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DISCIPLESHIP AS A LIFESTYLE. SESSION ONE:. “A REVIEW OF THE BASICS”. AIM. To review the five building blocks of discipleship To clearly define what discipleship truly is. REVIEW OF THE BASICS. THE MANDATE --
AIM... • To review the five building blocks of discipleship • To clearly define what discipleship truly is
REVIEW OF THE BASICS THE MANDATE -- “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28: 19 - 20 This is “THE GREAT COMMISSION”
WHAT IS THE MISSION? To get people saved and then teach them how to live the Christian life!
THE MISSION … a mission EVERY CHRISTIANis to be INVOLVED in. … a mission based on the invitation of Jesus: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
THE PROBLEM The problem is the nature of mankind… We are SINFUL.
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP The Christ-like life if developed through practicing five basic “inner” disciplines...
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP 1) Reading, memorizing and studying SCRIPTURE.
SCRIPTURE There is no minimizing the importance of Scripture in a disciple’s life! Scripture: • teaches us • rebukes, or admonishes us • corrects us • equips us for every good work
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP • Developing vital communication with God through PRAYER.
WHY PRAY? A. Example of Jesus B. Antidote to Temptations C. Communication with God A - ADORATION C - CONFESSION T - THANKSGIVING S - SUPPLICATION
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP 3) Giving the HOLY SPIRIT freedom to conform our lives into the “spiritual nature”. Also, to find, develop and use our spiritual gifts.
THE HOLY SPIRIT... • is the Spirit of Truth • is a Teacher • functions as a Witness • is an Advocate • speaks for God
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP 4) Seeking to live a truly HOLY LIFE, not conformed to the world, but transformed in heart and mind.
HOLINESS “Holiness is growing into the likeness of Christ, resulting from the ministry of Christ in our minds, motives, decisions, deeds, words, characters and conduct.” Commissioner Edward Read
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF DISCIPLESHIP 5) Looking on the world, on individuals, with the COMPASSION Jesus had.
COMPASSION If Jesus was here to move us to compassion for hurting people, who would he move us towards in our communities… “the least of these”?
SO, HOW’S IT GOING? • What disciplines are currently being developed in your life? • Where have your struggles been? • Have you had the time you want or need to practice these inner disciplines? • What things distract you?
“ADD ON” CHRISTIANITY We add a little Christianity/spirituality… • to our personality • to our job • to our family activities
“ADD ON” CHRISTIANITY When we run into difficulties and problems, we think… • if I just pray more... • if I go to Church more... • if I read my Bible more...
“EARTHY SPIRITUALITY” Let’s learn from a local favorite… RICE!
“EARTHY SPIRITUALITY” This is the secret to a balanced Christian life: WORK IT A BIT AT A TIME!
DISCIPLESHIP A DOOR to be opened and a PATH to be followed.
AIM... • To learn some practical ways of identifying and dealing with temptation
TEMPTATION While God’s Holy Spirit teaches and encourages us to BECOME more and more like Christ… While we practice the disciplines of a Christ-like life and are being filled with the FULLNESSofGOD...
TEMPTATION Let’s read out loud together: “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, stand firm in your faith.
TEMPTATION “And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5: 8 - 10
WWJD? Let’s look at Luke 4, Jesus’ temptation. Group 1: verses 3 - 4 Group 2: verses 5 - 8 Group 3: verses 9 - 12 • Define the temptation/appeal • Discover the antidote/His response YOU HAVE 5 MINTUES!
WWJD? Temptation #1 • Hunger -- 40 days without food • “lust of the flesh” • symbolic of our “appetites” • “If you don’t take care, who will?” • TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! • Scripture quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 • Israel in desert for 40 years -- manna provided by God • TRUST GOD WITH NEEDS!
WWJD? Temptation #2 • Power, prestige, ambition • “lust of the eyes” • symbolic of our need to look and feel successful • “The end justifies the means!” • BE SUCCESSFUL! • Scripture quoted Deuteronomy 6:13 • Fear the Lord our God and serve Him only • TRUST GOD WITH SUCCESS!
WWJD? Temptation #3 • Use divine powers inappropriately • “pride of life” • symbolic of our need for attention, spectacular things • “Seek popularity!” • SEEK THE SPOTLIGHT! • Scripture quoted Deuteronomy 6:16 • God provided -- don’t keep testing His trust/provision • TRUST GOD FOR ANY HONOR COMING TO YOU!
WHEN TEMPTED “Jesus had been affirmed by God and Baptism by a dove. Jesus was clear on His mission of redemption. The question was one of strategy -- how and what would Jesus do? This is the whole focus of the temptation -- the HOW of life.” Bruce Larson
WHEN TEMPTED Satan’s basic STRATEGY is to make us believe that God isNOT trustworthy. Satan’s basic LIE is that we CANNOT trust God. Therefore, our basic SIN, our yielding to temptation, is to: MISTRUST GOD.
WHEN TEMPTED Get into 4 new groups. Individually, take time to study God’s Word and answer the questions 1 through 4. (Stop when you come to the Unison Reading.)
WHEN TEMPTED 1) The antidote to temptation, and important tool in dealing with temptation is… SCRIPTURE • reveals the trustworthiness of God • keeps us trustworthy and faithful Psalm 119:11
WHEN TEMPTED 2) Other things we can do to keep temptation from leading to sin… • Matthew 26:41PRAYER -- VIGILANCE IN WATCHING • Colossians 3:2 SET YOUR MIND ON GODLY THINGS • James 4:7 SUBMIT TO GOD --RESIST THE DEVIL
WHEN TEMPTED 3) According to Hebrews 4:15, what areas was Jesus tempted in? ALL AREAS, JUST AS WE ARE 4) What does this verse in Hebrews tell us about Jesus? HE IS OUR HIGH PRIEST
WHEN TEMPTED We have learned: • everyone faces temptation • temptation does NOT have to lead to sin!
TEMPTATION Let’s read this again out loud: “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, stand firm in your faith.
TEMPTATION “And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5: 8 - 10
THE CHALLENGE The challenge is… TO STAND FIRM HOW DO WE DO THIS? In your 4 groups, study the passage assigned and answer the questions. You will share with the larger group in 10 minutes.
CHALLENGE -- Group #1 • Parable of the Talents • each person to faithfully use and cultivate what was entrusted to them • those who cultivated it -- “faithful” • those who did nothing, abused or hid • good guys go to heaven, bad to hell • faithfulness, standing firm, hanging in
CHALLENGE -- Group #2 • Christians are “servants” of Jesus • Christians are entrusted with God’s stuff: mission, goals, plans • If we are taking care of God’s business here on earth, we had better be faithful… consistent… stand firm
CHALLENGE -- Group #3 • All saints -- and all Christians are saints! -- should love God • God “preserves” faithful saints • God brings down the prideful
CHALLENGE -- Group #4 • The end of this world, the final judgment sending people to their destiny • Many will fall away -- love grows cold • Many will stand firm and hang on! • The second group of Christians, the faithful, will spend eternity in heaven