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Adverbs. Let’s Review!. What is the definition of an adverb ? A word that modifies (or describes) a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. What questions does an adverb help us to answer? How? H ow often? When ? To what extent? Where?. ?. Adverbs modify verbs.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adverbs

  2. Let’s Review! • What is the definition of an adverb? • A word that modifies (or describes) a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. • What questions does an adverb help us to answer? • How? • How often? • When? • To what extent? • Where? ?

  3. Adverbs modify verbs Just like an adjective modifies a noun, an adverb can modify a verb. Ex: The girl ran. The girl ranquickly. Ex: The pug is snoring. The pug is snoringloudly. You try: The cat purrs softly. Answer: The cat purrssoftly. HOW did she run? Quickly.

  4. Adverbs modify adjectives An adverb can also help us describe an adjective in more detail Ex: That man has a tall hat. Now modify it with an adverb! That man has a reallytall hat.That man has a verytall hat.(HOW tall is his hat? TO WHAT EXTENT is his hat tall?)

  5. Adverbs modify other adverbs An adverb can even help to modify another adverb! Ex: The bird sings beautifully. The bird sings quitebeautifully. (quite modifies beautifully, an adverb) Ex: He looked thoroughly at all his notes. He looked verythoroughlyat all his notes.

  6. Activity With a partner, circle all the adverbs on the worksheet. The first one is done for you.

  7. Exit Slips! Imagine you are holding the key to a deeply buried treasure chest. Five pirates are desperately looking for the key. Using adverbs, write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) of what happens when they realize YOU have the key they need. What do you do first? Do you run? How do you run? Where do you go? When do you stop? Underline each adverb you use. (One per sentence)

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