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VIPSI - 2009 Conference – Belgrade MILLE N NIUM SCIENTIFIC PARADIGM AND CLIMATE MILLE N NIUM INTERVENTION. Ph.D. Milan Ivanović University of Osijek Faculty of Electrical Engineering Osijek Croatia. E nergy as M easure of T echnological P rogress.
VIPSI - 2009 Conference – BelgradeMILLENNIUM SCIENTIFIC PARADIGMANDCLIMATE MILLENNIUM INTERVENTION Ph.D.Milan Ivanović University of Osijek Faculty of Electrical Engineering Osijek Croatia
Energyas Measure ofTechnologicalProgress Three types of hypothetical civilizationspostulated byNikolai Kardashev : Type I= A civilizationhaving controls the energy sources of their own planet (1.74 ×1017 W;174 petawatts) TypeII= controls the energy of their ownstar (3.86 x 1026) TypeIII= controlsof the energy of their owngalaxy (4 x 1037 W) Status of the Earth YearK scale 19000.58 19700.67 20000.71 20300.73 Carl Sagan Freeman Dyson We don't agree with Dyson's method - increase of 1 % energy usage per year - because his method is an extrapolation of past to the future. In science and technology there is no linear progress; we need to take the quantum leap into consideration.
Energy Crisis and Global Warming • The global temperature on theEarth • in last 80 year grows for 1,2 0C. Smelting of icy roofer on the North Pole since 1979 to 2007. IPCCPrognoses (2007) on the growth of global temperature to the end of 21st century. - Wide-ranging effects;higher sea-level and endangering the survival of many species: - Kyoto Protocol andthe ecological paradigm cannot remove this dangers. - New investigations (from 2008) dispute these prognoses and temperature will be rising more and faster. - Apart from that - according to Lori K. Fenton(NASA):temperatures on the Mars have risen 0,5 0 C in the last 30-year.
The ClimateMillenniumIntervention - a quantum leap to the civilization Type I - By definition, an advanced civilization must grow faster than the frequency of life-threatening catastrophes; Type I civilization must learn to modify the weather within that time frame.(Michio Kaku) But, for this metamorphoses of scientific paradigmis necessary. Three Essays on Science http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwY34_2ZVP0 Science must renew co-exigency with the culture. Previous scientific paradigms - in the description of reality - observed only a physical world; new paradigms has to include the man, his values and social institutions.
The Millennium Scientific Paradigm • Man is not only observer alreadypro-active subjectof the world; • - Pro-active mancreated condition their survival beside nature mentorship; • - Pro-active brings responsibility and obliges to the goal of survival of mankind. • Scientific methods, inter & transdisciplinary approach andscientific laws • confirmedbyexperiment/practice is the only basis for pro-activity; • Values are inseparable from the science; scienceandtechnologies • - atthe paradigmlevel –are not morally autonomous; • Thewhole cycle of lives/naturesare importantand must exist themoral • consideratenessof science activity/human practices regardingthis laws. • The planetary identitybecomes more important complement of racial • and national identities. • Civilization with consensus determines basic directions of planetary • scientificprogram, andplanetary authorities determines criterion • of carrying outcontrols, responsibility andsanction. • The above outlinedelements need become basic ideas of the new scientific worldview. Without this - contributes modern/future sciences will mean„cutting bough on which the human civilization rests. “