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11/18/2013 Graded Discussion. You will be able to: Demonstrate your understanding of the connection between our short stories and poems Partake in a collaborative graded discussion Homework: Consider which short stories you are most comfortable with…what about the poems?. Your job for today.
11/18/2013Graded Discussion You will be able to: • Demonstrate your understanding of the connection between our short stories and poems • Partake in a collaborative graded discussion Homework: Consider which short stories you are most comfortable with…what about the poems?
Your job for today 1.) Move the desks… You need your notes section too 2.) Expectations for the day/ speaking once, twice… 3.) Questions? Grading Scale: You all start with a 7/10 You have the chance to obtain an 8, 9, or 10… What that sounds like…
11/19/2013Short Story Test Corrections You will be able to: Collaborate with peers to discuss short story test questions, and determine reasoning for the correct answers Homework: Let’s chat…
11/20/2013Short Story Test Corrections You will be able to: Collaborate with peers to discuss short story test questions, and determine reasoning for the correct answers Homework: Look over the paper proposals and consider which you want to write on…begin brainstorming ideas about the format, etc. We will discuss them more in depth tomorrow along with the options of how you may set up your paper – outlines will be due Friday and I will go over the assignment tomorrow!
Your Job For Today • You should have your test, a test packet, and your answer key in front of you • You have the option to work with your row partners, but do not have to if you prefer to work alone HERE IS THE ASSIGNMENT – BUT THIS IS NOT MANDATORY For each question that you got wrong, you must do the following: Type the question # and question a. Choice - correct because b. Choice – not correct because c. Choice – not correct because d. Choice – not correct because You must prove each why each choice is correct/incorrect Why is the right answer correct?
Your Job For Today • You will not be allowed to take the test packet with you. • In order to finish your corrections, you must come see me during your lunch/study hall/etc. • I will not accept the assignment unless it is typed • Due: Next Tuesday – November 26th Tonight: • Look over the essay prompts • Begin brainstorming ideas…why?
Preparing an Essay Because writing is cool.
11/21/2013 Today’s Targets You will be able to: Understand the proper construction and format of a compare/contrast essay Homework: Please bring in your outline tomorrow with your thesis and topic sentences included – typed!!!
Outline • The purpose of an outline is to organize your thoughts. • You should tailor your outline to the type of essay your are preparing. • Just remember these simple rules: I. Roman numerals indicate topics (topic sentences) A. Letters indicate examples (quotes) 1. Numbers indicate further info about examples (analysis)
Sample Outline –Working thesis: In “The Most Dangerous Game” the mood of suspense is shown through the tropical night, Zaroff’s chateau, and the fight in the bedroom. II. Suspense shown through Zaroff’s chateau A. Darkness surrounding house 1. archetype of darkness pointing to death and evil 2. resembles Dracula’s castle B. House is like a fortress 1. prison references like spiked iron gate2. fortified with cliffs, personified sea
Sample Outline –Working thesis: For Your Short Story Outline –Working thesis: Must include two characters and the aspects you plan to focus on to prove who is more villainous I. Introduction II. Topic Sentence A. Quote 1. analysis 2. III. Topic Sentence
Bubbles work, too! working thesis
Assignment • Create an outline using the format discussed. This must be typed! • Provide your topic sentence. • This outline is organic: it may change as you begin to write the paper. • This is an initial exercise to organize your thoughts.
Funnel Introduction • Purpose • Attract audience to writing • Clarify main idea of your essay • Present author and work discussed • Clarify presentation of ideas • The introduction consists of four “funneled” parts: generalization, introduction to author and work, background information, and thesis statement.
Generalization • Address subject of prompt and main idea (main idea is generated from prompt) • Mention concepts you intend to explore in your essay in general – not vague – terms (i.e. Are you exploring price and its devastating effects? Are you addressing how one event can change a person’s perspective?
Continued • Do not reference the entirety of history (i.e. Throughout history . . .) • Do not reference literature, authors, or literary devices in general terms (i.e. Authors use symbolism to . . . In literature the main character . . . ) • Usually 2-4 sentences
Introduction to A and W • Directly connect to generalization • Present characters, events, or necessary setting • Don’t simply repeat information from generalization – add to it. • Remember the funnel – general to specific. • 1 sentence
Background Information • Needed information from work (s) to smoothly move into thesis • This is not a space for unnecessary character traits or plot summary • This is not the space for specific examples from the work (s). • Usually 1-2 sentences
Thesis Statement • Must contain the main idea of your essay • This should be a specified main idea from what you discussed in your introduction. • If discussing theme, the theme should remain universal and not work specific. • Must establish your “plan of attack” – what are the topics you will prove your main idea with?
Inverse Funnel Conclusion • Purpose • Remind audience of what you set out to prove • Give insight on the topic referencing points made throughout essay. • Leave audience with something to think about without literally asking a question. • The conclusion consists of three parts: loose rewording of thesis without topics, review and insight, final comment on topic.
11/22/2013 Today’s Targets You will be able to: • Begin constructing your introduction paragraph utilizing the funnel intro. format Homework: Complete your introduction paragraph over the weekend – body paragraph one due Tuesday – at the end of class, typed, and handed in to me!
Your job for today • I will come around and take a look at your outlines – if any revisions need to be made, I will let you know • Please begin writing your funnel introduction – if you have any questions please wait until I have made my way around the room to you • You must complete your funnel introduction for Monday: remember • 1. generalization • 2. Introduction to authors and works • 3.Background – do not summarize! • 4. Thesis statement • Monday we will be in this same room working on your first body paragraph – due TUESDAY!