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Recommendation and Action. Big three points. GCI evolution New Earth Observations engagement Satellite Citizen sensing New processing and application from private sector (e.g., cloud) Science Communication Visialization ( e.g , d-city)
Big three points • GCI evolution • New Earth Observations engagement • Satellite • Citizen sensing • New processing and application from private sector (e.g., cloud) • Science Communication • Visialization (e.g, d-city) • More engagement of communication by mobile technology
Session 2 three points • 1. Relation between Private sectors and GCI • We had some discussion during the session, but definitely more will beneeded. • 2. Regarding the existing (already GCI-connected) resources, we need to review if the current interface/frame work are appropriate/suitable. If not, we need to consider the suitable ones. • For example, SSO, raised by NASA, is one of the things need to beconsideredto improve the current interface/framework. There are so many resources available and are already connected to GCI • 3. Regarding the new/emerging resources, are there suitable • interface/frame work available? • If not , we need to consider the new ones. • Science Cloud can be one example for this.
Session 3 three topics • In GEOSS From Discovery to Access. Industry: From access to use by wide audience. Focus on bringing processing and data together to deliver analysis, information products and access via multiple platforms including mobile. Serves multi-disciplinary teams in industry as well as science. • Open data allows innovation and new products in industry and society • Sensors and smart applications, cities, grids, transport the new application areas that need to build on shared platform of common data (applies to single company industry, nations, global). • Social sensing the new key source of data, perception, engagement, and relevance of GEOSS. Implications: focus on mobile apps, network infrastructure, handling unstructured real time data, privacy, security, trust. • More data, more processing, and more integrated multi-disciplinary models can provide breakthrough in science. Interoperability of clouds important and being addressed. How to broker the clouds into GCI? Modular approach? • Better science is crucial but even more crucial is better ways of communicating the science and engaging the audiences. To communicate you need to slice and dice the whole into digestible chunks. What lessons for GEOSS?
Doug’s note • Discoverable versus Accessible remains a key issue. • CEOS Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) database • Land Surface Imaging (LSI) constellation is a good resource • Ocean Surface Topography • Precipitation Constellation • Ocean Color • Ocean surface vector wind • Sea Surface Temp • Have Data Portals for each - are the metadata posted in IDN? Are the data accessible? • NASA: • NASA has 6000 collections, 100 million data granules - all in IDN • Need to use APIs in order to connect to ECHO. • Global Imagery Browse Service - stitches together integrated imagery • Copernicus • Geoscience Australia - data cube implementation • Space-time data cube - supports multi-temporal implementation • Provide a python API to allow access and algorithms • Belmont Forum - consortium of funding (Maria Uhle - muhle@nsf.gov) • Interaction of natural and social sciences • Global change research under new "Future Earth" program • Will host a meeting with AZGS for the US activities • Create a Knowledge Hub to engage 150 intl individuals in Assembly
Doug note 2 • Earth Engine • Added GIS functionality for buffer around points and a scripting interface • Produced cloud-free seamless mosaic, globally, using Landsat 7 • GEOSS Broker could access the GE catalog broker and access data? • 5 million processing hours, 66000 CPUs to compute and load… • ESRI • ArcGIS imagery is available free-of-charge • World imagery, Landsat, and elevation • Exposed through standard view interfaces • Citizen Science • COOPEUS - Citizen sensing can be an input to GEOSS • CloudEO plans to offer data hosting and computational hosting - but what about interchange of information? • CloudSigma is a public cloud provider - based on Helix Nebula and BlueBox • Data-as-a-Service could provide a standard API… • Cost-motivation - free hosting, but makes profit on computation • Cost-based outcomes: 10 processors for a week more expensive than 1000 processors for one hour. • Example: real-time soil moisture data plus local population plus WHO monitoring centers to deliver a malaria warning system. • Concept of Web Coverage Tiling Service - scale-appropriate computational pyramids • Discussion: • Community Portals should be promoted with a minimum interoperability framework. • Promote the access to applications from communities that support decision-making. • Duplication of resources in the catalogs - a potential issue resolved by identifiers • Inter-cloud brokering of compute and hosting for EO related processing! • Push for citations of datasets. • Recommend use of DOIs in data citations. Zenodo.org - upload of data/pubs • Esri promotes the use of AGOL "Living Planet" as a place to load all GEOSS assets.
George’s note • * Address Diversity of GEOSS USERS • * Community Portals • * D_City Diagram offered as a structure for GEOSS - Market Domains Partitioning • * Publish Science data - Long Tail • * Agencies Data Management Plans requiring • * DOIs and how to archive • * New Sources of Data • * Landsat • * ServingcommerciallyhosteddatathroughGCI • * New paradigm: Processing - Algorithms • * New paradigmreadyformovingtoproduction in GEOSS • * NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) • * GeoscienceAustralia Data Cube • * 3 legstoextendingtocommercialproviders • * technicalissolved • * Authentication andIdentifyManagement • * business: creditmodel, etc. needtobecreative • * digital rightsmanagement • * Registered clouds • * ESRU 2 millions GIS users link toGEOSS • * Interested in Pilot: Esri, • * Processing - Model Web • * Future paradigmfor Integrated Environmental Modeling • * Model Web visionshouldbeadvancedwith a short-term plan • * User management: authenticationandidentity manage net • * Single Sign on • * Federated Identity Management • * Crowdsourcingwith Sensor Web quality • * Several Initiatives from FP7 • * Addressqualityofdata, e.g., publicsources such asXively.