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Continental Drift

Continental Drift. Financial Executives International May 8th 2001 Don McIver. @NA.COM. US Merchandise Trade C$b (sum of exports and imports of goods). Source: US Commerce Dept Statistics Canada. US Merchandise Trade C$b (sum of exports and imports of goods).

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Continental Drift

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Continental Drift Financial Executives International May 8th 2001 Don McIver

  2. @NA.COM

  3. US Merchandise Trade C$b(sum of exports and imports of goods) Source: US Commerce Dept Statistics Canada.

  4. US Merchandise Trade C$b(sum of exports and imports of goods) Source: US Commerce Dept Statistics Canada.

  5. US Merchandise Trade C$b(sum of exports and imports of goods) Source: US Commerce Dept Statistics Canada.

  6. Share of US Imports Mexico Canada

  7. NA: Real GDP Growth(annual per cent change) Source: Consensus Economics.

  8. NA: Real GDP Growth(annual per cent change) Source: Consensus Economics.

  9. Shares of North American Exports US US 1990 70% 1999

  10. High-Technology Exports(as percent Manufacturing Exports) Industry Canada

  11. Mexican exports have diversified dramatically 1982 2000 Agricultural 2.5% Mining 0.3% Agricultural 5% Oil 9.8% Manufactures 25% Mining 3% Oil 67% Manufactures 87.2%

  12. Intra-NAFTA Imports(as a proportion of all NAFTA imports)

  13. Intra-NAFTA Exports(as a proportion of all NAFTA exports)

  14. Where NAFTA Trades: W.Hemi W.Hemi 1999-Exports 1999-Imports

  15. Shares of World Trade (%)

  16. Shares of World Trade (%)

  17. What is impellingContinentalization?

  18. US Merchandise Exports:1998The Domination of MNCs US Commerce Department

  19. US Merchandise Exports:1998The Domination of MNCs US Commerce Department

  20. Inward Stock of FDI(billlions $US)

  21. Percent Growth of In-bound FDI stocks1980-1999

  22. Regulatory Changes in 63 CountriesAttitude Towards Inbound Direct Investment:1999 Encouraging Discouraging UNCTAD

  23. Intracompany Transferees: Canada to US thousand US INS/Industry Canada

  24. Intracompany Transferees: Canada to USIndex 1989=100 US INS/Globerman

  25. Truck/Bus Border Crossings(millions) Source: Consensus Economics.

  26. In the future would you like to see Canada become... Ekos 1999

  27. Over the past 10 years, Canada has become... Ekos 1999

  28. Is a merger with the United States... Ekos 1999, Macleans

  29. The View from the Past 1990:% in favor of border elimination Ekos 1999

  30. “Personally, I see no need to maintain customs and duties at the US border Ekos 1999

  31. Common Currency 36%: Using a NA currency would provide significant economic advantages to Canadians 59%: Maintaining a Canadian dollar is essential to our economic sovereignty and national identity Ekos 1999

  32. Hans Teitmeyer’s Parting Shot “Now the competition within Europe, among its neighbors, will become sharper and harder... There has to be competition between tax systems just as between social systems among nations. Welfare systems must be competitive…” August 1999

  33. Hans Teitmeyer’s Parting Shot “The people on the street, of course, are not fully aware,'' ... ''No, not everyone understands this yet.'' August 1999

  34. 1976 GDP per capita US$ Mkt Rates

  35. 1997 GDP per capita US$ Mkt Rates

  36. America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair. Arnold Toynbee

  37. The Conference Board of Canada Information for Sound Decisions Since 1954

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