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A Quest for Heroes 2013 - 15. Mancs. József Gregor Általános Iskola. The rescue dog. Mancs (PAW). 1994 – 2006. BIRTH.
A QuestforHeroes 2013 - 15 Mancs József Gregor Általános Iskola The rescue dog
Mancs(PAW) 1994 – 2006
BIRTH • Hisfullname is Miskolci Sátán Mancs; 1994 – 22 October 2006. He was a Germansheperd, boar dog. He was a rescue dog fortheSpiderRescue Team of Miskolc. • He had eleven brothers and sistersinthelitter. When he wassixmoths old, hiskeeperrealizedthatthere is a problemwithone of his back legs. The vet diagnostizeddisplasy. With a homemadeequipmentwithinhalfayearhisbirthdefectwascorrected.
Mancs, thehero • Withhiskeeper László Lehóczki he took part inmanysuccessfull life-saving actions.He becameveryfamousaftertheearthquake of Izmit in 1999, when a threeyear old girlwasrescuedundertheruinswithhishelp. Mancs workedintherescueactions of theearthquakesof Salvador and India in 2001. Thankstohisspecialtraining he wasabletosignalthedead body evenunderwater. He wasabletogivedifferentsignalsonthesame spot iffound a liveordead body. This performance and a lot of actions he took part in made himthebestHungarianrescue dog ever.
LAST BARK • InOctober 2006 he gotpneumonia and died. Hiskeeperburiedhiminhisowngardenbehindcloseddoors. Inthefollowingweekshisstatueinthe city became a place of pilgrimage. Peoplelitcandlesthere.