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EGCF. The European Globus Community Forum Michael Krieger, EGCF Speaker Matthias Hofmann, EGCF Officer. What awaits you today?. EGCF magazine “ Layer 8 ” renaming award by email to egcf2012@ige-project.eu until March 29, 6pm Discussion about the future of EGCF EGCF election

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EGCF The European Globus Community Forum Michael Krieger, EGCF Speaker Matthias Hofmann, EGCF Officer

  2. What awaits you today? • EGCF magazine “Layer 8” renaming award • by email to egcf2012@ige-project.eu until March 29, 6pm • Discussion about the future of EGCF • EGCF election • Social Event

  3. Social Event • „Weisses Bräuhaus“ address: Tal 7 subway: U6 or U3 exit at Marienplatz

  4. Q&A • What is the EGCF? • How is the EGCF currently organized? • Why be a member of EGCF? • How to become a member of EGCF? • What happened during the last year? • What are the future tasks of EGCF?

  5. What is the EGCF? introduction

  6. Introduction to the EGCF • European Globus Community Forum (EGCF) • founded in April 2011 in Garching • strongly supported by IGE (backoffice, …)

  7. Purpose of the EGCF • Organizational body for the Globus Community in Europe • bring together users, administrators and developers • arranges and coordinates meetings and workshops • informs about developments in the wider context of Globus software and services • Fosters cooperation within Europe and beyond • connects projects and communities within Europe and beyond for exchanging knowledge and sharing experience with Globus software

  8. How is the EGCF currently organized? organization

  9. Organization of the EGCF • Member base: • User, developer, administrator, fellow Globus enthusiasts and experts • Representatives (recruited from member base): • Speaker (currently: Michael Krieger, RISC Software GmbH, Austria) • Elected by the members once a year • represents EGCF as a member of the IGE Advisory Board • Secretary (currently Matthias Hofmann, TU Dortmund University) • supports the Speaker, takes care of EGCF services

  10. Relationship: EGCF and IGE

  11. Why be a member of the EGCF? MEMBERS

  12. EGCF Members benefit… • Add ideas to the one European voice to communicate EU requirements to the US Globus team • Get a privileged account for the IGE Request Tracker • Submit requirements and bug reports • Receive first-hand news and updates about Globus developments in the US and in Europe • Grab the EGCF magazine “Layer 8” • Recent Globus-related news • Community reports • Tipps & tricks, Q&A‘s • IGE Newsletter

  13. EGCF Members benefit… • Network with fellow Globus enthusiasts and experts, and exchange experience and know-how • Attend face to face meetings and profit from workshops • Join the EGCF Discussion Board • Get voting rights for the EGCF speaker election • If you belong to an institution located within the EU

  14. How to become a member of EGCF? Participation

  15. Registration • Go tohttp://www.egcf.eu/site/?page_id=12 • Please fill out the registration form • only a couple of questions! • Congratulations! You are a member of EGCF now

  16. What happened during the last year? REVIEW 2011

  17. Review 2011 • EGCF has about 60 registered members • Website: • http://www.egcf.eu/ • Discussion Board online: • http://www.egcf.eu/forum/ • FIRST EVER: GlobusEUROPE 2011 • First edition of the EGCF magazine „Layer 8“ • currently about 60 people registered

  18. What are the future tasks of EGCF? SUSTAINABILITY

  19. Sustainability • Through in-kind contributions: • EGCF meetings once per year • GlobusEurope • European Globus Hub (Website, discussion board, software download, training hub, tools market, mailing list) • Information Provisioning • Contact Point for Enquiries • Coordination with Globus US team and European Grid Infrastructures • ONE VOICE • Request tracker • European statistics collector

  20. Sustainability • Funding through per-instance Charges • Targeted training sessions • Funding through Subscription • Globus middleware provider for EGI/UMD • Access to Globus Testbed • re-packaging of Globus for Europe • 3rd level support for Globus

  21. Sustainability • Funding through follow-up EU project • software development / adaptations • social networking • community magazine as printed version • Globus mirror service • Globus Training Market • Tools Market

  22. Product possibilities • 3rd level support • Training • European Packages for Resource Providers • Globus Appliances • European globus online instance

  23. Participate and

  24. Let‘s work together! Thank you.

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