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Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@ChabotCollege

Chabot Engineering. Introduction to Engineering. Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu. 10 HARDEST Jobs to Fill in the USA. Engineers (ASEngr → UCBerkeley) Nurses (NURS RN Program) Skilled/Manual Trades (e.g., WELD)

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Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@ChabotCollege

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  1. Chabot Engineering Introduction toEngineering Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical EngineerBMayer@ChabotCollege.edu

  2. 10 HARDEST Jobs to Fill in the USA • Engineers (ASEngr → UCBerkeley) • Nurses (NURS RN Program) • Skilled/Manual Trades (e.g., WELD) • Teachers (Chabot → CSUEastBay) • Sales Representatives (ASBus-Mrktng) • Technicians (ESYS, AutoTech) • Drivers • Information Tech Staff (CAS, ESYS) • Laborers • Machinist/Machine Operators (MTT) http://manpower.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=62

  3. Chabot College - Hayward, CA

  4. Outline • Short Self Introduction by The Chabot Engineering Instructor (me) • Answer to the Question “What is Engineering?” • The BOTTOM LINE • The $ & ¢ of an Engineering Career • Answer to the Question “Why Chabot?” • When I could Go to UCBerkeley or UCLAor Cal-Poly or CSU East Bay or…?

  5. EDUCATION, B. Mayer • MS Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1991 • MS Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1983 • BS Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1978 • AS Engineering, Cabrillo College, 1976 • A Proud Community College Grad

  6. Professional History • Industrial Employers (24+ yrs) • Watkins-Johnson Co. • Olympus Integrated Technologies • Dawn VME • Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory • Professional Affiliations • Member ASME & IEEE • CA State Engineering Licenses EE & ME

  7. What is Engineering? • Short Answer →Technical Product Creation • The Output of ALL Engineering is • The Solution to a Practical Problem • Fulfillment of a Practical Need • Long Answer → Technology Creation Through the Application of the Quantitative (Number-Based) Disciplines • Mathematics • Sciences; e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Biology • Empiricism (Experiments and Tests)

  8. Engineering vs. Science • Engineering is Closely Related to Science & Math, but it is NOT the SAME Scientists seek to UNDERSTAND WHAT IS, while Engineers seek to CREATE THAT WHICH NEVER WAS- Theodore von Kármán, CalTech Professor, and the Father of Modern AeroSpace Engineering

  9. Engineer  Applied Scientist Engineers take BASIC Scientific Discoveries and turn them into things that are USEFUL to people. In that role, Engineers are the agents of PROGRESS for Human Society Prof. Jim Plummer, Dean of the Stanford School of Engineering

  10. The First Laser Engineer  Applied Scientist • Laser Sheet-Metal Cutting Machine Engineering Theodore Harold Maiman was born in 1927 in Los Angeles, son of an electrical engineer. He studied engineering physics at Colorado University, while repairing electrical appliances to pay for college, and then obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford in 1955. Theodore Maiman constructed this first laser in 1960 while working at Hughes Research Laboratories (T.H. Maiman, "Stimulated optical radiation in ruby lasers", Nature, 187, 493, 1960). There is a vertical chromium ion doped ruby rod in the center of a helical xenon flash tube. The ruby rod has mirrored ends. The xenon flash provides optical pumping of the chromium ions in the ruby rod. The output is a pulse of red laser light.

  11. What do Engineers Do? • Dozens of Branches of Engineering -The Major Disciplines include: • Civil Engineering (CE) • Archetypical Products = Bridges, Buildings, Roadways, Water Systems • Chemical Engineering (ChemE) • Archetypical Products = Oil & Gas Refineries

  12. What Do Engineers Do?Cont.1 • Electrical/Electronic Engineering (EE) • Archetypical Products = • Integrated Circuits (“computer chips”) • Electricity Distribution (“PG&E”) • Industrial/Manufact. Engineering (IE) • Archetypical Products = Efficient Factories • Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) • Archetypical Products = High Performance Metals, Ceramics, Plastic,Composites

  13. M0 M2 M1 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 What Do Engineers Do?Cont.2 • Computer (Science) Engineering (CS) • Archetypical Products = Software Code • Bio(Medical) Engineering • Archetypical Products = • Biomaterials/Tissue, BiomedicalElectronics & Imaging, Biomechanical Devices • Mechanical Engineering (ME) • Archetypical Products = • Heat & Fluid-Flow Distribution • Machinery (automobiles, pumps, mach-tools)

  14. Chabot Engineering Labs • Building & Testing Electrical Circuits

  15. Chabot Engineering at SJSU • Measuring the TCRof Copper Metal • Chabot Students in the San Jose State University Materials Engineering Lab

  16. Chabot Engineering Transfer Student and Current UCBerkeley Mechanical Engineering Student, Mr. Robert Irwin, Poses before “CalSol[1]”, the UCBerkeley Solar Electric Vehicle at Soquel High School on 25Apr09. Mr. Irwin Leads the Steering & Suspension Design Team [1] http://calsol.berkeley.edu/blog/index.php

  17. What is COOL about Engineering? • Solving Challenging Problems • Opportunity to DESIGN, BUILD, and TEST Products that People ReallyUse • Engineering is a CREATIVE endeavor • The Root of the Word “Engineer” is Ingenium; Not Engine • Chance to Learn New Things • Engineering is about Progress; an Engineer’s Knowledge & Skills progress as well

  18. What is COOL about Engineering?Cont.1 • Working with People • That’s Right; Not all Engineers are “Nerds” • Complex Technology Must Be Made Useful to the Non-Technical Person • Engineers, aside from applied Math/Sci, manage Projects and Organizations • Some of the BEST Managers in Recent Times have Been Engineers by Training • Andrew Grove of INTEL → Ph.D. Chem Eng • Jack Welch of GE → Ph.D. Chem Eng • James Morgan of Applied Matls → BS Mech Eng

  19. What is COOL about Engineering?Cont.1 • Publishing Technical Papers • Thousands of Engineering/Technical Journals Publish The Results of Engineer’s Analyses, Designs, Experiments

  20. What is COOL about Engineering?Cont.2 • Earning Patents • Earning A Patent Requires the Advancement of a Practical Art; This is what Engineers do USA Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 (Powers Granted to Congress): Clause 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries

  21. What is COOL about Engineering?Cont.2 • Engage in Professional Activities • Attend/Present-At Technical Conferences • Attend Trade-Shows • Society Membership (ASCE, IEEE, ASME) • See the World – Engineers often Travel • Special Knowledge/Skills Can often ONLY be Transmitted In-Person • Promote/Explain Product to Customers • Install Product, Train Users • -Site Product-Testing

  22. Emperor’s Palace - Tokyo

  23. Arc de Triomphe – Paris

  24. Camera & Inspection-Tool Factory – Tatsuno, Nagano, Jp

  25. The Bottom Line • There are VERY FEW Academic Disciplines Where One Can Move Into INDUSTRY with A Bachelor of Science (4yr) Degree • TWO Primary Categories • Engineering • Business • Difficult for Most Liberal Arts Disciplines • Somewhat Easier for the Sciences

  26. EngineeringNoted in GREENColor

  27. EngineeringNoted in GREENColor

  28. Job Offers Circa Jan 1979 Thank You UC Berkeley Placement Center ~$60k in 2009-$

  29. Resume Used to Obtain 12 Job OffersCirca Nov78

  30. Why Chabot College? • 1 Big Reason; Several Smaller ones • Biggest Reason → As GOOD, or Even BETTER, Instruction For Lower Division CourseWork (1st Two College Years) • Applies to ALL Academic Disciplines • e.g., Math, Science, English, History, etc.

  31. Why Community College? Cont. • Other Reasons • Reduced Cost (see next Slides) • Smaller Class Sizes • More Personal Atmosphere • Enhanced Support Services • Generally More Convenient • Much Greater Flexibility • UC’s Often have “progress” Requirements • To Take Fewer Than 12 Units May Require a Special Waiver

  32. Instructional Effectiveness • UC Berkeley CoE • UC DAVIS CoE • Community College transfer Students Graduate at Essentially the SAME rate as students UC “Native” Students

  33. ClassRoom Performance  GPA • Per R. Giomi, Asst. Dean At the UCBerkeley College of Engineering • Grades Earned for 3rd & 4th Year Students are Statistically INDISTINGUISHABLE Between Native & Transfer Students

  34. Chabot Fall07 Transfers

  35. 1960 CA Master Plan for Higher Ed CaliforniaPublic HighSchool Grads 12.5% 100% 33% CaliforniaCommunityColleges UniversityOfCalifornia CaliforniaStateUniversity 2.4 GPA 2.0 GPA http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/~ucalhist/archives_exhibits/masterplan/heart.html

  36. Chabot Transfer Agreements • Guaranteed Transfer Admission After Students Meets Terms of the Agreement • UC Davis • UC San Diego • UC Santa Cruz • UC Santa Barbara • UC Irvine • UC Merced • UC Riverside • San Jose State • CSUEB (Hayward) • CSU Monterey Bay • Santa Clara Univ • Good Students have a GUARANTEEDPath to EXCELLENT Universities

  37. ChabotEngineering Degree

  38. Interested? • Contact Me (Bruce Mayer) • eMail bmayer@chabotcollege.edu • Ph 510 723-7182 • Visit the Chabot College Campus • 25555 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA • Check out the Engineering Website • http://online.chabotcollege.edu/bmayer/index.htm • Google-Search = Chabot Mayer

  39. Chabot Engineering Appendix Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical EngineerBMayer@ChabotCollege.edu

  40. California Needs Engineers • Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed an educational initiative that aims to boost by almost 50% the number of California-trained engineers during the next decade... • The goal of the Engineer Initiative is to bring 20,000 to 24,000 new engineers into the state's workforce. Even though the number of engineers in the state is expected to grow to 44,000 by 2014, there are too few graduatesto meet the demand forcivil, electronics, mechanical, aerospace and otherindustries, according to the state's Labor & Workforce Development Agency. Lisa M. Krieger – SJ Mercury News - 01/01/2008

  41. Dec78 Resume

  42. Dec78Course Listwith Grades

  43. Concept Drawing forIC Manuf. Machine Tool

  44. Chabot Engineering Labs • Measuring Steel Strength by Tear-Apart • Pull with 15,000 – 20,000 lbs

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