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제 2 차 이사회. 2012. 8. 21 오후 3 시 30 분 현대 경주호텔 다이너스티홀. 보고 및 논의 사항. 2012-2013 년도 지출안 및 수입안 ( 최종 ) p3. 붙임 1: 장기발전 워크샵 지출정리 p17. 차차기 회장선거 공천위원 추천 p8. 붙임 2: 차기회장 선거관리규정 p18. 중국마케팅학회 참석결과 보고 p10. 올해의 CEO 대상 p15. 2012-2013 년도 지출 및 수입예산 ( 최종 ). 현금 인수인계 현황. 지출안. 지출안. 수입안.
제 2차 이사회 2012. 8. 21 오후 3시 30분 현대 경주호텔 다이너스티홀
보고 및 논의 사항 • 2012-2013년도 지출안 및 수입안(최종) p3. • 붙임1: 장기발전 워크샵 지출정리 p17. • 차차기 회장선거 공천위원 추천 p8. • 붙임2: 차기회장 선거관리규정 p18. • 중국마케팅학회 참석결과 보고 p10. • 올해의 CEO 대상 p15.
차차기 회장선거 공천위원 추천 • 선거관리위원장 선출 - 선거관리 위원장은 『차기회장 선거관리 규정』 제4조에 의해 이사회에서 지명 • 선거관리 위원은 『차기회장 선거관리 규정』 제5조에 의거 선거관리위원장이 추천하고, 학회장이 위촉 • 공천위원회 구성 - 공천위원회는 『차기회장 선거관리 규정』 제2조에 의거 현회장, 차기회장, 전임회장 그리고 이사회에서 추천된 12명을 포함 총 15명으로 구성 • 이사회에서 추천된 공천위원 12명 중 6명은 매년 개선하며 연임 가능 • 당연직 유창조(동국대), 정형식(조선대), 이두희(고려대) • 기존 공천위원 (잔여임기 1년) 김영찬(연세대), 박종철(조선대), 박진용(건국대), 이종호(고려대), 임병훈(인하대), 최원일(동서대) (임기완료 위원) 김상훈(서울대), 박성연(이화여대), 서문식(부산대), 이석규(성균관대), 이성호(서울시립대), 이영선(충남대) • 신임 공천위원 (전례: 전회장, 현회장, 차기회장이2명씩 추천) * 붙임 2: 차기회장 선거관리규정 p18.
Summary of Meetings in Dalien • Date/Place: Aug. 10, Dalien in China • Participants: • Prof. Ping ZHAO, Chair of Marketing Department, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, (Founding Editor of Journal of Marketing Science, China) • Prof. Guoqun FU, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Editor, Journal of Marketing Science, China • Prof. Lu, Marketing Association of Chinese University • Professor KyoichiIkeo, Keio University (President of Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, Japan) • ChangjoYoo, Dongkuk University (Dean of Korea Marketing Association, Korea) • Jaihak Chung, Sogang University (Korea)
Summary of Meetings in Dalien • Date/Place: Aug. 10, Dalien in China • Participants: • Prof. Ping ZHAO, Chair of Marketing Department, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, (Founding Editor of Journal of Marketing Science, China) • Prof. Guoqun FU, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Editor, Journal of Marketing Science, China • Prof. Lu, Marketing Association of Chinese University • Professor KyoichiIkeo, Keio University (President of Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, Japan) • ChangjoYoo, Dongkuk University (Dean of Korea Marketing Association, Korea) • Jaihak Chung, Sogang University (Korea)
Summary of Meetings in Dalien • Agreements • Three Marketing Associations in China, Japan, and Korea, (alphabetically ordered) have decided to organize International joint conferences annually from 2014 in Dalien during 2012 Marketing Conference held by The Council of Chinese Academy of Marketing Science. Below is what these three associations have agreed with regarding how to organize the first International Joint Conference sponsored. • Date: 2014 March 7~8 (subject to change) • Venue: Seoul, Korea • Hosting Association: Korea Marketing Association (2014 conference) • The conference in 2015 and 2016 will be held in Japan by Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution and in China by Council of Chinese Academy of Marketing Science, respectively. • Conference Theme: Consumption Trends in Asian Markets • Registration fee: $400 (USD) for scholars and industry managers $200 (USD) for doctoral students
Summary of Meetings in Dalien • Time Schedule for what to do by 2013 • Co-chairs: To assign there Co-chairs for the conference by October 31, 2012. (email: jaihak@sogang.ac.kr) • A primitive draft about the whole plans for the conference will be proposed by KMA and sent to the three co-chairs, and each one can suggest idea to modify the draft in one month (by the end of November). • Finalizing the whole plan for Joint International Conference 2014. • All three co-chairs on behalf of the corresponding associations attend the KMA international spring conference on March 8-9 in Seoul. • All the trip expenses including accommodations, registration fee, and meals for the co-chairs will be provided by the hosting association (KMA) during the conference. • A meeting for three co-chairs will be arranged during the conference. The main agenda for this meeting is to finalize the whole plan for JIC 2014 and policies for how to manage the conference and how to collaborate with each other for research works. • The conclusions drawn from this meeting will be shared in a word format documentation, which can be modified by any association in the future. • All invited co-chairs are expected to attend the conference session mediated in English as presenters.
올해의 CEO 대상 • 선정위원회 • 유창조(회장), 정형식(차기회장), 한상만(편집위원장), 김상용(편집위원장), 전승우(총무이사) • CEO대상 안내사항 - 시상일자: 2012. 9. 21 (금) 오후 4시 • 장소: 플라자호텔(시청앞) 4층 Maple Room • 수상자: 강태선 블랙야크 회장 어윤대 국민지주 회장