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Begin Datablast

Begin Datablast. GCSE Computing. Computer Systems. Define a computer system Describe the importance of computer systems Explain the need for reliability Explain the need for professional standards Ethical, environmental, legal issues. CPU. Binary Logic. Why use binary?. RAM vs ROM.

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Begin Datablast

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Begin Datablast • GCSE Computing

  2. Computer Systems • Define a computer system • Describe the importance of computer systems • Explain the need for reliability • Explain the need for professional standards • Ethical, environmental, legal issues

  3. CPU

  4. Binary Logic • Why use binary?

  5. RAM vs ROM

  6. Memory

  7. Device Types

  8. Storage Devices

  9. Operating Systems • User Interface • Memory Management • Peripheral Management • Multi-tasking • Security

  10. Utility Programs

  11. Application Software

  12. Binary Numbers • Bit - Nibble - Byte - KB - MB - GB - TB • Convert Binary <=> Denary • Binary Addition • Overflow Errors

  13. Hexadecimal • Convert Binary <=> Hexadecimal • Convert Denary <=> Hexadecimal • Advantages of Hexadecimal

  14. Representing Characters

  15. Representing Images

  16. Representing Sound

  17. Representing Instructions

  18. DBMS

  19. Database Components

  20. Relational Databases

  21. Networks

  22. Network Hardware

  23. Topologies

  24. Network Terms

  25. Network Security

  26. Network Policies

  27. Webpages

  28. Programming Terms

  29. Data Types

  30. Programming Languages

  31. Translators

  32. Testing

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