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ERAU Weather Archive

ERAU Weather Archive. Status Update 6 October 2009. Server Status. Archive starts approx 13 Feb 2009 Archive 75% full Holds 12TB (storage capacity 16TB) Need to backfill some processed data RADAR Mosaics. Server Handoff. One server is due to be shipped to NASA When should this be done?

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ERAU Weather Archive

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ERAU Weather Archive Status Update 6 October 2009

  2. Server Status • Archive starts approx 13 Feb 2009 • Archive 75% full • Holds 12TB (storage capacity 16TB) • Need to backfill some processed data • RADAR Mosaics

  3. Server Handoff • One server is due to be shipped to NASA • When should this be done? • Server needs: • Database created • Web interface installed • These are installed on other server

  4. Server Handoff cont. • Handoff procedure • Point of contact • Passwords • Help with installation? • Shipping / Insurance • Transfer Sun Support contract

  5. Weather Database • Newly redesigned (Summer 2009) • Modular approach • Separates metadata from actual data files • Allows easy creation of new search parameters

  6. Metadata • Done • NCWD • GTG • CIP • Todo • Need to write readers for data • Need to fill in ASDI data

  7. Database Regions - Method • Country broken into small sqaures • Each square assigned an id • These squares are then mapped with regions • State (todo) • Country (todo) • Geographic region (todo) • ARTCC • Airport

  8. User Interface • Basic functionality in place • Allows search of • One parameter • One Region • One time

  9. User Interface cont. • Optimizing queries • Some queries take up to 20 sec • Add in AND / OR / NOT queries • Add additional search criteria • Priorities?

  10. User Interface cont. • Allow better paging of results • Remember selected image during paging • Animation • Step through high temporal data • Speed up viewing of RADAR mosaics

  11. User Interface cont. • Allow saving of queries • Back end in place • Need user management • Correlate users with queries • Users with groups

  12. User Interface cont. • Exporting data • Currently shows time +1 hour • Allow time stepping • Allow changing of time / window • Currently allows download of raw data • Add in packaging for running WRF • Other export options?

  13. User Interface Demo • http://wxnasa1.db.erau.edu/DatabaseSearch.html

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