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A King for all people

A King for all people. The rise and fall of the Maori King movement 1856 - 1894. Tamihana Te Rauparaha went to London Went on long walk with Matene Te Whi Whi. 1852 NZ Constitution Act Maori ‘excluded’ from the vote. Story begins in the 1850s.

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A King for all people

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  1. A King for all people The rise and fall of the Maori King movement 1856 - 1894

  2. Tamihana Te Rauparaha went to London Went on long walk with Matene Te Whi Whi 1852 NZ Constitution Act Maori ‘excluded’ from the vote Story begins in the 1850s http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/olop_content/OLOP_FLASH.htm

  3. Huge gathering of all of the tribes Iwikau Te Heu Heu To consider forming a ‘political unity’ that might equal the Crown Pukawa 1856

  4. 1858 Te Whero Whero 1st Maori King A Maori King is chosen .. Ngaruawahia

  5. NCEA Achievement Standard 3.4 ‘A significant decision ..’ • To establish a Maori King movement • Describe the decision and the historical context • Explain factors which contributed to it • Evaluate the consequences of the decision

  6. Evaluate the literature Angella Ballara (1996) James Cowan (1921) Structure the information in effective essayformat Develop convincing argument supported by quality evidence ‘an essay is argument’ Evaluate the primary material .. eg Native Land Court Minutes .. Unreliable? Written up by a Court Clerk / English Eg Tawhiao’s petition 1884 .. A better source NCEA Achievement Standard 3.4 ‘A significant decision ..’

  7. What was the ‘significant decision? • To establish a King Movement • To unite under single political head • What/who was that to be? • To ‘create a new nation’ (Ballara) • Never before attempted • Never before united (peace or war) • To create a counterweight against the Crown ? Do interrogate the ‘decision’ for shades of meaning ..

  8. Maori without Ngapuhi or Ngai Tahu Widespread amongst flaxroots Maori 1850s Hui-a-iwi / huge Maori gathering Embedded in Maori protocols .. Maori loss of power No vote / loss of Treaty rights Aggressive Crown Concern over loss of land Maori were never a single polity .. Offended classic notions of paepae / place Tamihana Te Rauparaha went to London .. Space for a dual sovereignty in NZ? context contributing factors

  9. Te Whero Whero died in 1860 Tawhiao Consequences? .. Wiremu Tamihana Consequences ..

  10. Land sale in 1859 vetoed by Wiremu Kingi Governor Browne over- ruled the veto and accepted the sale Who was in charge – the Governor or Maori? Belich says, a question of sovereignty War at Waitara 1860 Consequences ..

  11. King’s warriors seen at Puketekauere, 1860 Taranaki a ‘sideshow’ – real fight now in Waikato .. War launched in 1863 against the King .. War broke out 1860 Consequence – Crown decision to engage militarily 1861

  12. War July 1863 Rangiriri Battle site Consequences .. War / challenge to Crown authority

  13. Refuge and confiscation ... Consequences ..

  14. Tawhiao settled at Hangatiki Native Land Court initial problem Decided to boycott Imposed ‘aukati’ line 1866 Some Maori drifted home .. Govt sought to communicate with King Tawhiao largely refused Life in Refuge .. Tawhiao’s house Consequences ..

  15. But Kingitanga ‘disintegrates’ http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/interactive/maori-land-1860-2000 • Tawhiao was difficult to deal with .. • Attention turned to Rewi • Tawhiao was a refugee – who has mana?

  16. 1881 Tawhiao ended his refuge .. Pirongia, gesture of laying arms down Moved north to Raglan Went to England 1884 Petition of 1884 to establish a King Movement .. “but these contracts have been trampled upon .. Tribes no longer knew if their lands belonged to them .. Maori drew up a boundary .. And set up a head .. prevent further disputes .. “ End of the refuge .. Consequences .. http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/interactive/maori-land-1860-2000

  17. .. Settling with the Kingitanga Waikato Settlement 1994 Consequences .. ?

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