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UHL2332 Academic Report Writing Dr Nik Aloesnita Nik Mohd Alwi. Title : Transportation problems among UMP students. Prepared by: Muhammad Safie bin Mahadi SA10082 Didi Safina bt Abdul Rahim SA10053 Nur Adila Fatin bt Mohd Khir SA10073.
UHL2332 Academic Report Writing Dr NikAloesnitaNikMohdAlwi Title : Transportation problems among UMP students Prepared by: Muhammad Safie bin Mahadi SA10082 DidiSafinabt Abdul Rahim SA10053 NurAdilaFatinbtMohdKhir SA10073
Background of study: • Due to far distance from students residents to lecture buildings and other facilities around the campus. • Hectic daily schedule attending class • Unpredictable weather conditions
Problem statement:Universiti Malaysia Pahang is well known for its facilities provided for the students. Compared to other public university like UITM Shah Alam, there are eight colleges in the main campus although there are 78,260 students in the college. The other colleges are outside the main campus but still, not all the students are available for the campus. Meanwhile, UMP provides hostel for most of the students from the first year to the final year students. However, two of the residence complexes are situated far from the academic buildings and other facilities around the campus. This issue will lead to transportation problems among the UMP students who did not own any transport. Besides,sinceUMP do not provide covered pedestrian walk ,students intend to come late to class especially during rainy days. Therefore, undergraduates of Universiti Malaysia Pahang tend to face difficulties in attending class and reaching other facilities around the campus due to the transportation problems.
Objectives of study: • to identify the transportation problems faced by UMP students. • to investigate if students should own a transport in UMP. Research questions: • what are the transportation problems that is • faced by UMP students? • should students own a transport in UMP?
Significance of study: • Helps students whom facing transportation problem. • Stress the recurrent factors which influence transportation problem among students. Scope of study: • transportation problem among undergraduates of UMP • respondents are 40 students of UMP
Methodology: • Respondance: 40 UMP students, around 18-24 years old. The respondentswere randomly selected from varies faculties and courses and grouped according to their years of study .
Data collection: Questionnaire The respondents have to answer few question which is divided in 2 parts; 8 question in parts A and another 8 question in part B while the rest are general questions.Theresult of the questionnaire will be analysedat week 7. Interviewed This session were conducted by interviewing 4 students which comes from different year of study. The questions consist of 5 questions. Data analysis By referring to the data collection that have been analysed from the questionnaire and surveys, we can conclude the result of the report.
Questionnaire • Gender : Male / Female Age: • Faculty: Year of study: • Please answer the following questions: • Do you own any transport in UMP?(Yes/No).(Car,Motorcycle,Bicycle,State others: ) • if Yes, answer the questions in Part A. If No, answer the question in Part B. • Part A • 1.Do you have any transportation problem in UMP? (Yes /No) • 2.When do you start using own transport in UMP? (state year of study) ( ) • 3.Do you have any problems by owning a transport in UMP? (Yes/No)
4.If yes, state the problems? (Parking / Traffic/ Mantainance/ State others: ) 5.How much do you spent on your fuel, mantainanceetc, per month? ( <RM50 , RM50-RM100, RM100-RM200 , > RM200) 6. How often do you go out (for non-academic purposes)? (everyday , once in a week, once in a month, never go out) 7. By owning a transport in UMP, your academic result (better/ worser/ maintained) 8. In your opinion, by owning a transport, does it help to overcome the transportation problem in UMP? (Yes , No ) . Why?
Part B 1.Do you have any transportation problem in UMP? (Yes / No) 2.Do you have any problems by not having a transport in UMP? (Yes/ No ) If yes, state the problems? (you may tick more than one) ( ) far distance from students residents to lecture buildings and other facilities around the campus. ( ) hectic daily schedule attending class. ( ) punctuality in attending class State others: ( ) 3.How often did you come late to class? ( every class, once in a day, once in a week, never) During rainy days, you prefer to.... a) Wait until the rain stop b) Go immediately c) Skip the class
5.Have you ever rent a car in UMP? ( yes, no) If yes , how much do you spent per month? a)<RM100 b) RM100-RM200 c)>RM200 6.By not having a transport in UMP, your academic result (better/worser/maintained) 7.In your opinion, by not owning any transport in UMP, do you face any troublesor difficulties? (Yes , No) In your opinion, should a college student own a car? What can UMP do to deal with the transportation problems in UMP? The best transport that suits you in UMP?
References Moriarty,J.A,R.Patton and W.Volk,”The I System: A campus and community Bus System for the University of Illinois of Champaign-Urbana,”Transpotation,Research Record 1297,Transportation Research Board,National Research Council,Washington,D.C,1991,pp.125-135 Bourne,R.T and P.Schauer,”Case Study in Land use and Parking Regulations in support of Campus Transit Services Development of CY-RIDE in Anes,Iowa,”Transportation Research Record 1266,Transportation Research Board,National Research Council,Washington,-D.C,1990,pp.181-186 Miller ,J.H., Campus Transportation System Inventory, Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center, the Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, University Park , Pa., Jan 1992 Milwaukee Country Transit System , “UPASS Program” (Online) , Available: http://www.ridemets.com/u-pass/index.asp
The End…. Thank you .