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  1. 探討燕麥飲食介入對改善青少年心血管疾病危險因子之影響探討燕麥飲食介入對改善青少年心血管疾病危險因子之影響 • 根據國外研究發現,燕麥片含水溶性膳食纖維,可以降低血糖和血膽固醇,且燕麥片平均熱量密度比較低,可在較低的熱量下維持飽足感,並達到體重控制。然而富含 β-聚葡萄醣 (β-glucan) 的燕麥片,對肥胖青少年之心血管疾病危險因子之影響,目前的研究仍十分有限。本研究以燕麥片作為研究材料,並以早餐飲食介入之方式,來探討對於具有高脂血症的肥胖青少年其體重、腰圍、血脂異常、高血糖、胰島素抗性等心血管疾病危險因子之影響。本研究在台北市某完全中學內進行,於新學期身體檢查時進行體位測量,從中篩選出腰圍大於 90 公分者,且經過本人及家長同意,共有 107 名男學生進行血液生化值分析。之後再以邊緣性偏高之血脂質濃度作為篩選標準,最後共有 40 位腰圍大於 90 公分且血脂異常的肥胖青少年 (15~18 歲) 同意參加試驗。每天早晨,受試者至學校健康中心吃早餐,每次食用 75 公克大燕麥片加脫脂奶粉,每週 5 次,共進行 8 週試驗。燕麥片早餐熱量約 400 大卡,約佔青少年每日熱量需要量的 27%。在飲食介入期的開始前、第 4 週及第 8 週,受試者皆須進行體位測量及血液樣本的收集。實驗結果顯示, 40 位受試者在燕麥片飲食介入 4 週後,可顯著減少青少年的體重、BMI 及腰圍值,且對於血漿中 TC濃度、LDL-C濃度及 TC/HDL-C比值的下降有密切相關,並且能改善胰島素濃度及胰島素抗性 HOMA-IR 指標。經過 8 週燕麥片飲食介入之後,在體位測量方面,包括體重、身體質量指數及腰圍,持續有顯著性的下降,幅度分別為 2.0%,2.0%及 2.8%。在血液生化方面,TC 濃度、LDL-C 濃度、Apo B 濃度、TC/HDL-C 比值、LDL/HDL-C 比值、空腹胰島素濃度及胰島素抗性指標-HOMA-IR,降低幅度分別為 10.3%,17.5%,17.1%,8.3%,15.2%,16.6%及18.9%,均有顯著性差異。且 Apo B 濃度與 LDL-C 濃度及 TC/HDL-C 比值具有密切正相關,並與 Adiponectin 濃度呈現負相關。綜合本研究之結果,每日攝取 75 公克燕麥片飲食,持續 8 週,對於改善肥胖青少年之心血管疾病危險因子,更具有正面之益處。

  2. Effects of Oatmeal Intervention on the Improvement of the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors of Teenagers • Background: Epidemiologic studies have showed that frequently consumption of oatmeal may lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD); nevertheless, researches on the effects of oat meal, a rich source of β-glucan, on CVD risk factors in obese teenagers are limited. Aim: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of oat meal intervention on CVD risk factors including anthropometric measurements, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance among senior high school students in Taipei City. Method: The students who the waist circumference was greater than 90 cm according anthropometric measurements in the new term were enrolled. The fasting blood was analyzed to determine lipid profiles. Finally, 40 subjects who were recruited. Each subject was asked to eat 75 g oat meal for breakfast which contains 400 kcal, 5 times per wk for 8 weeks. Anthropometric data and blood samples were collected before, 4th week and 8th week of the oat meal intervention. Results: The oat meal intervention resulted in significantly decrease in anthropometric measurements, including the body weight, body mass index, waist circumference (2.0%, 2.0% and 2.8%). The blood biochemical parameters including the total cholesterol , LDL-C, apolipoprotein B, the ratio of TC to HDL-C and LDL-C to HDL-C, insulin and HOMA-IR were also reduced significantly after 8-wk oat meal intervention (10.3%, 17.5%, 17.1%, 8.3%, 15.2%, 16.6% and 18.9%). The serum adiponectin level were significantly higher. Conclusion: The intervention of oat meal for 8 weeks has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular disease risk factors, including central obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance of obese adolescents.

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