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当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 定睛在祂奇妙慈容 look full in His wonderful face. 在救主荣耀恩典大光中 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim 世上事必然显为虚空 in the light of His glory and grace. 当专心仰望耶稣 Turn your thoughts upon Jesus 来思想祂奇妙大爱 think deep of His wonderful love. 当天上喜乐充满在心中
当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn your eyes upon Jesus 定睛在祂奇妙慈容 look full in His wonderful face
在救主荣耀恩典大光中 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim 世上事必然显为虚空 in the light of His glory and grace
当专心仰望耶稣 Turn your thoughts upon Jesus 来思想祂奇妙大爱 think deep of His wonderful love
当天上喜乐充满在心中 And the thoughts of sin and of self and strife, 世俗忧虑必然要离开 will be lost in that rapture above.