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Project X Linac

Project X Linac. Giorgio Apollinari Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee August 8 th - 10 th , 2007. Outline. Introduction Description of Project X Linac Beam Line Components and Considerations RF Power, Civil and Cryogenics Considerations Conclusions. Introduction.

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Project X Linac

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  1. Project X Linac Giorgio Apollinari Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee August 8th - 10th , 2007

  2. Outline • Introduction • Description of Project X Linac • Beam Line Components and Considerations • RF Power, Civil and Cryogenics Considerations • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • An 8 GeV Linac coupled with an upgraded FNAL facilities is required to get above 2 MW at 120 GeV (MI) • The 8 GeV Linac idea* incorporates concepts from the ILC, the Spallation Neutron Source and RIA. • Copy SNS, RIA, and JPARC Linac design up to 1.3 GeV • Use ILC-like Cryomodules (b=1 cav.) from 1.3 -8 GeV • H- Injection at 8 GeV in Main Injector * The 8 GeV Linac concept actually originated with Vinod Bharadwaj and Bob Noble in 1994,when it was realized that the MI would benefit from a Linac injector. Gradients of 4-5 Mev/m did not make the proposal cost effective at the time. Idea revived and expanded by GWF in 2004 with the advent of 20-25 MeV/m gradients.

  4. Modulator HINS R&D Program (Webber’s talk) Elliptical Option β=.47 β=.47 β=.61 β=.61 β=.61 β=.61 or… 325 MHz Spoke Resonators “PULSED RIA” Front End Linac 325 MHz 0-110 MeV 0.5 MW Initial 8 GeV Linac Single 3 MW JPARC Klystron Modulator Multi-Cavity Fanout at 10 - 50 kW/cavity Phase and Amplitude Control w/ Ferrite Tuners 11 Klystrons (2 types) 449 Cavities 51 Cryomodules H- RFQ MEBT RTSR SSR DSR DSR β<1 ILC LINAC 10 MW ILC Multi-Beam Klystrons Modulator 1300 MHz0.1-1.2 GeV 48 Cavites / Klystron 2 Klystrons 96 Elliptical Cavities 12 Cryomodules β=.81 β=.81 β=.81 β=.81 β=.81 β=.81 8 Cavites / Cryomodule 8 Klystrons 288 Cavities in 36 Cryomodules ILC LINAC 1300 MHz β=1 Modulator Modulator Modulator Modulator 10 MW ILC Klystrons 36 Cavites / Klystron β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 Modulator Modulator Modulator Modulator β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1 β=1

  5. Toward an ILC-Project X Alignment:“Reference” Design • FY06 start of HINS (High Intensity Neutrino Source) R&D Program with availability of Neutrino Initiative funds • Establishment of collaborations • Beam dynamic studies in realistic conditions (misalignments, beam correctors, etc.) • Address major R&D Issues • Started full alignment of b=1 section with ILC technology • Based on concept of ILC RF Unit: • 9 cavities – 8 cavities/1 quad – 9 cavities • “Reference” Linac design with 8 ILC RF-Units

  6. Project X: “Reference” design • Emphasis on number of ILC RF units: • 8 ILC units with 208 ILC-identical cavities and 24 ILC-identical cryomodules • In addition • ILC-1 section with 63 ILC-identical cavities and 9 ILC-like cryomodules • S-ILC section with 56 ILC-like cavities and 7 ILC-like cryomodules • Compromise on accelerating fields in ILC cavities and presence of S-ILC: • 167 ILC-identical cavities operating at 31.5 MeV/m • 104 ILC-like cavities operating at 18.3 MeV/m

  7. “Reference” design Beam Parameters

  8. Project X: “8p/9” Design • ILC Preliminary RDR release in February ’07 • ….. • FNAL Steering Group for accelerator-based HEP program • Project X proposal (July 07): • 8 GeV Linac as “ILC-identical” as possible. • Same beam parameters • 9mA with 1 ms long pulse at a rate of 5 HZ • Same configuration • ILC cryomodules for b = 1 • RF distribution and cryogenic distribution for b=1, etc.

  9. Project X: “8p/9” Design • Basic tenets: • Use ILC RF units for high energy (b>0.9) Linac • Use ILC cavities (and slightly-modified ILC cryomodules) operated in 8p/9 mode (P. Ostroumov – ANL) at intermediate energies • All cavities operated at ILC parameters • 31.5 MeV/m, 9 mA, 1 ms, etc. • Frequency transition (325 MHz to 1300 MHz) at 600 MeV • At 1.3 GHz, all cavities have b=1 ILC design operating at 31.5 MeV/m.

  10. All b=1 cavities at 31.5 MeV/m No S-ILC Section TSR extends to higher (600 MeV) Energy Unchanged from “reference” design Tables and pictures worth 1000’s words

  11. ILC- 8/9: 6 cryomodules, 42 cavities, 12 quads 0.6 – 1.0 GeV • ILC-1 : 9 cryomodules, 63 cavities, 18 quads 1.0 – 2.4 GeV Tables and pictures worth 1000’s words • ILC-2: 12 cryomodules, 96 cavities, 12 quads 2.4 – 5.2 GeV + + • ILC : 12 cryomodules, 104 cavities, 4 quads 5.2 – 8.0 GeV “ILC-identical” Cavities/Cryomodules: 305/24 “ILC-like” Cavities/Cryomodules: N.A./15

  12. Tables and pictures worth 1000’s words

  13. Why 8p/9 ? • Transit Time Factor • Analytical Field Distribution • TRACK Beam Dynam. • 3D ILC Cavity Simulation

  14. Is 8p/9possible for ILC Cavities ? • TESLA 1998-20 • Outstanding feature: 8p/9 mode is only 0.8 MHz away from fundamental p mode • Tuning Issue: once ILC cavity is produce, “stretch” it to tune p mode to 1.3008 GHz • In ILC, +/-300 kHz tuning range • 8p/9 mode is not within the expected nominal ILC tuning range but should be achievable

  15. Frequency 325 MHz Total length ~ 55 m Limited by Meson Building RFQ MEBT RT -CHSR SSR1 (b=0.22) SSR2 (b=0.4) IS 2.5 0.050 10 90 W (MeV) 30 Project X Linac Design • We propose at least two designs exploiting alignment between Project X and ILC • The “Reference” design emphasizes the number of ILC-RF units • 1.3 GHz from 0.4 GeV to 8 GeV • S-ILC Cavities • Operates 40% of ILC-Cavities at 18 MeV/m • The “8p/9” design emphasizes the number of ILC Cavities operated at 31.5 MeV/m • 1.3 GHz from 0.6 GeV to 8 GeV • Only b=1 ILC-identical cavities (305) operated at 31.5 MeV/m • Linac Front-End (Webber’s talk)

  16. RF Power Considerations and Distribution • 325 MHz Power • Will need five 325 MHz, 2.5 MW klystrons for the 0-600 MeV Linac • Low b, beam phase and possible cavities field variations will require use of IQM modulators • 40 kW ~ 120 kW • Phase: +/- 45 degree, Amplitude: +/- 1.5 db • 1 degree/1msec • 1300 MHz Power • Planning on ILC Modulator and 10 MW ILC klystron • Longitudinal dynamics of the non-relativistic H- beam and possible cavities field variations over time (SNS experience) will require use of IQM modulators throughout the Linac with the exception of the final four ILC 9-8-9 RF units • Need of additional RF simulation/experience on cavities field uniformity to prove the ability to control the RF distribution through LLRF under beam-loading conditions in the in the HE part of the Linac.

  17. Cryogenic Considerations • Cryogenic system temperature and pressure levels determined by choice of ILC-style cryomodules • ILC section cold mass operates at 2K • 325 MHz Front End cooled by 2-phase He at 4.5 K • 8 GeV Linac cryogenic system will be similar, in scale, to the Spallation Neutron Source system. • Challenges (face by ILC as well): • Liquid level control in long strings • Uncertainty in heat load estimates • Optimization of capital vs. operating costs • Protection from over-pressurization due to abnormal operating conditions • Compliance with engineering standards

  18. Civil Site Considerations • Considerable efforts placed on the investigation of site location at the time of the Proton Driver proposal (several constraints on injection into MR or Recycler) • No additional evidence suggesting a more suitable location than inside the southern half of the Tevatron Ring • Site characterized professionally • Wet land impact (120-160 acres)

  19. Project X Linac at FNAL • SCRF Facilities available at FNAL • Cold String assembly line (MP9) • Cryomodule Assembly Facility (ICB) • BCP/EP at ANL/FNAL and VTS @ FNAL • Project X in line with other ILC activities at FNAL • Project X will contribute to the industrialization of ILC components and SCRF technology: • ~300 ILC cavities and ~100 Spoke Resonators • Cavities Companies: AES (ILC), Roark (ILC, HINS) • ~40 ILC cryomodules and ~50 ILC quadrupoles • PHPK (HTS), Meyer Tools (LHC cryomodules and ANL SSR),… • ~400 Power Couplers: • CPI (XFEL-Desy), Ability Engineering (HINS SSR PCs)

  20. Conclusions • The Project X Linac has been designed to have a very large “commonality” with the ILC project. • (At least) Two designs with large number of features overlapping the ILC • Major R&D issues are being addressed in a separate HINS R&D program or are common with standard ILC issues (cavities gradient, MBK klys, etc). • Future work will include (in addition to HINS R&D): • Demonstration of 8p/9 mode operations for ILC cavities • Transient beam dynamics analysis with realistic RF distribution and feedback • Definition and analysis of potential upgrades not excluded by the design • The scale of the US regional industrialization effort for the ILC is at the same level of the number of cryomodules needed for the Project X Linac

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