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#1 Organisms that have two of the same alleles for a particular gene are called ________.

#1 Organisms that have two of the same alleles for a particular gene are called ________. Heterozygous Gametes Dihybrids Homozygous. #2 The major cause for changes in the gene pool of a population is _____. Natural selection Mutation Migration Reproductive isolation.

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#1 Organisms that have two of the same alleles for a particular gene are called ________.

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  1. #1 Organisms that have two of the same alleles for a particular gene are called ________. • Heterozygous • Gametes • Dihybrids • Homozygous

  2. #2 The major cause for changes in the gene pool of a population is _____. • Natural selection • Mutation • Migration • Reproductive isolation

  3. #3 Organisms that have two different alleles for a particular gene are called ________. • Heterozygous • Gametes • Dihybrids • Homozygous

  4. #4 What was Mendel most notably known for? • Father of Genetics • Father of Evolution • Father of the Jews • Father of Molecular Biology

  5. # 5 Organisms are products of their __________ and of their environment. • Heredity • Color • Mitochondria • Dermis

  6. #6 Green is dominant to yellow. Determine the genotype and phenotype ratios for a heterozygous female and a homozygous dominant male • Geno: 25%(GG), 50% (Gg), 25% (gg) • Pheno: 50% green, 50% yellow • Geno: 25%(GG), 50% (Gg), 25% (gg) • Pheno: 75% green, 25% yellow • Geno: 50%(GG), 50% (Gg), 0% (gg) • Pheno: 100% green, 0% yellow • Geno: 0%(GG), 50% (Gg), 75% (gg) • Pheno: 0% green, 100% yellow

  7. #7 Why did he study pea plants? • Easy to grow • Self-fertilizing • Could study many generations • All of the above

  8. #8 Which of the following is not used to classify organisms? • Common names • Physical appearance • Embryology • Chromosome structure

  9. #9 This is an example of ________. • Hemophilia • Down syndrome (nondisjunction) • Sickle cell anemia • Color blindness

  10. #10 Tall plants is dominant to short plants. Determine the genotype and phenotype ratios for a homozygous recessive female and a homozygous recessivemale • Geno: 25%(TT), 50% (Tt), 25% (tt) • Pheno: 50% tall, 50% short • Geno: 25%(TT), 50% (Tt), 25% (tt) • Pheno: 75% tall, 25% short • Geno: 0%(TT), 0% (Tt), 100% (tt) • Pheno: 0% tall, 100% short • Geno: 0%(TT), 50% (Tt), 75% (tt) • Pheno: 0% tall, 100% short

  11. #11 Humans have a total of ____ pairs of chromosomes. • 17 • 23 • 100 • 46

  12. #12 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a method of producing many copies of a tiny sample of ______. • DNA • Chloroplasts • Heart cells • Blood

  13. #13 Normal Human Female organisms have ______. • One X and one Y chromosomes • No X chromosomes • Two Y chromosomes • Two X chromosomes

  14. #14 The blood type of a person with one B gene and one A gene is ___. • A • AB • O • B

  15. #15 What is a pedigree? • Dog food • Chart used to look at a family’s genetic traits • Graph used to look at DNA • Sequencing of gene.

  16. #16 Purple flowers is dominant to white flowers. Determine the genotype and phenotype ratios for a heterozygous female and a heterozygous male • Geno: 25%(PP), 50% (Pp), 25% (pp) • Pheno: 50% purple, 50% white • Geno: 25%(PP), 50% (Pp), 25% (pp) • Pheno: 75% purple, 25% white • Geno: 50%(PP), 50% (Pp), 0% (pp) • Pheno: 100% purple, 0% white • Geno: 0%(PP), 50% (Pp), 75% (pp) • Pheno: 0% purple, 100% white

  17. #17 When we have 46 chromosomes lined up by size and shape, it is called _____________. • Sequencing • Karyotype • Ordering • Factoring

  18. #18 Cloning produces organisms that have _____________. • Identical genes • All dominant genes • All recessive genes • 2 complete sets of chromosomes

  19. #19 When an organism that is homozygous dominant is crossed with an organism that is homozygous recessive, • All the offspring will have the phenotype of the dominant parent • Some will have the phenotype of the dominant parent and some for the recessive parent • You can’t tell from this information • The offspring will have varying genotypes.

  20. #20 Today, biologists refer to Mendel's factors as ____________. • Gametes • Genes • RNA • Cytoplasm

  21. #21 The field of biology that studies inheritance of traits is _____. • Ecology • Embryology • Heredity • Genetics

  22. #22 The science of classifying things is called _____. • Taxonomy • Evolution • Embryology • Phylogeny

  23. #23 The meadow rose (Rosa blanda), cherry tree (Prunus avium), apple tree (Malus pumila), and moss rose (Rosa centifolia) all belong to the Rosaceae Family. The 2 plants that belong to the same genus are the ___. • Apple tree and cherry tree • Moss rose and meadow rose • Moss rose and apple tree • Meadow rose and cherry tree

  24. #24 The Classification group with the most different kinds of organisms is _____. • Genus • Family • Kingdom • Phylum

  25. #25 What is the correct way of writing the scientific name for a Lion? • pantheraleo • Pantheraleo • Pantheraleo • panthera Leo

  26. #26 Pieces of DNA from one kind of organism that contains DNA from another kind of organism is called ______. • RNA • Hybrids • Plasmids • Recombinant DNA

  27. #27 All of the following can cause changes in the gene pool of a population except ____. • Migration • Natural selection • Overproduction • Mutations

  28. #28 Because only tall plants were produced when purebred short and tall plants were crossed, Mendel concluded that the tall trait is ______. • Dominant • Pure • Recessive • Hidden

  29. #29 Which of the following is not a reason to classify organisms? • To make it easier to identify unknown organisms • To show relationships among organisms • To organize information about different types of organisms • To provide organisms with Latin names

  30. # 30 The most closely related organisms belong to the same • Kingdom • Species • Genus • Order

  31. #31 Dimples is dominant to no dimples. Determine the genotype and phenotype ratios for a heterozygous female and a heterozygous male • Geno: 25%(DD), 50% (Dd), 25% (dd) • Pheno: 50% dimples, 50% no dimples • Geno: 50%(DD), 50% (Dd), 0% (dd) • Pheno: 100% dimples, 0% no dimples c. Geno: 0%(DD), 50% (Dd), 75% (dd) • Pheno: 0% dimples, 100% no dimples d. Geno: 25%(DD), 50% (Dd), 25% (dd) • Pheno: 75% dimples, 25% no dimples

  32. #32 The process of evolution through slow change is called _____. • Gradualism • Punctuated equilibrium • Speciation • Variations

  33. #33 What does a Scientific name consist of? • Kingdom order • Class species • Phylum Genus • Genus species

  34. #34 The Kaibab squirrel and Abert squirrel live on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon. The development of these 2 species of squirrels from a common ancestor was most likely a result from ___. • Mutation then migration • Gradualism • Geographic isolation • Mutation

  35. #35 All the blackbirds that live in a certain forest make up a _____. • Migration • Kingdom • Phylum • Population

  36. #36 According to the theory of natural selection, organisms that are well adapted to their environment ___. • Usually migrate elsewhere • Survive to pass on their traits to their offspring • Add new genes to the gene pool • Form a population

  37. #37 Brown hair is dominant to gray hair. Determine the genotype and phenotype ratios for a homozygous dominant female and a homozygous dominant male • Geno: 25%(BB), 50% (Bb), 25% (bb) • Pheno: 50% brown, 50% grey • Geno: 25%(BB), 50% (Bb), 25% (bb) • Pheno: 75% brown, 25% grey • Geno: 50%(BB), 50% (Bb), 0% (bb) • Pheno: 100% brown, 0% grey • Geno: 100%(BB), 0% (Bb), 0% (bb) • Pheno: 100% brown, 0% grey

  38. #38 The system of binomial nomenclature was developed by____. • Darwin • Linnaeus • Ray • Aristotle

  39. #39 All of the following are part of Darwin’s theory of evolution except ____. • Competition • Variations • Acquired characteristics • Survival of the fittest

  40. #40 Geographic isolation occurs when _____. • Organisms in a population can no longer produce offspring • The structure of a gene changes • A physical barrier separates 2 populations • Members of species move into a population

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