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Travel Slides Test State Travel Course. Training Topics. Rules & Regulations pertaining to : Airline Reservations Vehicle Rental Transportation Lodging Subsistence CalATERS report (California Automated Travel Expense Reimbursement System) required backup documentation
Training Topics • Rules & Regulations pertaining to: • Airline Reservations • Vehicle Rental • Transportation • Lodging • Subsistence • CalATERS report(California Automated Travel Expense Reimbursement System) • required backup documentation Note: CalATERS report replaces the Travel Expense Claim (TEC- STD 262) • Travel Advances • Common Errors • Reminders • Travel Desk Contacts & Web Resources
Airline Reservations • The Travel Store (Cliqbook web site) must be used to make reservations.(http://www.caltravelstore.com/pages/Caltravelstore) • Airfare must be booked at a refundable rate. • Personal credit cards are not allowed as payment for airfare. • Booking travel through Third Party internet companies (Expedia, Orbitz , etc…) is not authorized. • When parking at an airport, economical parkingmust be used. (CA Department of Personnel Administration PML 2007-024) • Department Funding Codes are required in order to make reservations.(Contact Directorate Funding Manager for this information) • A copy of your flight itinerary must be submitted as back up to CalATERS print outs. • Airline charges will be incurred as direct chargesin CalATERS. • If a meal is provided by the Airline, it is not authorized for reimbursement. • Normal work hours must be included in the CalATERS report if a flight was taken. • All travel that results in any cost to the State (airfare, rental car, meals, hotel, etc.) must be supported by a CalATERS form and the receipt. (CA Department of Personnel Administration PML 2009-018) [Any situation out of the ordinary – must include an explanation in the notes tab in CalATERS or in a memo format signed by claimant and supervisor]
Vehicle Rental • Enterprise Rental Car is the State’s primary contractor and must be claimants’ first choice. • When the primary vendor cannot provide service, secondary State contract vendors, Alamo & National may be used ; however, an explanation must be provided on the CalATERS report – per MM 06-02. • For on-line reservations you may use Caltravelstore or book directly with Enterprise at: http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/home.do. • Instructions on booking on line/phone in appendix J in the Military Department Handbook. • To obtain receipt go to: http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/ticketReceiptRequest.do • Base rate for Enterprise Rental Car is $30.78 (weekly rental $123.12). • Receipts are required when submitting a CalATERS report. • CalATERS reports submitted without the receipt will be returned as incomplete • Personal credit cards are not allowed as payment for a rental car. • Rental Car charges will be incurred as Department Paid in CalATERS. • Using a State rental car on personal time is not authorized. • If you take leave in route or at the end of your trip the rental car must be returned and booked with a personal credit card. • Rental Cars must be returned to the agency with a full tank of gas.
Vehicle Rental(continued) • Prior approval is required for the following situations: • Rental over 7 days • Upgrades • Use of non contracted vendors A Rental Car Justification Form must be completed and approved by DGSOFAM in advance. Form can be found at the following link: http://www.documents.dgs.ca.gov/ofa/travel/SCO_VehicleJustificationForm.pdf [Any situation out of the ordinary – must include an explanation in the notes tab in CalATERS or in a memo format signed by claimant and supervisor]
Transportation • Reimbursement of transportation expenses are determined at a rate that is in the best interest of the State. When an employee chooses a method of transportation that is more costly than the most economic method of travel, reimbursement will be for the lower amount. A cost comparison must also be included with the CalATERS travel expense report. Cost Comparison:The State shall not incur additional expenses in order to accommodate an employee's choice to use alternate transportation. When an employee chooses to travel in a manner that is not the least expensive form of transport, the employee shall not be reimbursed more than had the travel been accomplished in the least expensive manner. For trips of this sort, a cost comparison shall be completed to reflect the minimum cost. Cost estimates can be researched by calling the Caltravelstore or by using DGS-Travel web page. An example of a cost comparison can be found in the Military Department handbook. • Personal vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement will be computed from either the employee’s headquarters or home, whichever results in the lesser distance, regardless of start time or trip origin. (Exception: If the employee departs or returns to a common carrier (airport) on the employee's day off or one hour before or one hour after the normal workday, payment for actual miles driven may be claimed. Claimant must include their normal work hours – under notes in CalATERS (SAM 0754) When an employee is driven to a common carrier, the employee can claim double the rate authorized for one-way trips to and from the common carrier. The vehicle cannot be parked at the terminal and the employee must be an occupant of the vehicle. "Double mile" claims are reportable to State Controllers Office. Note: No parking can be claimed
Transportation(continued) • Prior to the use of a privately owned vehicle on State travel a Standard form 261 must be submitted. (Authorization To Use Privately Owned Vehicle), forms are required to be updated annually. (Approvers: Very important for new employees – If Standard form 261 form is not approved prior to trip taking place, claimant will not be reimbursed for mileage) – form can be found online at: http://www.documents.dgs.ca.gov/osp/pdf/std261.pdf • When claiming POV mileage, the vehicle license plate number is required on the CalATERS report. • Claimant is required to submit proof of driven miles (e.g., a Map Quest search) included in the CalATERS report submission. For situations where in the course of doing business the claimant did not take the shortest route, an explanation signed by the employees supervisor is required. • Normal subsistence (meals and hotel) expenses are not allowed when traveling to a location within 50 miles of the either the employee’s home of record or headquarters. • When local travel includes many destinations, an explanation must be included describing local travel. [Any situation out of the ordinary – must include an explanation in the notes tab in CalATERS or in a memo format signed by claimant and supervisor]
Lodging • Employees who incur overnight lodging expenses must provide an original receipt. No exceptions • An original receipt is valid if it contains: • Hotel’s name and address • Claimant’s name • Itemized (day to day) • Single occupancy rate when more than one person to a room • Zero balance • Check in/Check out times • State Lodging rates are as follows: • All California counties not listed below actual expense up to $90 per night, plus tax • Sacramento, Napa , Riverside counties actual expense up to $95 per night, plus tax • Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange counties actual expense up to $120 per night, plus tax • Alameda, Monterey, San Diego, San Mateo, Santa Clara Counties actual expense up to $125 per night, plus tax • San Francisco, and the city of Santa Monica actual expense up to $150 per night, plus tax Reminder: If attending training ( whether or not it is State Sponsored ) an Excess Lodging Request Form (STD 255C) must be completed prior to trip taking place. (Note: A certificate and agenda must also be submitted with the CalATERS report. Any meals provided during the training will not be reimbursed.)
Lodging(continued) • Excess lodging form must be submitted prior to the trip taking place • Resort fees and safe fees are considered unnecessary charges and therefore, will not be reimbursed. • Valet parking is not authorized. • If the hotel provides a hot breakfast, this meal will not be reimbursed • NEVER book a hotel with a third party, such as Expedia or Priceline – hotel charges will not be reimbursed Military Department Facilities are available at Camp San Luis Obispo, Camp Roberts, and Los Alamitos and we encourage employees to utilize these facilities [Any situation out of the ordinary – must include an explanation in the notes tab in CalATERS or in a memo format signed by claimant and supervisor]
Subsistence(Meals and Incidentals) • Employees may claim only their actual expense and must have receipts substantiating the amounts claimed. • Maximum amounts an employee may claim for each “full” 24-hour period: • Breakfast - actual expense up to $7 • Lunch - actual expense up to $11 • Dinner - actual expense up to $23 • Incidentals - actual expense up to $5 • Employees may claim meals (as noted above), based on the following timeframes: • First day of travel • Trip begins at or before 6 am - breakfast may be claimed • Trip begins at or before 11 am - lunch may be claimed • Trip begins at or before 5 pm - dinner may be claimed • Continuing after 24 hours • Trip ends at or after 8 am - breakfast may be claimed • Trip ends at or after 2 pm - lunch may be claimed • Trip ends at or after 7 pm - dinner may be claimed
Subsistence(Meals and Incidentals - Continued) • When returning from a trip exceeding 24 hour in duration, employees must proceed directly to their assigned headquarters from the airport during normal work hours. Noon meal claims are not authorized when stopping in route from the airport to assigned headquarters before 2:00 pm. • Trips of Less than 24 Hours. For travel lasting less than 24 hours, employees may claim breakfast and/or dinner (as noted above), based on the following timeframes: • Fractional day of travel • Trip begins at or before 6 am and ends at or after 9 am - breakfast may be claimed • Trip begins at or before 4 pm and ends at or after 7 pm - dinner may be claimed Employees may not claim lunch or incidentals on one-day trips. When trips are less than 24 hours and there's no overnight stay, meals claimed are taxable. • Employees may not claim meals provided by the State, included in hotel expenses or training fees, meals included in transportation costs such as airline tickets, or meals that are otherwise provided as part of an event or activity.
Required CalATERS Backup Documents 1. State Active Duty Orders (Temporary State Active Duty) 2. Copy of flight itinerary 3. Rental Car receipt 4. Original Hotel/ Lodging receipt 5. All receipts showing proof of Cost of Transportation charges 6. Copy of certificate and agenda for any organized event: meetings, training, and meals provided. 7. Cost Comparison Worksheet if required 8. When traveling Out of State, (O/S) memo must be submitted 9. All explanations/justifications to explain situations out of the ordinary should be submitted in the Notes area of the CalATERS report (If not included with CalATERS report, submission will be corrected or returned)
Travel Advances Travel Advance Request Forms (located on the Portal) should be completed and attached to Travel Advance printouts from CalATERS Note: Submit to Accounting 2 weeks prior to trip taking place Only one travel advance is authorized at a time Outstanding travel advances must be cleared prior to the issue of a second advance Deductions are applied to the first CalATERS report submitted following the advance Advances are authorized at 80% of the estimated expenses
Common Errors Process: Purchasing airline tickets or rooms through a third party Charging rental vehicles or airline tickets on personal credit cards Not calling Accounts Payable with questions since we are here to help Not taping receipts on a 8 1/2” X 11” piece of paper Not adding commercial Airfare and Auto Rental charges as direct charge Putting Tape over printed information on receipts (date , time , & etc..) Missed details causing the return of your CalATERS report unpaid: Failing to annotate the purpose of trip be specific Failing to include the Signed/Approved, Out-of-State Trip Memo Not providing justification for out of the ordinary situations- notes tab/signed memo Failing to annotate details on trips that are for multiple locations Failing to attach a training agenda or certificate to the CalATERS report Failing to include the Original Form ID number (TEA#), on supplemental CalATERS report Failing to include normal work hours in the CalATERS report. Unauthorized Expenses: Claiming excess lodging without an Excess Lodging Approval form (STD 255C) Claiming valet parking Claiming business expense without an explanation and receipt Not submitting a copy of flight itinerary or car rental receipt Not submitting a copy of SAD orders (for those on temporary SAD status) Not providing a current Standard form 261 (Use of POV Authorization) updated annually Not providing License Plate Number when claiming mileage
Reminders • CalATERS reports must be signed by claimants’ Directorate, prior to submitting • Remember: Keep expenses in the best interest of the State • Pre-Plan (Standard form 261 , Excess Lodging form, Rental Car Justifications) • All travel that results in any cost (Airline/Rental Car) to the State, must be supported by a CalATERS report. • Meals provided by airline, hotel, training or otherwise, may not be claimed for reimbursement • All forms of transportation used during the trip and all related information must be noted • When attending training, claimant must include an Excess Lodging Form if lodging rate is over the State rate. Even if the training is State sponsored. • Include the training agenda and/or certificate as back up to their CalATERS report. • When traveling less than 24 hours (fraction day trips),lunch and incidentals may not be claimed, all other meals are taxable. [ALWAYS REMEMBER _ Any out of the ordinary situation – must include an explanation in the notes tab in CalATERS or in a memo signed by claimant and supervisor]
Travel Desk Contacts & Web Resources Help Desk Contacts: Email: David.e.Droege.nfg@mail.milor Theresa.a.Wynn2.nfg@mail.mil Resource Web Sites: CalATERS report/Travel Advance: CalATERS: http://www.sco.ca.gov/calaters_global.html Rules and Regulations: Military Department Travel Guide: https://portal.ca.ngb.army.mil/sites/cajs-sc/Travel/ State Travel Quick Reference Guide (TRIFOLD): https://portal.ca.ngb.army.mil/shrinkurl/?id=512 DGS Travel : http://www.travel.dgs.ca.gov/default.htm SAM 700: http://www.sam.dgs.ca.gov/TOC/700/default.htm Reservations: The Travel Store (Cliqbook): http://www.caltravelstore.com/pages/travelstore Enterprise: http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/home.do
Travel Reimbursement Test The following test will need to be taken manually. After completing the test, you will need to forward (only slides 18 - 22) to: E-mail: Miguel.C.DaCosta.nfg@mail.mil or George.Saca.nfg@mail.mil or fax (916) 854-3793 You will need a score of 100% to pass Test starts on the following screen
Military Department State Travel Course Fax: (916)854-3793 E-mail: Miguel.C.DaCosta.nfg@mail.mil Name: ______________________ Section: _____________________ E-mail: ______________________ Phone # _____________________ 1. When parking at an Airport, what type of parking will be reimbursed? • The closest to the gate of departure • Valet parking • Eco-friendly parking • Economical parking 2. Which of the following is required when completing an excess lodging form: • Complete prior to trip taking place • All blocks must be completed to include Documented “Good Faith” effort , Claimant’s signature , title, CBID , Date Signed, Department Contact, title and phone # • Department Approval by Division Director, including title and date, prior to trip taking place. • All of the above 3. A traveler stays at a hotel in Anaheim, Ca (Orange County – state rate $120.00+tax) for 1 night at a lodging rate of $135.00/night, hotel charged 10% tax, and no excess lodging form was completed. How much will the claimant be reimbursed: (Hint: Tax percentage must be calculated and applied to the maximum allowable room rate to determine the cost of per diem per night plus tax. ) • $132.00 • $148.50 • $120.00 • $600.00 - Disneyland is expensive!
4. I can always claim mileage to/from my home of record while traveling, even though my headquarters address might be less. • True • False 5. When traveling within 50 miles of my Headquarters (HQ)or home of record (HOR) on an approved trip, traveler can claim: • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner • Mileage, Parking and Tolls • Lodging and Meals • All freebies 6. When a trip is less than 24 hours , the claimant can only be reimbursed for: • Mileage to a really good restaurant if it was worth it • Mileage, Breakfast (if trip starts at or before 6am/ and end at or after 9am), Lunch (if trip begins at or before 11am/end at or after 2pm) and Dinner (if trip begins at 4pm or ends after 7pm). • Mileage, Breakfast (if trip starts at or before 6am/ and end at or after 9am), and Dinner (if trip begins at 4pm or ends after 7pm). No lunch or incidentals may be claimed, if there is no overnight stay, meals are taxable. • All expenses 7. An official lodging receipt (not a copy) is considered an original and valid if it contains the following information: • Claimant’s name • hotel name and address • Itemization , check in/out time, and zero balance • All of the above 8. I should use an internet site such as www.mapquest.com to check my mileage before submitting my claim. • True • False
9. When leave is taken at any time during state business, what steps should be taken: • Nothing , continue trip as planned • Expenses cannot be claimed during the time off, rental car should be returned (ASAP) and placed on personal credit card, and travel expense claim includes all the details. • Rental car should be returned for a larger, fully loaded vehicle, after all this is a vacation • No expenses can be claimed during the time off, and Travel Expense should have all the details 10. Trip A: Originates at HOR, an employee’s normal work hrs are 7am to 3pm, flight departs at 8am from Sacramento International Airport, and mileage must be claimed from______. Trip B: Originates at HOR, an employee’s normal work hrs are 7am to 3pm, flight departs at 6am from Sacramento International Airport, and mileage may be claimed from_______. • HOR; HQ • HQ; The lesser to /from HQ or HOR • The lesser to /from HQ or HOR; HOR • HOR; HOR 11. When a traveler drives in a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) to Sacramento from San Diego, they must have: • A Cost Comparison submitted with their claim (note does not include rental car expenses and gas) • A current POV form on file (STD 261) • Excess Lodging Request Approval form • A and B : (note: claimant will only be reimbursed what is in the best interest to the state) 12. I should use the Notes section in CalATERS to explain situations that are out of the ordinary. • True • False
13. What is the process to obtain a Travel Advance : • Travel Advance Request form (located on the portal), and the print out from CalATERS should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the trip taking place • Only one travel advance is authorized at a time, outstanding advances must be cleared prior to the issue of a second advance , and deductions are applied to the first claim submitted following an advance • Advances are authorized at 80% of the estimated expenses • All of the above 14. When attending a training, claimant must submit: • Copy of the Certificate and all supporting documents • Excess Lodging Form if required (over State county rate/State Sponsored training) • The training agenda that identifies meals provided at the event • All of the above 15. If a traveler is dropped off and picked up at a common carrier (such as an airport) and no parking expenses are claimed, they can be reimbursed for: • Mileage to and from the airport • Mileage to and from the airport round trip twice • Only mileage to the airport • Nothing 16. If meals are provided to me during the training I can still claim reimbursement on my travel claim. • True • False 17. Prior to returning the rental car the traveler should : • Fill up the gas tank. • Empty the gas tank • Nothing, just turn it in • Accept prepaid fuel charge
18. Who’s responsibility is it to know the current rules and regulations in regards to State travel: (Note: all travel rules and regulations are provided on the Comptroller’s portal page) • State traveler • Approver/Manager /Supervisor/Director • Accounts Payable travel section • All of the above 19. A General rule all State travelers should keep in mind while planning a trip is: • Keep expenses in the best interest of the State • Keep expenses in the best interest of the Traveler’s wallet • Keep it simple • The State Deficit isn’t that bad 20. If I choose to travel in a manner that is not the most economic way for the state, I must include a cost comparison and will be paid at the lesser amount. • True • False