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The A merican Revolution

The A merican Revolution. The Road to War. Important Vocabulary. Blockade- to use warships to prevent other ships from entering or leaving a harbor Earthworks- a wall made of dirt or stone used for protection during a battle Intolerable- unacceptable; unbearable; so bad you can’t stand it

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The A merican Revolution

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  1. The American Revolution The Road to War

  2. Important Vocabulary • Blockade- to use warships to prevent other ships from entering or leaving a harbor • Earthworks- a wall made of dirt or stone used for protection during a battle • Intolerable- unacceptable; unbearable; so bad you can’t stand it • Mercenary- a soldier who fights in a war for a foreign nation in return for money • Minutemen- Patriot soldiers who could be ready to fight in a minute’s notice • Monopoly- the complete control of product or service • Olive branch- an ancient symbol of peace • Petition- a signed request made to an official person or organization • Quarter- to provide or pay for housing at no cost to another person

  3. The Trouble with Tea • In 1770, Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts EXCEPT for the tea tax. • Parliament then gave a tea monopoly to the East India Company • East India Company was Britain’s chief tea producer • Britain allowed East India Company to charge less for their tea than any of the colonial tea merchants • This was BAD news for the colonists because all of their customers bought from the East India Company and they were put out of business • This caused some colonists to boycott tea

  4. Boycott Tea, Patriots! • In Pennsylvania, colonists didn’t allow British ships carrying tea to enter their ports • In Massachusetts, colonists didn’t want tea ships to dock either • Governor Thomas Hutchinson allowed them to

  5. The Sons of Liberty • A group of Patriots who wanted the colonies to be free from England and King George III • Included: • John Adams • Samuel Adams • John Hancock • Benedict Arnold • Paul Revere • Joseph Warren • Patrick Henry

  6. The Sons of Liberty have a Plan! • Like the Patriots who gathered in the Stamp Act Congress, the Patriots know they must ACT against the tea tax and monopoly inflicted on them by the British • During one of their secret meetings, they decide to make a statement to the British Parliament • This is not a written declaration like John Dickinson suggested at the Stamp Act Congress • This was more violent and much more famous!

  7. The Boston Tea Party • The night of December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party happened • The Sons of Liberty planned to get rid of the British tea • They hired local Patriot men, in a lower social and economic standing than them to • Dress up as Mohawk Indians • Board a British tea ship • Break open 342 chests of tea • Dump the tea into the harbor

  8. Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts • British Parliament was furious over the Patriot’s actions • They imposed the Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, a new series of laws punishing the colonists • The colonists called them intolerable because they were so bad the colonists couldn’t stand it!

  9. Boston Port Bill • Passed in 1774 • Closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the destroyed tea (it was worth approximately $1 million in today’s money) • The British navy blockaded the harbor with their warships to keep any ships from entering or leaving

  10. Massachusetts Government Act • Passed in 1774 • Banned the Massachusetts government from making laws • Banned town meetings not approved or authorized by the governor

  11. Quartering Act • Required the colonists to quarter the British soldiers • This meant they had to: • Feed • Provide shelter

  12. Colonists are sick and tired of the British! • The colonists hate the Intolerable Acts • They are starting to get worried that the British will do anything (and everything) to get them to obey • The colonists know they need a plan for how to respond to the British • So, they meet again

  13. First Continental Congress • September 1774 at Philadelphia’s Carpenters’ Hall • 56 delegates had different ideas: • Some wanted to break away from Britain • Some wanted to find a way to get along better with Britain • Some wanted to make a compromise between these ideas • Congress agreed to compromise • They wrote a petition of their rights • Said that only the colonial government could make laws on taxes that the colonists would pay • Gave Parliament a deadline of May 10, 1775 to respond or the colonists would meet again • They agreed to stop trade with Britain in the meantime • Patrick Henry suggested everyone prepare for war and said: “I know not what course others may take: but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

  14. Lexington and Concord • In Massachusetts, colonists formed special militia units made of soldiers called “Minutemen” • In April 1775, General Thomas Gage (British general) heard: • That Samuel Adams and John Hancock (Sons of Liberty Patriots) were meeting in the village of Lexington • That the Minutemen were hiding weapons in Concord • Gage ordered 700 soldiers to: • Go to Lexington and Concord • Arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock • Find the weapons and take them

  15. Paul Revere (Patriot) heard the news and rode to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams • Paul Revere made the trip with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott • They got to Concord, warned John Hancock and Samuel Adams and the Minutemen • When the British got to Lexington on April 19, 1775, they were ready and waiting for the British soldiers • Minutemen shot at the British and they fought back • 8 Minutemen were killed and several others were wounded • The British soldiers moved on to Concord to find the weapons they heard were stored there • The weapons had been moved • When the British soldiers were marching back to Boston, the Minutemen fired at them and killed 73 and wounded 174 • Only 93 Minutemen were killed or wounded • The Minutemen won this battle

  16. “The Shot Heard Around the World” • The fighting at Lexington and Concord was the first battle in the American Revolutionary War

  17. The Second Continental Congress • May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia • There were representatives from every colony except Georgia • Again, the representatives have different ideas about how to proceed • Some want to declare war with Britain • Some want to make peace • Congress decided by June to start preparing for war

  18. Continental Army • Congress decided the colonies needed a Continental Army of full-time, regular soldiers AND part-time militia from each colony • Congress asked George Washington to lead the Continental Army • Each colony was asked to contribute money to pay for guns, bullets, food and uniforms • Congress printed their own paper money (called continentals) and used this to pay the soldiers

  19. Battle of Bunker Hill • Near Boston • June 17,1775 • Colonists built earthworks near Boston to defend themselves against a battle with the British soldiers • The British soldiers were only safe in Boston and could only leave by sea • Colonists began to build earthworks on Breed’s Hill (across the Charles River from Boston) • General Thomas Gage (British) ordered his soldiers to open fire on the colonists • Gage sent General William Howe (British) with 2,400 soldiers to capture Breed’s Hill

  20. British and colonists fought at Breed’s Hill • Colonists drove the British down the hill twice before running out of gun powder • British won the battle, but more than 1,000 of the 2,400 soldiers were killed or wounded • Only about 350 colonists were killed or wounded • Colonists were proud of what they had done, even though they lost • British learned that it wouldn’t be so easy to beat the colonists • The Battle of Bunker Hill actually happened at Breed’s Hill (it was misnamed!)

  21. Olive Branch Petition vs. Proclamation of Rebellion • July 5, 1775 • Second Continental Congress met again and sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III • They wanted a peaceful ending to the fighting • King George III responded with the Proclamation of Rebellion • Promised to use every measure to crush the rebellion and bring the traitors to justice • The two documents crossed paths on their way and each was written before the other one had been read

  22. The Armies Got Stronger • King George III hired German mercenaries to enlarge his army • Most of the Germans were Hessians (from the Hesse region of Germany) • Professional soldiers who fought for other countries in return for money • Also enlisted the help of the Native Americans and took advantage of their anger towards to the colonists • Second Continental Congress created a Navy and reached out to some Native American tribes as well • The colonists started to see themselves as Americans, and not just colonists

  23. What happens now???

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