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Transition to Post-Primary Education: Focus on Girls

Transition to Post-Primary Education: Focus on Girls. UNGEI Advoca cy for Education for All. The Time is NOW. Transition to Post-Primary Education (PPE) must be given high priority in all countries PPE is especially critical for girls; the barriers must be addressed

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Transition to Post-Primary Education: Focus on Girls

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  1. Transition to Post-Primary Education: Focus on Girls UNGEI Advocacy for Education for All Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  2. The Time is NOW • Transition to Post-Primary Education (PPE) must be given high priority in all countries • PPE is especially critical for girls; the barriers must be addressed • UNGEI can make a difference! Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  3. What is Post-Primary Education? PPE includes all learning opportunities for adolescents: • lower and upper secondary • tertiary education • vocational/technical education, job training • life skills, health education, income generation programs • even basic education for youth who have not completed primary school Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  4. Post-Primary Education is. . . • a human right, and important for achieving gender equity • Important to improving health and life chances of individuals, families, and communities • Important for national development - economic, social, political • Necessary for reaching MDGs, EFA and for maintaining UPE Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  5. Education is a Human Right • Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), ages 0-18 “Encourage the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child. . .” (CRC, Article 28) • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • The commitment to achieving gender equity; gender differences in participation and achievement are more pronounced at the post-primary level Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  6. PPE is Key to Improving Life Conditions • …of individuals, families, and communities • More education means healthier families, and lower fertility rates • Educated youth are more likely to send their own (future) children to school for longer periods • Lack of post-primary options further marginalizes the already disadvantaged and adversely affects life chances Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  7. PPE is Key to Development • Development of knowledge, skills, and competencies are essential to success in the job market and important for participation in civil society (Lewin, 2005) • Globalization and development are increasing the amount of knowledge and level of skill individuals need; more education is necessary. Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  8. PPE is necessary . . . • To achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 • To achieve the goals of Education for All by 2015 • To achieve and to sustain Universal Primary Education Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  9. Post-Primary Education is important and necessary. • for the development of civil society, • for more complex and sustainable economic and political infrastructure, • for healthy families and societies, • for the protection of the environment, and • for cultural and human rights in global contexts that are increasingly complex Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  10. II. PPE is especially critical for girls. As shown by • gender gaps in recent data • benefits to girls of Post-Primary Education Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  11. Benefits and Barriers • Girls’ benefit from PPE in a variety of ways • There are many barriers to girls’ education • System barriers • School barriers • Household barriers Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  12. Benefits to Girls of Post-primary Education • Health and well-being of the young woman and of her (fewer) children • Economic: New skills for paid work • Empowerment through emancipatory knowledge (e.g., rights, understanding of sexuality, norms that restrict empowerment) • Capacity to avoid HIV/AIDS Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  13. Barriers to Post-Primary Education for Girls • Barriers are overlapping, intertwining, and multisectoral • Poverty Children from the richest 1/5 of households in SSA are 11 times more likely to reach Grade 9 than those from the poorest 2/5 of households. The ratio of boys to girls is 4:1 among the poorest 2/5 of households for Grade 9 participation. (Lewin, 2005) Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  14. Barriers to PPE for Girls • System level • Lack of schools • Insufficient number of teachers • Absence of plans • Constrained resources to deal with expected increased demand Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  15. Barriers to PPE for Girls Barriers at the School level • Poor quality of curriculum, textbooks and gendered images, gender-biased instruction, • Lack of facilities/privacy for menses • Gender violence • Barriers at the Family/Household level • Cultural norms • Care-giving roles Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  16. UNGEI can make a difference! Advocate for gender parity, equity, equality Use lessons from EFA and Basic Education • Attend to access and quality simultaneously • Develop a “seamless system” of post-primary education • Use a system-wide approach • Ensure involvement of partners and stakeholders in policy and planning discussions Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

  17. UNGEI can make a difference! Design by Text from Girls’ Transition to Post-Primary Education, prepared forUNGEI by Miske Witt & Associates Inc.

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