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British Shops. What Can You Buy In The Butchers? . pork and bacon beef and steak , chicken turkey rabbits Organs like hearts , kidneys and liver . sausages cold meats – ham , pepperoni , salami Do you usually buy meat from a butchers ?. What Can You Buy In The Bakers? .
What Can You Buy In The Butchers? pork and bacon beef and steak, chicken turkey rabbits Organslikehearts, kidneys and liver. sausages coldmeats – ham, pepperoni, salami Do youusuallybuymeatfrom a butchers?
What Can You Buy In The Bakers? Cakes, pastries, muffins, doughnuts Hand-made chocolates Loaves of bread and rolls. Takeawayfood: salad, pies, sandwiches, and soup. Where do youusuallybuyyour bread and cakes? Howoften do yougotoa traditionalbakers?
What Can You Buy In The Fishmongers? Isthere a fishmongers in yourneighbourhood? Where do younormallybuyyourfish? Fishlikesalmon and cod Seafoodlikecrab and lobster
What is a Greengrocers? Greengrocers are open from 7am until 9pm. You can buy a variety of fruit and vegetables. Youcan alsobuyplants, flowers and seeds. Whatfruit and vegetables are traditionalto Gran Canaria? Whatfruit and vegetables are traditional in Britain?
What do we go to the Chemist for? • tobuy medicine • tobuyelectricalproductslike cameras, iPods, razors, laptops, and hairdryers • tobuybabyproducts • tobuymakeup, perfumes and skincarecreams • toprintphotographs • to pick up sandwiches, salads, softdrinks, sweets and crispsfor lunch What can you buy in a chemist here? Is it different?
What is in a Fish and Chip Shop? • Fish, chips and peas • Pies and bakedbeans • Sausages • Allfoodisdeepfried Can youbuya deepfriedMars in yourcity? Wouldyouliketo try them?
Why would you go to a Cardshop? Tobuythingsforcelebrations: • Cards and Giftwrap • PartyHats, Balloons, Confetti and Kazoos. • SoftToys • Valentine Gifts • Christmas Decorations Didyougeta cardlastValentine’sday? Istherea shop likethishere?
Whatis a Charity Shop? Charity shops sellanythingsecond-hand: • Clothes & Accessories • Games • Books • Music • Do youusuallybuysecond-handthings?
What on earth are Fabric Shops/ Haberdashery Shops? They sell different types of materials: • Silk • Suede • Cotton Haberdashery Shops sell: • Buttons • Ribbons • Hooks and Zips • Pins Have you got the same shops here?
What is an Offlicense? • “Offies” sell all types of alcohol: • spirits, beer and wine • cigarettes • sweets, crisps and nuts They are open until 10pm. Have you got the same type of shop here? Until what time can you buy alcohol here?