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What to Expect at Your Child’s Student Success Team Meeting. Traduccion al Espanol. Why is this meeting being held?. To identify the level of support and types of educational conditions that will improve your child's progress towards the Corona-Norco Unified School District’s standards.
What to Expect at Your Child’s Student Success Team Meeting Traduccion al Espanol
Why is this meeting being held? To identify the level of support and types of educational conditions that will improve your child's progress towards the Corona-Norco Unified School District’s standards.
Where will the meeting be held? The meeting will take place at your child’s school. It may occur in the school office or in your child’s classroom. You will be informed as to the exact location. Clara Barton Elementary Main Office
Who will attend the Meeting? The student’s parent/guardian, school psychologist, teacher(s), counselor, and school principal. Other staff may attend depending upon the needs of your child.
People You May Meet Felicia Cruz-Delgado, Ed.D., Principal Dave Cammarato, Assistant Principal Alison Bever, School Psychologist Judit Valencia, Secretary
People You May Meet Bonnie Young, Resource Specialist Renee Reid, Speech & Language Specialist Teresa Moya, Instructional Assistant And ELAC coordinator Rebecca Mach – Resource Specialist
People You May Meet Jennifer Garcia – SST Coordinator and Administrative Designee
What do I need to prepare for the meeting? • Health and developmental history for your child. • Be able to describe your child’s responses to tasks and social interactions at home, in the neighborhood and in the community. • Be ready to share your child’s strengths. • Come prepared with a list of questions you may have.
What happens after the Meeting? • First, an intervention plan is designed, implemented, and monitored for 4 to 8 weeks. • The SST team holds a follow up meeting and decides: 1. To discontinue the interventions due to success. 2. Modify the interventions. 3. Develop an additional intervention or consider other options, possible a special education assessment.
What are my rights as a Parent? Your rights as a parent may be found in the Special Education Parents Rights and Procedural Safeguards document. http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/qa/pssummary.asp A copy will also be provided to you during the meeting.
Porfavor impima la pagina de traduccionpara accede a la informacion de PowerPoint en espanol. Gracias. • Title slide: Fiat se puedeesperar en la reunion de suhijoEquipo de ExitoEstudiantil • Slide Two – Para identificar el nivel de apoyo y los tipos de condicioneseducativeasquepermitanmejorar el progreso de suhijohacialasnomas de la Corona-Norco del Distrito Escolar Unificado. • Slide Three - Donde se celebrara la reunion? • La reunion se llevara a cabo en la escuela de suhijo. Se puederesentar en la lficina de la escuela o en el aula de suhijo. Se le informara en cuanto a la ubicacion exacta. • Slide Four – Queattene la reunion? • El padre del estudiante o el tutor, psicologo escolar, consejero, maestro y director de la escuela. Otrosmiembros del personal puedenasistir en function de lasnecesidades de suhijo. • Slide Eight – Quenecesitoparatraer a la reunion? • 1. Salud y de la historia del desarrollo de sunino. • 2. Sercapaz de describer lasrespuestas de suhijo con lastareas y lasinteraccionessocialesenedhogar, en el barrio y en la comunidad. • 3. Este preparadoparacompartirlasfortalezas de suhijo. • 4. Vengapreparado con unalista de preguntasqueustedpuedatener. • Slide 9 – Quesucededespues de la reunion? • En primer lugar, un plan de intervencion se ha disenado, implementado y supervisadopor 4 a 8 semanas. • El equipo de aceroinoxidabletieneuna reunion de segimiento y decide: • 1.. Que se deje de lasintervencionesdebido al exito. • 2. Modificarlasintervenciones. • 3. Desarrollarunaintervencionadicional o considerer otrasopciones, possible, unaevaluacion de educacion especial. • Slide 10 – Cuales son misderechoscomo padre? • Susderechoscomo padre o madre se puedeencontrar en los Padres de Educacion Especial de DerechosGarantias de documentosProcedual. Por favor, hagaclic en el enlace azulsideseauna vista previa de unacopia. Unacopiatambien sera proporcionadadurante la reunion.