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“The Bet”

“The Bet”. By Anton Chekov A short story. Plot 101. A plot is…the story line. Plot diagrams contain SIX essential elements:. Literary Terms . Setting : time AND place. Conflict : what is the central problem, issue or challenge? Man v. Nature Man v. Man Man v. Self Man v. Society .

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“The Bet”

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  1. “The Bet” By Anton Chekov A short story

  2. Plot 101 • A plot is…the story line. • Plot diagrams contain SIX essential elements:

  3. Literary Terms • Setting: time AND place. • Conflict: what is the central problem, issue or challenge? • Man v. Nature • Man v. Man • Man v. Self • Man v. Society

  4. Literary Terms: Theme • Theme: “What is the moral of the story?” • Example: The Lord of the Flies by Sir William Golding • Without the rule of law, humanity descends into chaos.

  5. Characters Characters: the main people, animals or objects in a story. • -Protagonist v. Antagonist= For v. Against • -Example: Harry Potter v. Voldemort • -

  6. Characters • Round v. Flat= well-developed character v. “side kick” • Example: Batman v. Robin • Dynamic v. Static=character that grows/changes v. character that stays the same. • Example: Romeo v. Tybalt

  7. Literary Terms • Symbolism: representing ideas, objects or actions with symbols • Example: “The Dark Side” is a symbol for what? • In Lord of the Flies, the conch symbolizes order and power.

  8. Literary Terms • Irony:an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected. • Example: In the climax of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo rushes to the Capulet tomb, believing Juliet is dead, so kills himself. However, she is only asleep. • Juliet awakens inside the Capulet tomb, believing Romeo will take her away. Instead, she finds him dead, and kills herself.

  9. Vocabulary Words • Zealously (adverb): with great enthusiasm • The sprintertrained zealously to qualify for the 2012 Olympics. 2. Philosophy (noun/idea): study of important ideas • Eastern philosophy teaches the ideal of non-violence. 3. Fretfully (adverb): with worry and anxious feelings • Jeremy’s parents paced fretfully as they waited to hear about the car accident. 4. Haphazardly (adverb): randomly, unplanned • Many teens study haphazardly without relying on a plan.

  10. Vocabulary Words 5. Volition (noun/idea): a choice or decision • I will clean my room by my own volition and not because you told me to do it! 6. Incarceration (noun/idea): imprisonment • Incarceration is the consequence of poor decisions. 7. Despise (verb): to hate most strongly • Many people despise the practices of the so-called Westboro Baptist Church. 8. Theology (noun/idea)” study of religions • Sarah’s study of theology includes Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

  11. Works Cited • Chekhov, Anton. "The Bet." Literature Green Level. Ed. Karen McCollum. Green Level ed. Upper Saddle River: Globe Fearon, 2001. 5-9. Print. Literature. • "dictionary.reference.com." http://dictionary.com. Dictionary.com LLC, Winter 2011. Web. 16 Aug. 2011. • www.Google.com/images

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