Introduction • Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa strives to be the number one eco-hotel in the Mayan Riviera. Not only by highlighting its natural beauty, such as its many cenotes, mangroves and regional animals. But also through constant innovation and projects, emphasizing the conservation of the environment and the awareness-raising of the public.
1.- Exhibition of fauna in its natural habitat. The resort currently has the following species in exhibition: Domestic animals: • Donkeys (Equus asinus) • Peacocks (Pavo cristatus) Land and aquatic fauna of the jungle: • Scarlet macaws (Ara macao) • Blue-golden macaws (Ara ararauna) • White tailed deer (coming soon) • Agouti ((Dasyprocta Aguti) • Coatimundi (Nasua narica) • Raccoon (Procyon lotor) • Squirrels • Iguanas (Ctenosaura similes) • Fresh water turtles (Trachemys cripta) • Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritas) • Gray and white herons (Egretta caerulea) • Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) • Birds and much more.
2.- Mayan jungle The resort is located in a very rich and diverse area, representative of the Mayan jungle. The diversity of the regional flora allows the guests to get familiar with trees of multiple uses: • Woods (cedar, mahogany) • Curative trees • Mystic trees (“Ceiba (kapok tree)”, the holy tree of the Mayas - the “Chaka” and the “Chechen”, the tree of good and evil) Species on the verge of extinction: • The “Guano” palm tree • The “Chit” palm tree • The “Nacax” palm tree
3.-Natural habitats • Cenotes (Sinkholes with fresh water or salt water; natural water well typical of the region) • Mangroves (ecosystem formed by trees that tolerate salt) • Underground rivers • Wetland (zone of land with flooded surface) • Low jungle • Lagoon (vast area of salt water)
Ecological activities 1. Eco-tour. A guided tour along different locations on the property allows the guests to learn a bit more profoundly about the beauty of the natural surroundings. “Enjoy a beautiful walk and discover the marvelous natural areas of our Eco-Resort. Our guides will help you observe and appreciate the extraordinary details that the Mayan jungle holds like an authentic natural treasure. Fabulous cenotes, animals of exotic beauty and countless plants and trees of the region.”
Ecological activities 2. Ecological workshop in the Kid’s Club. Our activities are not only focused on entertaining the kids, they go beyond that, providing them with the basic knowledge to raise ecological awareness by friendly interaction with nature in small workshops, especially designed for them. “Focused on teaching our children to live in harmony with nature, to take care of the environment. And also in order to learn about the plants and animals of the region. We prepared several activities especially for children.”
Ecological activities 3. Romantic boat ride Enjoy a romantic and relaxing canoe ride through the natural waterways of our mangroves. You will enjoy getting a privileged view of the natural habitat that our resort offers its guests. (Reservation required).
1. Exploitation of new technologies Demo-unit. (1 building). In Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa we have built a living unit that uses new technologies to reduce our carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) by 75%.
2. Separate trash Project for separating and recycling trash. Besides, we don’t use plastic straws, paper napkins and plastic plates and cups! 3. Elaboration of compost Turning organic material into compost. There will be 1 big compost canister for internal use of the hotel. Another one will be for exhibition. The compost canisters are made out of recycled material.
Taking care of the animals • In Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa we take good care of the animals. We treat the specimens we have in exhibition with respect and we make sure that they are not unlawfully taken from their natural habitats. • A veterinary is working full time on the resort and takes care of the health and the wellbeing of the animals.She is also responsible for the interaction with the guests, providing them with information about the fauna and the flora of the region.
Other projects 1. Free flight aviary (coming soon). A unique opportunity to get close to different species of regional birds (herons, flamingos, parrots, etc.), surrounded by the beautiful natural settings of the resort. 2. Apiary. A place to observe one of the typical species of the region, the Mayan bee. This bee produces a kind of honey that is famous for its healing as well as its nutritious qualities. 3. Program for the protection of the sea turtles. Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa joins this good cause to contribute to the conservation of these age-old species.
Tour: the spawning of the sea turtle • Night tour*:the tour includesroundtrip transfer,entrance fee, snack*extra cost applies, subject to season