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SKILLS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES: Homeless people in the Inner City.
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES: Homeless people in the Inner City
Doxa Deo is a Church in Tshwane with a constituency of 30 000 members and celebrates its 15 year birthday this year. Our focus to go outside the walls of Church buildings and to serve our Community, we are focusing to raise City Changers who will be salt and light wherever they go. We serve our Community by being involved in 8 spheres of Society i.e. Church, Education, Social Services, Arts, Business, Sport, Media and Government. We currently have 9 Churches in Tshwane, 5 Schools with 1750 Children and POPUP as our vehicle in the sphere of Social Society to empower the disempowered.
POPUP– Background history In 1999 the leadership of the Doxa Deo Church in Brooklyn, Pretoria felt the need to move outside the four walls of the church to make a difference in their community.
POPUP– Background history • Focus specifically on the plight of the homeless • Acquired an old ruined and run-down building in Salvokop • Started with a shelter that offered its inhabitants a wide variety of opportunities through which they could transform their situation by completing processes of upliftment related directly to their spiritual, physical, • emotional, psychological and sociological circumstances • and ultimately addressing • their employment and financial • needs.
This shelter, called POPUP (Pretoria Opheffings Projek/Pretoria Upliftment Project) served the needs of many people who were living on the streets who had lost hope for the future resulting in many testimonies of restored lives, re-united families, new careers and opportunities. After four and a half years the Board of Directors and Management of POPUP and the Doxa Deo Church were, however, faced with the reality that the creation of this shelter was not necessarily reaching their ultimate goal which is to see people’s lives totally and holistically restored in such a way that they themselves would become “city changers”.
POPUP needed to provide more than simply a home for the destitute but to become a place where the disempowered would be empowered to face a future with new hope. A decision was taken to terminate the existence of the shelter and commence with a Training and Development Centre.
POPUP – Present • Training and Development • Since 2005 POPUP has functioned as the People Upliftment Programmme • Offering people who are homeless, jobless and/or futureless the opportunity to be equipped with a variety of skills • Skills Programmes • that are Seta • accredited
Training and Development • Learners must be : • unemployed, • between 18 and 45 years old, • English literate, and have • no post-school qualifications. • Abet assessment – to determine the ABET level of the person • In 2010 POPUP embarked on ABET classes in English literacy and numeracy
POPUP follows a holistic approach whereby the person is assisted on intellectual, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual level (spirit, soul and body) with the purpose of restoring people to fulfil a healthy and balanced life where healthy choices are made and become employed or start with their own enterprise.
POPUPreceives its current funding primarily from the corporate sector (65%) and the Dept of Health and Social Development (20%). POPUP is a not for profit organisation (NPO) and could also offer tax benefits and BEE scorecard points to companies in terms of Socio Economic and Enterprise Development. POPUPhas trained 3 581 unemployed people over the past 6 years of whom 2 698 (77%) of them were employed either part time, contractually or full time.
Currently an accredited qualification can be obtained in 10 Skills Programmes presented at the Centre in Salvokop, Pretoria • Facilitators/lecturers are also qualified assessors and moderators and all skills programmes are accredited with various SETAs • SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) unit standards are applied
Learners pay only R250 for their entire skills training programme • Learners receive a free meal every day as well as medical, dental and eye care services at the POPUP Clinics free of charge and free clothing from the POPUP Clothing Store as well as the possibility of a food parcel for their families once a week.
Personal Restoration and Life Skills (PRLS) Programme Learners are required to complete a 10-day Personal Restoration and Life Skills Programme prior to commencing with their skills training Focus : Commitment to God Emotional healing and forgiveness in relationships – reconciliation Realization of God’s purpose Personal and moral values and standards Awareness of personal value and identity Motivation and appreciation for life Change in attitude Taking responsibility for a disciplined life-style
Personal Restoration and Life Skills (PRLS) Programme Approximately 60% of all POPUP’s learners make a first- time spiritual commitment during the 10-day Life Skills Programme. The Life Skills Programme is described by many of the learners as “a once in a life- time event” and by others as “the best ten days of my life” The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) has engaged in an official research project where the restoration that is taking place in learners’ lives will be measured.
Personal Restoration and Life Skills (PRLS) Programme POPUP also provides a facility which explores the possibilities available for employment opportunities for all learners on the successful completion of their training programme and have been able to place 77% of learners into employment ranging from 2006 to date. More or less 95% of the learners pass at the end of their training programme even though the percentage required to qualify for the certificates is 80%.
Social upliftment services Free medical and social services • Medical services – primary health care clinic (Mondays to Fridays from 08:30 to 16:30) • Dental services (Mondays and Wednesdays from 09:30 to 14:00) • Eye-care services (on appointment) and at reduced costs
Feeding programme offering soup and bread to the homeless people in the inner city (Mondays to Fridays at lunchtime) • Clothing store offering free clothing to adults and children (well monitored) • Counselling programme addressing trauma, depression, marriage challenges, etc.
POPKids Day-care Centre caters for the educational, physical, medical and spiritual needs of 77 children from the immediate community (the majority being financially under-privileged).
POPUP Mmakau Ga-Rankuwa: 5 SEPTEMBER 2011
POPUP Empowers the Disempowered Contact us : Tel : (012) 328 6107 www.popup.co.za