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Simona Aceto & Claudia Peritore

Erasmus placement: put it into practice! Inspiring placement brainstorming Rome, 19 - 21 November 2009. Simona Aceto & Claudia Peritore . Steps of the speech Why we are here Issues to be raised Main placement actors MOBstacles Placement and economic Crisis

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Simona Aceto & Claudia Peritore

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Erasmus placement: put it into practice! Inspiring placement brainstorming Rome, 19 - 21 November 2009 Simona Aceto & Claudia Peritore

  2. Steps of the speech Why we are here Issues to be raised Main placement actors MOBstacles Placement and economicCrisis Enterprise needs and definition of skills Goals of the meeting …still in stand by

  3. a) WHY we are here • Follow up of the PLACEMENT meeting FRAMEWORK • PLACEMENT na NETWORK • STUDENT SKILLS AND ENTERPRISES • START-UP TOOL KIT FOR nas • focus on the quality pillars • Quality plan & concrete common tools • Let’s brainstorm !!! HELSINKI DUBLIN BRUSSELS Istanbul ROME

  4. B) issues to be raised Feedback Monitoring

  5. c) Main placement actors HEIs ENTERPRISES STUDENTS


  7. e) PLACEMENT & economic CRISIS Wei =danger Ji =opportunity

  8. f) Enterprise needs and definition of skills Anticipating Matching

  9. g) Meeting goals • Concrete tools • Standard community guidelines • Enhancing the HEI - Enterprise cooperation • Basis for a future cooperation among AIESEC, EC, Nas (…and HEIs)

  10. h) Issues still in stand by Sharing Partner search windows Marketing oriented philosophy of hei (to get the enterprise loyalty) Structural cooperation among Dg eac, dg enterprise & dg employment Link between SMP & erasmus for young entrepeneurs Database of the Enterprise consortium partners from llp link Setting official discussion tables of nas, ec, national authorities, rectors conferences & enterprise decision makers

  11. …Work HARD • To • Play HARD…

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