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Rika Endah Nurhidayah , SKp . MPd Fundamental Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing, University of Sumatera Utara Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia rika_en76@yahoo.com /rika@usu.ac.id. Cultural Approach Holistic Care in Dying and Death (Case Study on Batak Toba Tribe). Background.
Rika EndahNurhidayah, SKp. MPd Fundamental Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing, University of Sumatera UtaraMedan, North Sumatera, Indonesia rika_en76@yahoo.com /rika@usu.ac.id Cultural Approach Holistic Carein Dying and Death(Case Study on Batak Toba Tribe)
Background • Batak Toba is one of the Batak tribes in North Sumatera, Indonesia. • Traditional ceremonies in Batak Toba wedding, seven months of pregnancy, birth, naming, feeding the elderly, death, and reburied or excavated the bones of the dead body.
Paper Aimed Based on of the Batak Toba rituals manulangi (natua tua) and hamatean harmony with dying and death care. provide an overview of holistic care individual experiencing dying and death according to the Batak Toba tribe.
Method • Data were collected by in-depth interview, from 12 informants during January and Pebruary 2012. • There were : students, pastors, religious leaders, and some people who ever held manulangi and saur matua
Result Findings 2 ceremonies related to phases dying and death ManulangiHamatean(Saur Matua) (feeding the elderly) (death ceremony). Many Things Had To Be Highlighted
Result Findings • Absolute requirement :Saur Matua • Saur : complete or perfect in kinship = she/he has had children and grandchildren from both boys and girls • The descendants had been perfect the ceremony must be performed perfectly • Ceremony purpose is to honor the parents who have been perfect to raise his/her children.
Manulangi (Natua Tua) • if any parent has the disease difficult to cure, descendants will make a special event, called Manulangi natua tua (feeding the elderly parents).
Manulangi (Natua Tua) • Before manulangi, children, and family meetings to determine the requirements: specify day, animals will be cutted, and the cost required for the ceremony. • In manulangi (natua tua), all the children, and families get together. Hula-hula of suhut, dongan (sling) tubu, and natua tua ni huta (the elder people in the village) were also invited.
Manulangi (Natua Tua) • This event begins by serving dishes that will be feeding by the eldest son to his parents. • While Manulangi he prayed for his/her parents may be heal & bless all the descendants, long-lived and inexpensive food. • Manulangi followed by her sisters and all the youngest included grandchildren. All descendants will advised by parents.
Manulangi (Natua Tua) • During ceremony, Boru (Suhut) cut the neck (Haliang) cattle • Held the division portion (suku-suku/jambar). Gaor Bontar (head on left) for the Boru (the daughter), Osang (mouth down) for the Hula-hula, Hasatan (tail) for a family Suhut, Soit (middle abdomen) to Dongan Sabutuha (semarga/ friend family) and for all who attend • After that the eldest son, begins his speech (mangampui), continued from the boru, Dongan Sabutuha, Dongan Sahuta, and the last from the hula-hula. • Then closed by prayer.
Manulangi (Natua Tua) • Next day hula-hula visit the old man bring a dengke (fish) and a ulos (Batak traditional cloth) called ulos mangalohon ulos naganjang is placed on his shoulders. • The purpose of the provision ulos and food was for recovery, long-lived and can guide all of the offspring to survive and prosper in the coming days. Then Boru pray and serve Hula-hula.
Hamatean (glossary) • Saur Matua: perfect in kinship = had children and grandchildren from both boys and girls • Sari Matua: child had not married yet • Martilaha: children died before married • Mate Mangkar: wife/husband died before get children • MatipulUlu: wife/husband died while a little children • MatompasTataring: wife died earlier • MauliBulung: got great grandson, maybe >90 year old
Hamatean • Before Saur Matua, children, and family meetings to determine the requirements: specify day, animals will be cutted, and the cost required for the ceremony. • Implementation of the funeral ceremonies matua saur is divided into two parts: • Ceremony in Jabu (in the house) and • Maralaman Ceremony (in yard).
Hamatean : di Jabu (In Door) • Died body was placed in bona Jabu (living room). • Position is opposite the main room. • Parties put ulos sibolang bone that is spread over a dead body.
Hamatean : di Jabu (In Door) • Hula hula put ulos tujung (headgear) of partner who died = became a widow • Husband or wife seat, at the right hand side of the die face is followed by the boys from eldest until the smallest. • Daughter, sitting on the left of the coffin • Grandchildren and Great-grandson who was sitting behind or in front of their parents. • All elements of dalihannatolu already present at the funeral home wearing ulos. • Ceremony in door is usually open in the morning by the caretaker of the church(v2:55)
Hamatean : di Jabu (In Door) • Funerals (hamatean) saur matua in Toba Batak society will be accompanied by music that was once commonly referred to as 'gorsi-gorsi‘(Pargonsi)before the bodies were buried. • Gondang Sabangunan is usually done to honor the spirits of the dead as well as the recent meeting of all the families and closest relatives of the deceased before burial. • Margondang(music) activities in door usually done at night(cd2:42)
Hamatean : di Jabu (In Door) • Position of each Dalihan Natolu set. Suhut standing to the right, boru on the left and the hula-hula standing in front of the deceased. • Margondang opened by the sexton (pangulaniHuria). • First, Pargonsi play gondang Lae-lae to invite the community to be present at the funeral and take a part in dancing together. • At the time of gondang play, the suhut getting ready to wear hats and ulos • Margondang begins with gondang mula mula, beautiful gondang, followed Gondang liat-liat, Gondang Somba-Somba and last Gondang Hasahatan. When finished dancing all say “Horas” three times.
Hamatean: Maralaman (Out door) • Maralaman : a ceremony before the died body burial. Saur Matua must depart from the yard • At this ceremony the position of all the elements Dalihan Na Tolu different from their position whwn ceremony in door • Suhut lined up from right to left (most of the youngest), and behind them stood parumaen • Suhut standing right in front of the funeral home. • Daughter standing along with the other boru
Hamatean: Maralaman (Out door) • All of them wore ulos that carried on the shoulders. The coffin is placed on the right funeral home. • Pargonsi getting ready with their respective instruments. • After all Dalihan Na Tolu and Pargonsi place, then the board to reopen the church ceremony with singing, then reading the word of God. (sis:4:48) • Then dancing/manortor Margondanglike in door ceremony. • Until last closed prayer and sayHORAS 'long live' 3 times. (SIS:4:11:48)
Discussion • Nurse must looks at human being as a whole and unique throughout the life cycle. • Nurse are expected to respect the rights and privacy of each client in order to provide holistic care to clients. • Dying and death are part of a human basic need that should be obtained holistically. • Nurse facilitates the client to be able to die with dignity. • Nurse needs to understand, and learn the customs and cultures in which it is located or work to prevent misunderstanding about led to care
Conclusion • Manulangi and Saur matua ceremony are also manifested as a tribute to the parents • In the hope that parents can bless their offspring survival. • This suggests that there is still the relationship between people living with relatives who have died. • This process facilitates the client to be able to die with dignity in BATAK TOBA TRIBE Acknowledgement All of informants
References Gens G. Malau. 2000. Aneka RagamIlmuPengetahuanBudaya Batak. Jakarta: YayasanBinaBudaya Nusantara. Hlm. 120. J.C. Vergouwen. 2004. MasyarakatdanHukumAdat Batak Toba. Yogyakarta: LKIS. Hlm. 103, 112, 113 Punguansinurat, tahap-tahapan-upacara-saur-matua http://pungsin.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/tahap-tahapan-upacara-saur-matua/ download, 2 January 2012 BulmanHarianja sari-matua-saur-matua-mauli-bulung-di-tengah-masyarakat-batakhttp://rapolo.wordpress.com/2007/12/20/sari-matua-saur-matua-mauli-bulung-di-tengah-masyarakat-batak/ download, 3 Pebruari 2012 StudiDeskriptif Gondang Sabangunan DalamUpacaraKematianSaurmatuaPadaMasyarakat Batak Toba Di Kota Medan Authors: Sianipar, Ivan R.H. Advisors: Purba, SetiaDermawanDeliana, Frida Issue Date: 21-Sep-2011 http://repository.usu.ac.id/handle/123456789/29021 Appears in Collections:SP - Ethnomusicology