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Paola de la concha escobar

Nadia solis ocaña. Paola de la concha escobar. Brenda esquivel juarez. Brandon osorio mendoza. ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENTS. We will explain : How biosphere is organized . What Earth’s biomes are. How biomes are different.

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Paola de la concha escobar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nadia solisocaña Paola de la concha escobar Brenda esquiveljuarez Brandon osoriomendoza

  2. ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENTS • Wewillexplain: • Howbiosphereisorganized. • WhatEarth’sbiomes are. • Howbiomes are different

  3. A biomeis a largegroup of ecosystemswith similar climatesororganisms. TUNDRA DeciduousForest SAVANNA TAIGA CHAPARRAL RAINFOREST GRASSLANDS DESERT ALPINE DESERT-SCRUB

  4. DESERTS • Deserts are dry, butnotalldeserts are hot. In hotdeserts, daytimetemperatures can be as high as 38° C.

  5. Itcoversthelargestarea of any • type of biomeonEarth. • A fewdeciduoustrees and small • shrubsalsogrowhere. • Squirrels, birds, and insectslive • here; alsodeer, wolves, grizzly • bears and hawks. Taiga

  6. Tundra • It’sfound at thefarnorthern • parts of Earth. • It’scold and dry. • Temperatures are as low as -40° C. • Caribou, polar bears are among • thecommonanimals.

  7. grasslands • Grasslandsgetabout 60 cm of • precipitation a year. • Thesummers are hot and winters are cold. • Rhinoceros, giraffes, bison, zebras are some of thelargest • animalsongrasslands.

  8. Forest and rainforest • They are foundneartheequator. • They are warm and rainyallyearwith • temperaturesbetween 20° C and 25° C

  9. OPEN SEA • Welearnttheoceanisdividedintodifferentfloors: • LIGHT ZONE - is at the top of theoceanwater. • Temperaturerange of 18° C and -2° C. • DARK ZONE - isbelowthe light zone. Temperaturerange • -2° C. • TRENCHES - are thedeepestpart of theocean. • ISLANDS - riseabovetheoceanwater. • CORAL REEFS - are nearthe shore.

  10. Welearntthatanimalslive in environmentsaccordingtotheircharacteristics. • Wealsolearntthedifferentcharacteristics of eachenvironment. • Themostimportantthingwelearntisthatworking in teamisverydifficult.

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