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Stephen Berrick, Greg Leptoukh, Chris Lynnes. (NASA/GES DISC DAAC). GES DISC Interoperable Services for Atmospheric Data. GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov.
Stephen Berrick, Greg Leptoukh, Chris Lynnes (NASA/GES DISC DAAC) GES DISC Interoperable Services for Atmospheric Data GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov 2007 Summer ESIP Federation Meeting, July 17–20, 2007, Madison, Wisconsin The Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) archives numerous data products from various sensors in different formats and data structures and having multiple temporal and spatial resolutions. An ongoing challenge is providing users with the means to extract maximum knowledge content from these often disparate data sets in a way that is most useful to the user. To answer this challenge, the GES DISC is exploiting open and standard protocols such as the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS), OPeNDAP (“Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol”), and standard Web Services including SciFlo. With the meteoric popularity of Google Earth, we are also supporting the KML format for some of our datasets such as TRMM with A-Train data and more on the way. Giovanni, our online tool for rapid data visualizations and analyses, supports many of these protocols. Giovanni OPeNDAP Giovanni (http://giovanni.gsfc.nasa.gov) provides users with visualization and analysis services on many datasets from multiple sensors. Giovanni supports OPeNDAP, WMS, standard Web Services (including SciFlo), and standard FTP. In the near future, it will also support WCS and output in KML for Google Earth users. Support for data lineage is also an active area of development in Giovanni. Data Inputs Almost all GES DISC data is available via OPeNDAP implemented using Hyrax (Server 4). OPeNDAP client support is available in GrADS, LAS, Ferret, SciFlo, and others. MLS Aura OMI Aura Giovanni Instances A B C A-Train MODIS Aqua B Aqua AIRS A Terra MODIS C E C F Aqua MODIS D SeaWiFS F E D TRMM UARS HALOE EP Nimbus TOMS DataFed The NASA HDF-EOS Web GIS Software Suite (NWGISS) makes HDF-EOS data available to GIS users based on OGC interoperability Protocols including WCS. The GES DISC is currently supplying DataFed with several OMI datasets using this method. WMS WCS KML Web Services WCS (NetCDF, CF-1) Giovanni OPeNDAP Data Mining Web Services Hyrax NWGISS Mining Web Services is a joint project with the University of Alabama - Huntsville to apply their many data mining algorithms in ADAM to data at the GES DISC under a Web Services framework. GES DISC Archive Mining Web Services WMS NASA World Wind Map Server Web Services NASA World Wind already has a list of OGC WMS that contain many TRMM rain and precipitation layers that can be displayed. Mirador Other KML Web Services FTP Mirador Search Services Google Earth FTP Mirador is our fast and simple Google-based search tool for data and (soon) services. The service is soon to be made available as a standard Web Service. The GES DISC supports users of Google Earth by providing some of our datasets in the KML format which users can immediately apply as overlays. This one shows an example of an A-Train “curtain” plot for CloudSat data. FTP Almost all GES DISC data are available for download via standard FTP and very soon this will apply to all data.