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SEMINARIO Tendencias tecnológicas para la globalización del conocimiento Universidad del Valle, 12 de Abril de 2011 . La arqueología en la Web: El caso del International Journal of South American Archaeology-IJSA Carlos Armando Rodríguez , Ph.D Profesor Distinguido
SEMINARIO Tendencias tecnológicas para la globalización del conocimiento Universidad del Valle, 12 de Abril de 2011 La arqueología en la Web: El caso del International Journal of South American Archaeology-IJSA Carlos Armando Rodríguez, Ph.D Profesor Distinguido Director, Museo Arqueológico Julio C. Cubillos Universidad del Valle
http://www.ijsa.syllabapress.com • Antecedentes • Creación en 2004 del Grupo de Investigación en Arqueología y Diversidad Sociocultural Prehispánica-ARQUEODIVERSIDAD (http://arqueodiversidad.univalle.edu.co). Departamento de Artes Visuales y Estética-Museo Arqueológico Julio C. Cubillos. • Creación en Septiembre de 2007 del Internacional Journal of South American Archaeology-IJSA (ISSN 2011-0626), como órgano de difusión de ARQUEODIVERSIDAD. Patrocinado por SyllabaPress (Miami), Museo Arqueológico Julio C. Cubillos, Fundación Taraxacum (Washington). • Visibilidad internacional de las investigaciones arqueológicas y de la historia prehispánica de Colombia y Suramérica en el mundo. PaperEditions Vs. ElectronicEditions. • Necesidad de la integración de la comunidad científica de arqueólogos, utilizando los recursos de la Web. Existían pocas revistas sobre arqueología de Suramérica en la Web. • Importancia de los arqueólogos, como científicos sociales en los nuevos cambios socioculturales que están ocurriendo en Suramérica, empezando el nuevo milenio.
Cómo lo hicimos? • Socialización de la idea con colegas de todo el mundo. • Elección del nombre de la revista, periodicidad, temáticas, idiomas. (The International Journal of South American Archaeology – IJSA (ISSN 2011-0626) publishes original articles (Peer Review) on the Archaeology and Prehispanic History of South America, including topics such as Environmental Archaeology, Sociocultural Archaeology, Prehispanic Art, Sociocultural Diversity, Contemporary Peoples and their Archaeological Remains. Papers may also address general theoretical and methodological issues relevant to archaeology, especially in South America. Articles, reports, and reviews may be in Spanish, Portuguese or English). • Elección del Editor en Jefe y del Comité Editorial Internacional. (Editor en Jefe Carlos Armando Rodríguez, Ph.D; Comité Editorial Internacional: Betty Meggers, Ph.D, Department of AnthropologySmithsonianInstitution Washington D.C. - U.S.A., Ramiro Matos Mendieta, Ph.D • NationalMuseum of the American IndianSmithsonianInstitution Washington D.C. - U.S.A., Andrei • Tabarev, Ph.D., Division of Foreign Archaeology Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Novosibirsk – • Russia., Luis Felipe Bate, Ph.D. Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Ciudad de México – México., • Carlos Eduardo López, Ph.D., Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira • Pereira – Colombia., Mario Sanoja, Ph.D. Academia Nacional de Historia de Venezuela. Caracas – • Venezuela. Iraida Vargas - Arenas, Ph.D. Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología- Comisión de Ciencias • Sociales, Caracas – Venezuela. Ernesto Salazar, Ph.D. Laboratorio de Arqueología, Pontificia Universidad • Católica, Quito – Ecuador., Francisco Valdéz, Ph.D. Misión IRD- Institut de Recherchepour le • Developpement, Quito – Ecuador. Ruth ShadySolis, Ph.D. Escuela de Post – Grados-Universidad Nacional • Mayor de San Marcos, Lima – Perú. Tania Andrade Lima, Ph.D. Museu Nacional Universidade Federal do • Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. José Antonio Pérez Gollan, Ph.D. Museo Etnográfico • Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires – Argentina.
Cómo lo hicimos? • Gestión y registro internacional del ISSN (2011-0626). • Creación de la página web de IJSA. http://www.ijsa.syllabapress.com/index.html • (Home, Journal Information, Guide for • Authors, Editorial Board, Send • Manuscripts, Issues, Search, Contactus). • Organización de N° 1 de IJSA, publicado en la Web en Septiembre de 2007. Carátula, Editorial, Articles, Reports, Reviews. 7 artículos en español, inglés, portugués.
Editor. Professor, Carlos Armando Rodríguez Email: ijsa@syllabapress.com http://www.ijsa.syllabapress.com ________________________________________________________________________________ Article number: IJSA-0001 Date for return of review: August 6, 2007 Article title: Author(s) code: IJSA-01-2007 Dear Colleague The attached manuscript has been submitted to the Journal and we would be very grateful if you would be able to review it for us. The Journal is aimed principally towards all those with a professional interest in the study of archaeology and prehispanic history of South America, including topics such as environmental archaeology, sociocultural archaeology, bioarchaeology, prehispanic art, sociocultural diversity, contemporary peoples and their archaeological remains. Papers may also address general theoretical and methodological issues relevant to archaeology, especially in South America. The material consist of Articles, Reports, and Reviews in Spanish, Portuguese or English. The requirements for publication may be briefly stated as originality and significance. In order to strengthen the interdisciplinary character of the Journal, papers should elucidate general principles, and review articles should seek to explain the contributions in one or many disciplines. We would be grateful if you could return your review by email by the date shown above in order not to delay publication. If you anticipate significant delays beyond this date, would you please return the manuscript as soon as possible so that an alternative review can be obtained. With best wishes, Carlos Armando Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Please note that there are two accompanying documents that you are required to complete. Comments which can be communicated anonymously to the Author (s) should be typed, without identifying marks, in the “Copy of Reviewer’s Comments (For Author) section of the file Review 1b¬_author. These comments should then be copied to the “Copy of Reviewer’s Comments (For Editor) section on page 2 of this file (Review 1a¬_author). Both completed document should be returned directly to the Editor. Referee’s names are held in the strictest confidence. 1. Reviewer’s recommendations Accept No amendments required Reviewer suggests amendment but this in not mandatory Paper accepted on condition that Reviewer’s requests are complied with Reject Author should consider the suggestions of the reviewers and re-submit paper Author should re-submit as a short communication only Paper is unacceptable. Reasons for objections are attached 2. Reviewer’s rating of paper: This Paper Is of major significance Contains important information Is average Is poor Is the importance such that publication procedures should be accelerated? YES NO 3. If the paper is acceptable: (a) Is the Title adequate? YES NO (b) Are the Summary and material suitable? YES NO (c) Is adequate reference made to other works in the field? YES NO (d) Are any portions of the paper or any illustrations unnecessary? YES NO (e) Can any material be deleted without detriment? YES NO COPY OF REVIEWER’S R S COMMENTS (For Editor) Reviewer’s name: Date:
International Journal of SOUTH AMERICAN ARCHAELOGY- IJSA Editor. Professor Carlos Armando Rodríguez, Ph.D. ______________________________________ Article number: IJSA-0001 Article title: Author(s) code: IJSA-01-2007 COPY OF REVIEWER’S COMMENTS (For Author(s)
Resultados • 2007-2011 • Números: 7 • Artículos: 43 • Autores: 72
ABSTRACTING / INDEXING • Ulrich's Serials Analysis System is a powerful tool for library and research center professionals who need to identify, analyze, evaluate and create reports about their institutions' current print and electronic serials. • Following groups of parameters are being evaluated: • – Scientific quality 580 base points (58.0%) • – Editorial quality 200 base points (20.0%) • – International availability 135 base points (13.5%) • – Frequency-Regularity-Stability 50 base points (5.0%) • – Technical quality 35 base points (3.5%) • Total 1000 base points (100.0%) • Evaluación N° 1.149 de 2.520 journals. IJSA- IC Value: 4.56 • Science. New York. ICV: 274.88 • Genome Medicine. London: ICV: 5.60 • Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. Texas. ICV: 4.23 • Antropo. Universidad del País Vasco. ICV: 4.03 • Lietuvosarcheologija. Vilnius-Lituania. ICV: 3.05
Impact Factor de IJSA (2008-2009). • Journal Impact Factor is from Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of Thomson ISI (Institute for Scientific Information). JCR provides quantitative tools for evaluating journals. The impact factor is one of these; it is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a given period of time. • The impact factor for a journal is calculated based on a three-year period, and can be considered to be the average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication. • 2007. Current Anthropology. IF: 2.03. 5 lugar. • 2007. American Antiquity. IF: 1.84. 7 lugar. • 2007. J. Archaeological Sci. IF: 1.78. 9 lugar.
IJSA en las redes académicas y sociales • Únete al Grupo del IJSA en la red social Facebook y mantente al tanto de nuestras convocatorias de publicación y otras actividades. • Encuentra los artículos de todos los números del IJSA en el Sistema Scribd. Disponibles Open Access para más de 5 millones de usuarios en el mundo. • Lista de correo de arqueólogos de América Latina a los cuales se les envía cada número publicado. Hola Carlos Armando! Este es el resumen del rendimiento de tu página de Facebook esta semana: Fecha 11-04-2011.
Perspectivas a mediano y largo plazo • Indexación en Publindex. Colciencias. • Indexación en otros medios latinoamericanos e internacionales. • IJSA en el Servicio de las bases de datos de EBSCO Publishing: http://www.ebscohost.com. • IJSA en redes de investigación y revistas de arqueología internacionales. • Actualización de la Página Web. • Aumentar la periodicidad a 3 números al año. • Renovar y aumentar el Comité Editorial Internacional.