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Anna Soci Coordination topics and organizational issues Aberdeen May 12th/13th, 2008. May putting together the two parts of the reasearch for WP7 - send the first part to the coordinator - send to Partner 3 and to the coordinator the full paper :
Anna Soci Coordination topics and organizational issues Aberdeen May 12th/13th, 2008
May putting together the two parts of the reasearch for WP7 - send the first part to the coordinator - send to Partner 3 and to the coordinator the full paper: the “minimum requirement” + further research (the presentations in Aberdeen) DEADLINE: May 31 (maximum extension: June 8th) Timetable and deadlines
Deliverable 14: ……………………… brief introduction where it is explained what each partners has done, and perhaps the rationale for that Deliverable 15: ……………………. Comparison and suggestions DELIVERABLES No. 14 and 15
Seville meeting: September 14th for PAR . ON THE CONTRARY Complete individual PARs (I-PAR) must be sent to the WPs leaders and the to the coordinator within August 22nd and G-PARs (Global periodic Activity Report) WP by WP must be sent from each WP leader (WP5:P2; WP6:P5; WP7:P3) to the coordinator within SEPTEMBER 1st Reporting
In organizing the PAR by WP, the WP leaders should avoid sending the PUKs - which are part of the individual PARs – to the coordinator. WARNINGfor the WP leaders
Periodic Management Report (with the FORM C, the Financial Statement in electronic copy) must be sent to the coordinator, Beatrice and Beatrice Turci (beatrice.turci@unibo.it) within SEPTEMBER 12th The signed copy of the Financial Statement must be sent to BeatriceNOT BEFORE the coordinator has approved its electronic version. PMRs
Each partner will receive from the coordinator the template for the complete individual PAR, and each WPs leader will receive the template for the PAR by WP. Beatrice will send you a remind with all the today decided deadlines. TEMPLATES for REPORTINGs
Beatrice will send the instructions on how to fill the Final Reporting Questionnaire on Workforce Statistics and the Final Socio-Economic Reporting Questionnaire. We ourselves are waiting for instructions (new passwords, and so on..) The questionnaires are to be completed on line by each contractor after the end of the project. The new template (if any) questionnaires will be uploaded in the TERA web site, in the reserved area. Other duties for reporting
EU (Letter from the Commission) Others (Who is going to be invited?) BEA Financing Organization ➔ see BEA’s Activities GHENT Conference
Date: August 26th Schedule (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Booking Form (sent) Logistics (catering, technology…) to be confirmed though already set. Dissemination Brochure (to be sent to the partners) Poster Presentation slide Financial Aspects ORGANIZATIVE DETAILS
Do not do the AUDIT certificate before having obtained the ok from the coordinator about the figures in the FORM C. Please, organize since now the timing of the Auditing (for not before the week starting from September 15th). Everything (signed paper copy of the FORM C and AUDIT certificate) MUST reach the coordinator not later than September 22nd AUDIT CERTIFICATE
To be built (today?) together PROGRAM
WEB SITE WPs Series Newsletters Diffusion
see Final Report Scheme Final Publication
Request from a collegue Other issues
Originally WP7 (according to the DoW): Start date Month 33; End date Month 35 Given the extension of the project by 2 months, until the end of August 2008, and based on the decisions of the TERA Governing Body meeting on January 31st 2008 in Sevilla, the final timetable for WP7 is: Study-area reports ready on May 31st2008 (Month 35) by all Partners in Aberdeen meeting on May 12-13, we'll present and discuss the contents and results of the almost ready study area reports, and then there will be about two weeks to finalise the reports and to be sent to P3 in time. The first draft of the Comparative Report on July 9th2008 (Month 37) by P3 Comments from each Partner to the first draft of the Comparative Report until August 10th 2008 (month 38) The final Comparative Report, and its presentation, ready in the pre-conference symposia in Gent on August 26th 2008