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KARABÜK UNIVERSITY. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. HISTORY
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences HISTORY With the establishment of Karabük University at 2007, GraduateSchool of NaturalandAppliedSciences has starteditseducation life with 8 graduateand 4 doctoral program. In the 2009-2010 academic year, A DISTANCE EDUCATION MASTER PROGRAM WITHOUT THESIS has opened at ComputerEngineeringDepartment. As of 2011,Karabük University GraduateSchool of NaturalandAppliedSciencescontuniesitseducationwith14 graduate and 8 doctoral program.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences ACADEMICANDADMINISTRATIVESTAFF The management staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 5 academic staff: 1 director, 2 associate director and 2 research assistant. And the administrative staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 3 administrative staff: 1 secretary, 1 computer operator. Totally 110 academicstaffhas been working at variousdepartments of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The distribution of the personnel of these departments accordingtotheiracademictitles are given below.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences DEPARTMENTS WithintheGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, thereare 384 graduatestudent of 14 departmentsand 90 doctoralstudents of 8 departments. At the same time so far a total of 120 students havereceivedgraduateddegreewith a high degree of success. The following table details the distribution of our studentsaccordingtodepartments.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences OUR STRENGTHS • Graduate School of Natural and Applied Scienceshas an outstanding staffto educate the future scientists. • Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is at a city of stronguniversity-industrycooperation. • Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is in thefront of others in case of practicaltrainingwith a closerelationship of industry. • Wehavethewealth of distanceeducation (e-learning) ability in EngineeringFaculty.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • Graduate School of Natural and Applied Scienceshas thewealth of variousM.Sc. and Ph.D. coursesprepared by expert academics. • Karabük University, offers a comprehensive library service whichprovidesaccess to electronic databases in ordertohelpgraduatestudents in theirresearchwork. • And most importantly, KarabukUniversity, has thewealthof facilitieswhichareneccessaryforthesuccess of Master and PhD studentsand more importantly, has well-appointed R & D laboratories.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS • Karabük UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciencesfromthebeginningtillthepresentday, 2 DPT, 1 SAN-TEZ and6TÜBİTAK projectsproposedbyMaster's and PhD studentscooperated-withtheirsupervisorswereacceptedtosupport. • Amongtheacceptedprojects 1 DPT and 2 TÜBİTAK projectscompletedsuccessfullyand “projectreports” submitted to related departments. • As of 2009-2010 academicyear, Karabük University, found 12 BAP projectsacceptableforPhDstudentstosupport. In addition, in 2010-2011 academicyeardecided to give the BAP projectas well as totheMaster'sstudents. • In addition,fromthethesisgiventoGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciencesmany national and international publications (articles, papers, etc.) contribute to the researchfield.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Alumnis of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences with14 departments are educated to gain academicians and researchers in science field and qualified personnel in private sector; • Primarily and especially, have knowledge and experience in order to be able to develop possible solutions and find a solution in the face of problems at working life. • ALUMNIS, have the capabilities that can use the scientific and technological potential they gained most effective and most qualified.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • ALUMNIS, helptheproductionprocesstomeet the requirements of the developing world, toget a sharefromthecompetitive market environmentandto be produced at highquality. • ALUMNIS, taking into account the changing and evolving technological information,can prepareprojects at theirspecializationfield, can manageandimplementtheprojects. • AndmostimportantlyALUMNIS, at theirspecializationarea, ifneeded can examinetheindustry’sneeds in placeand can submitproposalswithcause-effectrelationshipforthesolution.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • JOB OPPORTUNITIES • First of all, since theyhavelearnedscientificresearchandprojectpreperationtechniqueswiththeireducation in graduateprograms, both in the private sector and public institutions, they can prepare projects according to the needs of the regionandtheirjob. • Withtheprojectreportstheyhavecompletedthey can shedlight on thefuture of ourcountry. • They can leadtheresearchersfollowedthem.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • The majority of the alumnis is working in public institutions and the private sector, deepening their knowledge and skills in the areas of graduate education. • The alumniseducated by an outstanding academicians may set up their own businesses. • THE MOST IMPORTANT, they can be successful professionals and scientists able to work anywhere globally.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • AREAS OF STUDY • Universities (Academic) • Government departments (educator, conductor, administrator, etc.) • The private sector (Educator, designer, entrepreneur, and supervisory control, etc.) • Their own businesses (R & D center, laboratory, etc.) • Public and private sector to increase efficiency, occupational health and safety projects • Get a promotion on theirworkarea.
KARABÜK UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences • GENERAL ACHIEVEMENTS • Thinking • Creative • Able to express thoughts • Self-renewing • Entrepreneur • Inquiry • Likely to collaborate • Open sharing of information • Sensitive to social problems • Developed sense of responsibility • Contemporary in science • Innovative in Education • Enterprising individuals who grow up in the study.