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BASIC NEEDS (70s). CAPABILITIES (80s). Entitlements. Disposable money income. Social income. Personal characteristics. Capability set. Choices. Choices. BN goods and services. BN goods and services. Metaproduction function. Characteristics of goods. Decent life characteristics.
BASIC NEEDS (70s) CAPABILITIES (80s) Entitlements Disposable money income Social income Personal characteristics Capability set Choices Choices BN goods and services BN goods and services Metaproduction function Characteristics of goods Decent life characteristics Functionings
HDI = (Life Expectancy Index + Education Index + GDP Index)/ 3; Life Expectancy Index = (Life Expectancy – 25)/(85 – 25); Education Index = 2/3 * (Adult Literacy Rate – 0 )/(100 – 0) + 1/3 * (Gross Enrolment Ratio – 0 )/(100 – 0); GDP (PPP) Index = [Log (GDP) – Log (100)] / [Log (40,000) – Log (100)] Goalpost are set arbitrarily as follows and kept fixed for comparability purposes
GDI same dimensions as HDI, but calculating EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED EQUIVALENT INDEXES Each of the 3 indexes is computed separately for female and male, according to the previous method, they are then aggregated to form the 3 Equally Distributed Equivalent Indexes, according to this formula. ε is the degree of inequality aversion, and gives the size of penalty for gender inequality, if ε = 0 gender inequality is not penalized, while the greater its value the more penalization. In the Human Development Report ε = 2 The 3 Equally Distributed Equivalent Indexes so far calculated are then aggregated into the GDI as an unweighted average (that is in the same procedure as for the HDI).
GEM obtained aggegating the EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED EQUIVALENT PERCENTAGES over 3 dimensions: • Parliamentary share • Share of positions as legislator and senior officials, as well as share of professional and technical positions • Estimated earned income (PPP) The interpretation and definition of εis similar to the one given for the GDI. The 3 Equally Distributed Equivalent Percentages calculated under the above methodology are then aggregated into the GEM as an unweighted average (that is in the same procedure as for the HDI).
MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS INCOME MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger 2 TARGETS 5 INDICATORS MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education 1 TARGET 3 INDICATORS MDG 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women 1 TARGET 4 INDICATORS MDG 4: Reduce Child Mortality 1 TARGET 3 INDICATORS MDG 5: Improve Maternal Health 1 TARGET 2 INDICATORS MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases 2 TARGET 7 INDICATORS MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability 3 TARGETS 8 INDICATORS MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development 7 TARGET 16 INDICATORS EDUCATION HEALTH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP