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CEP. LHCb week, 12.12. 2013, CERN. C entral E xclusive P roduction: Motivation and Prospects ( collecting CEPs with LHCb). V.A. K hoze ( IPPP, Durham & PNPI ). (in collaboration with Lucian HA r land -Lang and Misha RYS kin ). K HA RYS.
CEP LHCb week, 12.12. 2013, CERN Central Exclusive Production: Motivation and Prospects ( collecting CEPs with LHCb) V.A. Khoze(IPPP, Durham & PNPI) (in collaboration with Lucian HArland-Lang and MishaRYSkin) KHARYS
Motivation and a bit of theoretical background. Diphoton and Dimeson CEP, gluonic component of CEP as a way to study old and new heavy resonances Towards the Full Acceptance Detector at the LHC(bj-1992). LHCb CEP-selected shopping list Summary and Outlook.
This is all about QCD with all its beauty and complexities
All in a broad agreement with Durham (so far) SuperCHIC
Could (LHCb) (LHCb results) (Antoni’s talk )
Phys.Rev.Lett.102:242001,2009 (nearly full rapidity coverage) 80 Too good to be true ?! (LHCb-first inclusive mid-July 2013),
(A. Alekseev-1958-positronium) KMR-01 (also Antoni Szczurek et al) …and especially without proton detectors! The effects of non-zero (especially for 2+ ).
1 : 0.6 : 0.22 First ‘exclusive’ events now being seen at LHCb. Results suggestive of a sizeable contribution. From CDF dipion/KK CEP :
LHCb 210 data 2011-2012 dataset ~ 80 times more lumi Theory corrections? Bad guys-diffractive dissociation FSCs- to veto proton dissociation
KMRS-2004 First CDF limits -2013
(most probably not NR effects) ( energy rise to 13 TeV results in increase of uninstrumented region) The bad guys!
Towards Full Acceptance Detector at the LHC (bj- 1992) ( uninstrumented regions at LHCb and Alice) IS THERE A WAY OUT ? Yes, an addition of Forward Shower Counters around beam pipes- low PU runs first results of combined CMS+ TOTEM measurements with the FSCs on (showers from particles with | | = 7-9) ( good luck to LHCb and Alice)
SELECTED SHOPPING LIST Further improvement of exclusivity in ‘CEP’. Better understanding of the origin of the excess in the production in 2010` LHCb data and resolving an indicative tension with the Tevatron limits. Studying dependence of the ratios / a and / on the cuts on meson pT. Increasing instrumented region with FSC would help greatly. Quarkonium dynamics, sensitivity to infrared and theory corrections (NRE) or proton dissociation effects or….? CEP Comparison of the with and with the , ,,… continuum. Different production mechanisms , sensitivity to absorption (survival )effects.
CEP at ET in ~ 2.5-10 GeV Detailed study of perturbative CEP mechanism and the probe of higher order effects , restricting PDF choice. Comparison with the dipion CEP. Interferometry with outgoing proton momenta in dmeson, dijet CEP. Deep probe of the model for soft diffraction and absorptive effects.. CEP of charmonium-like states. Comparison of with (a handle on efficiencies) and with Possible role of the ‘hard’ component. CEP of the states ( transitions) (much) better controlled perturbatively, scale issue, quarkonium dynamics
, CEP. Parton distribution functions at low x, comparison with DY (gluons vs quarks) Searches for odderon. (Antoni’s talk) Spin-Parity ID of the new exotic heavy states . -trigger for new exotic states Probing charmonium component of Y (3940)…. Observation of CEP in the resonance and non-resonance regions. (a very useful additional handle on various ingredients of production mechanism) Detailed measurements of the CEP. Test of non-trivial theory predictions. Probing the gluon component. Comparing soft particle production in pp and PP events : pT distributions and K / and p/ ratios ... CEP Further tests of the selection rule and quarkonium physics.
Exclusive dijet production at comparatively large pT. ‘Gluon factory’
LHCb is very well suited for collecting CEP. An installation of the FSCs and RPs at the LHCb could strongly enhance physics potential for the CEP measurements. Currently active studies are in progress, both on the experimental and theory sides. Jury is still out
We are looking forward to new LHCb exciting adventures in Exclusiveland
(KMR-2000) ( or central system )
LHCb 2010 data expect a factor of 4-6 up for 2015 running 2011-2012 dataset ~ 80 times larger
THEORY UNCERTAINTIES Known Unknowns N(N)LO- radiative effects (K-factors etc..) ‘ ‘Right’ choice of gluon densities, in particular at so low scales as in the case ( potentiality of a factor of ~3 rise for the H-case ) . Complete model for calculation of absorptive corrections. Complete theoretical (+MC) treatment of the proton dissociation effects in the RG events. Unknown Unknowns Non- pQCD effects in the meson characteristics. Currently no complete description of heavy quarkonium characteristics. . Gluons at so low scales, surprises are not excluded at all.