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Classification used for health risk estimate interpretation and map visualization

Health risk estimate. Classification used for health risk estimate interpretation and map visualization. CHRONIC RISK. Note: The same classification used for Hazard Index (HI). CANCER RISK.

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Classification used for health risk estimate interpretation and map visualization

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  1. Health risk estimate Classificationusedforhealth risk estimateinterpretation and mapvisualization CHRONICRISK Note: Thesameclassificationusedfor Hazard Index (HI) CANCER RISK 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  2. Interpretationofhealth risk estimates in map and table formwasperformedforalladministrativeunitsofthe Slovak Republic – municipalities,districtsand regions Exampleforarsenic in groundwaterin Slovak districts / regions Total No. ofevaluatedadministrativeunits: 2883 municipalities, 79 districts, 8regions. Allresults are available on thewebsitewww.geology.sk/geohealth 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  3. Chronic risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES(As, Ba, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, NO3, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn) – expressed in theformof maximum of hazard quotient (HQ) Main results: chronic risk wasdocumentedin 17 municipalities, arsenic and antimonyweredefined to sharethesignificant part oftotal risk level 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  4. Chronic risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of the Slovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES(As, Ba, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, NO3, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn) Main results: highchronic risk wasdocumentedin 20 municipalities, arsenic and antimonyweredefined to sharethesignificant part oftotal risk level, thesummaryeffectofcalculationof hazard index isreflectingmainly in classificationofmunicipalities in lowlandareas (Suthern part ofthe Slovak Republic) intocategoryofmediumchronic risk 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  5. Chronic risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES Main results: medium to highchronic risk wasdocumentedmainly in highlycontaminatedareaswithgeogenic or geogenic-anthropogenicsourcesofcontamination (oredeposit and mineralizedoccurrences, associatedhistoricalminingactivities ), medical-geochemicalresearchmade in theregionof Spišsko-gemerské rudohorierevealedthenegativeimpactofhighAsgroundwatercontents and health status ofinhabitants. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  6. Chronic risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES Main results: medium to highchronic risk wasdocumentedmainly in highlycontaminatedareaswithgeogenic or geogenic-anthropogenicsourcesofcontamination (oredeposit and mineralizedoccurrences), medical-geochemicalresearchmade in theregionof Spišsko-gemerské rudohorierevealedthenegativeimpactofhighSbgroundwatercontents and health status ofinhabitants. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  7. Chronic risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES Exampleofhealth risk estimatefornitrategroundwatercontents, low risk isdocumented in lowlandareaswithagriculutureland-use. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  8. Chronic risk estimateforsoilcontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to soil ingestion by child population of the Slovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES(As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn)– expressed in theformof maximum of hazard quotient (HQ) Main results: the majority of Slovak municipalitieswereclassifiedintothecategoryof no or lowchronic risk. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  9. Chronic risk estimateforsoilcontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to soil ingestion by child population of the Slovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES(As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn) Main results: medium to highchronic risk wasdocumentedin 26 municipalities, arsenic,antimony and leadweredefined to sharethemain part oftotal risk level, theterritoryofthe Slovak Republicisfromthe point ofviewofsoilcontamination by otherevaluatedcontaminantsat no risk. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  10. Chronic risk estimateforsoilcontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to soilingestion by childpopulation of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES Main results: medium risk levelsweredocumentedonly in 10 municipalitiesfromhighlycontaminatedareas by geogenic or geogenic-anthropogenicsourcesofcontamination 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  11. Chronic risk estimateforsoilcontamination Health risk estimate for chronic disease occurrence due to soilingestion by childpopulation of theSlovak Republic – MUNICIPALITIES Main results: medium risk levelsweredocumentedonly in 6 municipalitiesfromhighlycontaminatedarea by geogenic or geogenic-anthropogenicsourcesofcontamination 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  12. Cancer risk estimateforgroundwatercontamination Health risk estimate for carcinogenic disease occurrence due to groundwater ingestion by adult population of the Slovak Republic - MUNICIPALITIES Main results: high to veryhigh risk wasdefinedfor more than 300 municipalities, becauseofmanysampleswitharseniccontentsbelowthedetection limit 0.0005 mg.l-1 (theexactcontents are notknown) thefirst 3 risk categorieswereunifiedintoonecategoryoflow to medium risk 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  13. Cancer risk estimateforsoilcontamination Health risk estimate for carcinogenic disease occurrence due to soil ingestion by population (additive model)of the Slovak Republic - MUNICIPALITIES Main results: medium to high risk wasdefinedforabout 150 municipalitieslocated in areaswith a.) historicalmininingactivitieswithoredepositoccurence, b.) areawithanthropogeniccontamination (depositionsdue to As-richcoalburning by powerplant) 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  14. Conclusions • Presentedapproachofhealth risk estimatebased on national and regionalgeochemicaldatarepresents a convenienttoolforidentificationof risk areas, • Itiseasilycomprehensiblefordecisionmakers and can serve asbasisforfutureworksfocused on detail studiesofhealthrisks. • Increased risk levels, bothforchronicaswellas in caseofarsenicalsocarcinogenicdiseaseswereidentifiedmainly in highlycontaminatedareaswithdominantgeogenic or geogenic-anthropogenicsourceofcontamination (historicalminingareas). • Theresultsofhealth risk estimationindicatethatarsenic and antimonyposethehighestchronic risk in someareasinthecaseofgroundwateraswellassoils. • Health risk estimationforsoilcontamination has highlightedthesignificanceofexposurethroughsoilingestion in caseofchildpopulationwhileforadultsitisnegligible. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

  15. Someadditionalremarks / uncertainties: • Expressionofchronic risk estimateforgroundwater and soilcontamination in theformof maximum valueof hazard quotientinsteadofsummmaryhazard index isprobably more objectivewayhow to define risk levels (in thiswayweexcludethecasewhensumof no or low risk valuesresult in onehigh risk value). • So farrealizedmedical – geochemicalresearches in someofhighlycontaminatedareasconfirmedtheexistenceof risk in regionsidentifiedas risk areasthroughtheapproachof model quantificationofhealthrisk. • Advantageofthisapproachisfast, visual and comprehensiblevisualizationof risk areasfordecisionmakers, disadvantageofthisapproach lies in datainterpolation – localcontaminationpartiallyspreadoutintonon-contaminatedareas. • Thereisstillneed to identifypotentialhealthrisksassociatedwithotherelementsthat are essentialatcertainlevelsbuthavenegativehealtheffectsatexcess or deficit contents (e.g. macro-elements - Ca, Mg; Zn, Seetc.). • Thisissueisdealedwithwithintherunningproject „GEOHEALTH“ , for more informationabouttheprojectpleasego to thewebsitewww.geology.sk/geohealth.

  16. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Acknowledgement This research has been performed within the project LIFE10 ENV/SK/000086 „The impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic“ financially supported by the EU’s funding instrument for the environment – Life+ programme. 29thInternational conference SEGH, 8-12 JulyToulouse, FRANCE 2013

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