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Get Devops Training in Chennai with real-time experts at Besant Technologies, OMR. We believe that learning Devops with practical and theoretical will be the easiest way to understand the technology in quick manner. We designed this Devops from basic level to the latest advanced level.
Content • Git • Jenkins • Docker • Puppet • Ansible • Nagios • Selenium • Chef • Splunk • ELK Stack
Introduction into Git • Git is currently the most popular implementation of a distributed version control system. • Git originates from the Linux kernel development and was founded in 2005 by Linus Torvalds. Nowadays it is used by many popular open source projects, e.g., the Android or the Eclipse developer teams, as well as many commercial organizations. • The core of Git was originally written in the programming language C, but Git has also been re-implemented in other languages, e.g., Java, Ruby and Python.
Features • Free-Open Source Tool • Feature Branch Workflow • Allows Distributed Development • Supports Pull Request • Enables Faster Release Cycle
Introduction into Jenkins • Continuous Integration, also know as CI, is a cornerstone of modern software development. In fact it is a real game changer—when Continuous Integration is introduced into an organization, it radically alters the way teams think about the whole development process. • It has the potential to enable and trigger a series of incremental process improvements, going from a simple scheduled automated build right through to continuous delivery into production. • A good CI infrastructure can streamline the development process right through to deployment, help detect and fix bugs faster, provide a useful project dashboard for both developers and non-developers, and ultimately, help teams deliver more real business value to the end user. Every professional development team, no matter how small, should be practicing CI.
Features • Free Open-Source Tool • Integrate all your DevOps stages with the help of around 1000 plugins • Script your pipeline having one or more build jobs into a single workflow • Easily start your Jenkins with its WAR file • Provides multiple ways of communication: web-based GUI, CLI and REST Api
Introduction into Docker • Dockeris a tool that enables you to create, deploy, and manage lightweight, stand-alone packages that contain everything needed to run an application (code, libraries, runtime, system settings, and dependencies). These packages are called containers. • Each container is deployed with its own CPU, memory, block I/O, and network resources, all without having to depend upon an individual kernel and operating system. While it may be easiest to compare Docker and virtual machines, they differ in the way they share or dedicate resources. • Containers help expand your Linode’s functionality in a number of ways. For example, you can deploy multiple instances of nginx with multiple stagings (such as development and production). Unlike deploying multiple virtual machines, the deployed containers will not tax your Linode’s resources.
Features • Use Docker container with any language • Ship the container wherever you want, be it QA, your team or even the cloud • Scale up to 1000’s node • Update with zero downtime
Introduction into Puppet • Puppet is the most popular and de facto standard for configuration management with more than 36,000 organization across the globe with 75% of Fortune 100 companies using Puppet. Puppet is popular for configuration management in automating the delivery and management of hybrid infrastructure. • With Puppet, the system administrators will be able to control and enforce consistency across infrastructure using a common easy to read language. Sharing, Testing and enforcing the changes across cloud platforms and data center is not going to be breathtaking tasks anymore when Puppet is used.
Features • Based on master-slave architecture • Open-source tool • Long commercial track record
Introduction into Ansible • Ansible is a general purpose automation tool that may be used for configuration management or workflow automation. Configuration management is an "infrastructure as code" practice that codifies things, e.g. what packages and versions should be installed on a system, or what daemons should be running. Workflow automation may be anything from provisioning cloud infrastructure to deploying software. • This article starts with a feature overview, a description of how Ansible fits with Chef or Puppet, and technical examples of configuration management and workflow automation. This article will give you a feel for what Ansible can do, and the high-level topics for further learning.
Features • Open source configuration management tool • Supports push configuration • Based on master-slave architecture • Completely agentless and uses simple syntax written YAML
Introduction into Nagios • Although there are many proprietary monitoring tools out there to select from depending upon the requirement, no proprietary tool can provide the peer review, source code modification, and version iterations that an open source tool provides. • Nagios is an open source server and network monitoring tool that provides all those capabilities we discussed above in one package. Nagios monitors the servers and network devices(in fact i must say any network device which is accessible with an IP address can be monitored using Nagios) and alerts you when a particular service that's being monitored goes wrong, and also will alert you when the service comes back to normal required state. Nagios is capable of doing the following things
Features • Monitors and troubleshoot server performance issues • Plan infrastructure upgrades before outdated systems cause failures • Automatically fix problems when detected
Introduction into Selenium • Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. • It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Pro (QTP now UFT) only that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. Testing done using Selenium tool is usually referred as Selenium Testing.
Features • Free Open-Source Tool • Create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests • Write test scripts in multiple languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, Perl, Php, JavaScript • Supports Multiplatform for testing like ios and Android • Easy to build a keyword driven framework for a WebDriver
Introduction into Chef • Make the testing and deployment of your projects fast, painless, and inexpensive. • Treating infrastructure as code refers to writing code, via any descriptive language, to manage server provisioning and configuration process in addition to deployment of actual application code. It involves adopting automated testing and related practices that are already used in modern application development, such as version control, integration testing, small deployments, use of design patterns etc. • Following those practices and rules means writing code to provision and manage the configuration of your servers. By doing that you will gain safe, repeatable and automated processes.
Features • Another open-source configuration management tool • Supports multiple platforms like AIX, RHEL/CentOS, FreeBSD • Easy to integrate with cloud-based platforms • Active, smart and fast-growing community support
Introduction into Splunk • Splunk is a powerful platform for analyzing machine data, data that machines emit in great volumes but which is seldom used effectively. The fastest way to understand the power and versatility of Splunk is to consider two scenarios: one in the datacenter and one in the marketing department. • Splunk produces software for searching, monitoring, and Splunkgathered all of the relevant information into a central index that you could rapidly search. Splunk can provide a detailed window into what is happening in your machine data. Splunk can also reveal historical trends, correlate multiple sources of information, and help in thousands of other ways.
Features • Store, search, analyze and visualize the machine-generated data • Ingest data in multiple file format • Create knowledge objects for operational intelligence • Monitors business metrics to get log insights • Best DevOps Training institute
Introduction into ELK Stack • The products we build often rely on multiple web servers and/or multiple database servers. In such cases, we often don’t have centralized tools for analyzing and storing logs. Under such circumstances, identifying different types of events and correlating them with other types of events is an almost impossible mission. • A single exception condition, somewhere in the middle of the system, can be disastrous for both the end user and the development team. A user may end up looking at a blank page after submitting payment for your service, or a large packet-loss can occur within your network, resulting in stretching a simple 10-minute job into a 10-hour headache.
Features • Open Source tool with multiple plugins • Lightweight tool, easy to deploy • Perform search in near-real time • Collects and Analyse logs from an excel file to a database or server • Active and Supportive discussion forum
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