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Transcription of Text by Incremental Support Vector machine. Anurag Sahajpal and Terje Kristensen. Outline. Introduction Theory of Incremental SVM Application Discussion, further work and references. Introduction. Phoneme : the basic abstract symbol representing speech sound
Transcription of Text by Incremental Support Vector machine Anurag Sahajpal and Terje Kristensen
Outline • Introduction • Theory of Incremental SVM • Application • Discussion, further work and references
Introduction • Phoneme : the basic abstract symbol representing speech sound • Transcription : process of converting text (word) into corresponding phonetic sequence • Letter-to-phoneme correspondence is generally not one-to-one • Examples : • ”lønnsoppgaver” trascribes to !!2nsOpgA:v@r • ”natt” transcribes to nAt while rar to rA:r
The Problem • Phoneme transcription an instance of more general problem of Pattern recognition • Phonetic rules compiled by experts are time consuming and fixed for a particular langauge • What is required is an automatic approach, independent of any particular language
The Problem • Machine learning approach using SVM reported in earlier paper • The phonemic data in a language shows regional variation • Distributed learning by SVM may be tried to adapt to geografically distributed phonemic data
Support Vector Machine • Distribution free • Non-parametric • Non-linear • High-dimensional • Small training data sets • Convex QP problem • Good generalization performance x1 Support Vectors Margin Width x2
Support Vector Machine In a nutshell: • map the data to a predetermined very high-dimensional space via a kernel function • Find the hyperplane that maximizes the margin between the two classes • If data are not separable find the hyperplane that maximizes the margin and minimizes the (a weighted average of the) misclassifications
Which Separating Hyperplane to Use? Var1 Var2
Maximizing the Margin Var1 IDEA 1: Select the separating hyperplane that maximizes the margin! Margin Width Margin Width Var2
MultiClass SVMs • One-versus-all • Train n binary classifiers, one for each class against all other classes. • Predicted class is the class of the most confident classifier • One-versus-one • Train n(n-1)/2 classifiers, each discriminating between a pair of classes • Several strategies for selecting the final classification based on the output of the binary SVMs
Outline • Introduction • Theory of Incremental SVM • Application • Discussion, further work and references
SVM in Incremental and Distributed Settings • Performance constriants with SVM training for large-scale problems • Cumulative learning algorithms that incorporate new data over time (incremental) and space (distributed) • Modifications to batch SVM learning to adapt to cumulative settings • Calls for provable convergence properties
A naive approach to cumulative learning • SVM learns D1 and generate a set of support vectors SV1 • add SV1 to D2 to get a data set D`2 • SVM learns D`2 and generate a set of support vectors SV2
Incremental SVM Learning • Convex hull of a set of points, S, is the smallest convex set containing S • U-Closure property satisfied for convex hulls • Vconv(Vconv(A1) U A2) = Vconv(A1 U A2) where Vconv(A) denote the vertices of a convex hull of a set A
Incremental SVM Learning • learning algorithm, L, computes Vconv(D1(+)) and Vconv(D1(-)) • Add Vconv(D1(+)) to D2(+) to obtain D`2(+) • Add Vconv(D1(-)) to D2(-) to obtain D`2(-) • Lcomputes Vconv(D`2(+)) and Vconv(D`2(-)) • Generate a training: D12 = Vconv(D`2(+)) UVconv(D`2(-)) compute SVM (D12)
Outline • Introduction • Theory of Incremental SVM • Application • Discussion, further work and references
SAMPA for Norwegian • SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet) - A computer readable phonetic alphabet • Consonants and Vowels are classified into different subgroups : • Consonants – plosives(6), fricatives(7), sonorant consonants(5) • Vowels – long(9), short(9), Diphthongs(7) • In our work, an estimate of 43 phonemes plus 10 additional phonetic symbols
Example of Training data file • Some examples of transcription of words using the Sampa notation: Words Transcription ape, !!A:p@ apene, !!A:p@n@ lønnsoppgaver !l2nsOpgA:v@r politiinspektørene !puliti:inspk!t2:r@n@ regjeringspartiet re!jeriNspArti:@ spesialundervisningen spesi!A:l}n@rvi:sniN@n
* e l e v e n active context context Transcription Method • Each letter pattern is a window onto a segment of the word where the phoneme to be predicted is in the middle of the window • The size of the window is selected to 7 letters in all the experiments
Pre-processing and coding • A pattern file of data consist of words and their trancription • Each pattern file is preprocessed before it is fed into SVM • An internal coding table is defined in the program to represent each letter and its corresponding phoneme • Example data file for LIBSVM
0 4:52 5:51 6:38 7:510 3:52 4:51 5:38 6:51 7:370 2:52 3:51 4:38 5:51 6:370 1:52 2:51 3:38 4:51 5:370 1:51 2:38 3:51 4:371 4:55 5:54 6:53 7:550 3:55 4:54 5:53 6:550 2:55 3:54 4:53 5:550 1:55 2:54 3:53 4:550 4:55 5:54 6:53 7:51
Experiment • Various steps in the experiment • One-versus-all • 30000 training patterns • Generation of 54 class files • Separate training for 54 corresponding models
Experiment • Various steps in the experiment • The test file containing 10000 patterns is tested by each model and voting was carried out • The output file and the true output was compared to find the accuracy
Outline • Introduction • Theory of Incremental SVM • Application • Discussion, further work and references
Discussion and Future Work • Complexity of convex hull computations have an exponential dependence on the dimensionality of the feature space. • Implementation and modification to the standard batch-mode SVM to incorporate convex hull algorithm • Extension to non-linear SVM classifier
References • Caragea D. and Silvescu A and Honavar V “Agents that learn from distributed data sources” In fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents. 2000 • http://www.kernel-machines.org/tutorial.html • C. J. C. Burges. A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2(2), 1998.