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The Germ Theory of Disease: An Exercise in Problem Solving. Herman Gordon, Ph.D. Univ. of Arizona. What was it like before GToD?. Spontaneous generation / The Wrath of God The Miasma Theory of Disease The concept of contagiousness without the concept of contagion.
The Germ Theory of Disease:An Exercise in Problem Solving • Herman Gordon, Ph.D. • Univ. of Arizona
What was it like before GToD? • Spontaneous generation / The Wrath of God • The Miasma Theory of Disease • The concept of contagiousness without the concept of contagion
1546 Girolamo Fracastoro proposed that epidemic disease was spread by “spores” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Antoni_van_Leeuwenhoek.png
1673 Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek observed microbes in a microscope http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Antoni_van_Leeuwenhoek.png
1835 Agostino Bassi stated the Germ Theory of Disease for the 1st time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Antoni_van_Leeuwenhoek.png
1843 Oliver Wendell Holmes argued that Puerperal Fever could be transferred between patients by doctors and nurses who didn’t wash their hands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Oliver_Wendell_Holmes.jpg
1847 Ignaz Semmelweiss independently discovered the need for hand-washing between patients, but failed to convince others http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ignaz_Semmelweis.jpg
1849-1854 John Snow the father of epidemiology, figured out that bad well water caused cholera – not bad air http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:John_Snow.jpg
1854 Filippo Pacini isolated cholera bacillus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:John_Snow.jpg
1860-65 Louis Pasteur(ization) showed that microbes caused fermentation effectively advocated the GToD, and hence became its “father” http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/misc/evprev/fig21.jpg
Proof of Biogenesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Coldecygne.svg
1867 Joseph Lister(ene) Pushed anti-septics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Joseph_Lister.jpg
1914 Joseph Goldberger figured out that pellagra was NOT caused by infectious agents from the CDC Public Health Image Library (PHIL #8164)
Lessons from History • History repeats itself • Truth can be rejected for stupid reasons