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Why Opt for Sandblasting When Preparing a Surface Material?

Before you repaint, or add an aggregate to a surface material, you often need to remove the top coat of that material. Read this infographic to know why sandblasting is used.<br>

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Why Opt for Sandblasting When Preparing a Surface Material?

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  1. WHY OPT FOR SANDBLASTING WHEN PREPARING A SURFACE MATERIAL? ECO-FRIENDLY Sandisveryeco-friendlyasit'sall naturalanddoesn'treleasetoxins orchemicalsasitbreaksdown, so it'snotlikelytodamagethe environmentorgroundwater. EASY CLEANUP Sandisoftenveryeasytocleanup andmanylandfillswillreadily acceptresidualsandfromyour blastingprocess. Youdon'tneedto findarecyclingcenterordump areathatwillhandlehazardous materialswhenyouoptfor sandblasting. RUST INHIBITOR Sandblastingleavesaveryfine powderyfilmontheexposed surface, andthiscanworkasarust inhibitorforsomemetalsthatmay starttorustwhenimmediately exposedtoair. EASY APPLICATION Likeusingapowerwasher, you simplyneedtoadjustyour applicationprocessasyougoalong soyoudon'tremovetoomuch surfacematerialbutdoremove rust, oldpaint. HTTPS://WWW.YARDMARK.COM.AU

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