDEO 9: How to customize theeCover • VIDEO 10: How to add an order button to the salespage • VIDEO 11: How to add your autoresponder opt-in code to the opt-inpage • VIDEO 12: How to upload all your files to make your web pages ready fortraffic!
Stream the videos online or download the video files to yourcomputer. It's almost like having your very own coach who shows you exactly what to do - "go here, click this, do this" and so on. He made sure every step was crystal clear so that there's no doubt in your mind how to use and customize your PLRproduct. • BONUS #3: PLR Training Camp - 2 Hour Video TrainingCourse • In addition to the bonuses you're getting, He is also going to hand you a 2 hour 14 minute video training coursethat He especially recorded for you. It's all about Private Label Rights and getting your first product up and running. It's a complete, over-the-shoulder video recording on mastering Private Label products. You'll see exactly: • The mindset needed to succeed in your onlinebusiness. • How to customize the PLR product and make it yourown. • How to get your PLR product up and running - from start tofinish. • The exact steps and techniques to start profiting from PLRproducts. • Step-by-step how to edit and customize eBook covers. • How to drive free and paid traffic to yourproduct. • + so muchmore! • You'll get FREE access to the entire 2 hours 14 minute course and the tools and resources. • This special bonus is strictly for customersonly!
Final verdict - YourTurn! With a complete PLR package including a comprehensive eBook on a hot topic, sales materials, graphics, email swipes, and big bonuses, you've got everything you need to start selling it forprofit! The only thing left for you to do is take action and make your investment rightnow. http://beginnerdiary.com/ebook-riches-review-bonus/ https://www.facebook.com/Ebook-Riches-Review-GIANT-Bonus-1110092135731756/ https://medium.com/@xigoqihi/ebook-riches-review-ebook-riches-secret-bonuses- 8855be553cc7#.qf6mx8sh9
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