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The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975

The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975. After gaining its independence from France, Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam. As part of the agreement they were to hold unification elections in 1956. Causes of the Vietnam War Division of the country into Communist North

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The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975

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  1. The Vietnam War1954 - 1975

  2. After gaining its independence from France, Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam. As part of the agreement they were to hold unification elections in 1956.

  3. Causes of the Vietnam War • Division of the country into Communist North • Vietnam & Non-Communist South Vietnam • Ho Chi Minh’s determination to bring communist • rule to S. Vietnam • Communist guerrillas (Viet Cong) in S. Vietnam • Diem’s refusal to hold elections to unify the country Flag of N. Vietnam Flag of S. Vietnam

  4. The Viet Cong • Many, especially those in the country opposed Diem’s government & favored communism • These people formed groups of guerrilla fighters • They were supported by North Vietnam • The Viet Cong began fighting the South Vietnamese Army in 1959

  5. Tet Offensive • In 1968, the N. Vietnamese launched a series of attacks across S. Vietnam, showing the U.S. that the NVA was stronger than we thought.

  6. U.S. Involvement… • In the early 1960’s, Presidents Eisenhower & Kennedy sent military advisors to help build up S. Vietnam’s army and air force • In 1965, the U.S. Air Force began bombing N. Vietnam and sent thousands of troops to help the S. Vietnamese Army (ARVN) • By 1967, the U.S. had over a half million troops in Vietnam

  7. U.S. Involvement Cont.… • Domino Effect – President Johnson’s belief that if one country in S.E. Asia fell to communism, soon all the countries in the region would as well • In 1967, protests against the war began in the U.S. • Vietnamization - Pres. Nixon’s plan to turn most of the ground fighting over to the S. Vietnamese

  8. U.S. Involvement Cont.… • In 1970, National Guard troops killed four students at an anti-war protest at Kent State University. • In the early 1970’s U.S. bombing of N. Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos continued • In 1975 the last U.S. troops left Vietnam

  9. Effects… • Vietnam was united under a communist government • The Domino Theoryproved false • Nearly 3.5 million Vietnamese died • More than 58,000 Americans died • Détente - a relaxation of tensions between the U.S., U.S.S.R & China

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