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New Projects. ESPON 2013 Programme. Priority 1 ATTREG Attractiveness. The Attractiveness of European Cities and Regions and Cities for Residents and Visitors Policy questions: What are the key factors of attractiveness? What is the role of sectors and trends in this field?
New Projects ESPON 2013 Programme
Priority 1 ATTREG Attractiveness • The Attractiveness of European Cities and Regions and Cities for Residents and Visitors • Policy questions: • What are the key factors of attractiveness? • What is the role of sectors and trends in this field? • What are the challenges related to natural, cultural and landscape heritage in enhancing attractiveness? • What are the perspectives for the future for both attractive and still unattractive regions? • Partnership details: • Lead: University Rovira i Virgili. Spain • Participating: EURICUR, Ca’ Foscari Venice University, Catholic University of Leuven, University of Coimbra, CRT, IGSO, University of Ljubljana, University of the West of England –Bristol–
Priority 1 TERCO Cooperation • European Territorial Cooperation as a Factor of Growth, Jobs and Quality of Life • Policy questions: • What factors can explain the relationships between Transnational Territorial Cooperation and regional development? • What types of Transnational Territorial Cooperation have been effective in the past? • What is the relationship between different territorial scales and forms as well as domains of cooperation? • Partnership details: • Lead: EUROREG. Poland. • Participating: European Policies Research Centre, Free University of Brussels, University of Joensuu / Karelian Institute, University of Thessaly –DPRD–, Autonomous University of Madrid.
Priority 1 TRACC Accesibility • TRansport ACCessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe • Policy questions: • What are the differences between accessibility at global, European and regional level considering the modes road, rail, water and air? • What is the link between accessibility and economic development? • What could be the impact of rising energy prices? • What could be the impact of various transport scenarios on climate change, access patterns and economic development? • Partnership details: • Lead: Spiekermann & Wegener. Germany • Participating: Charles University in Prague, RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation, MCRIT, University of Oulu, TRT Transport and Land Use, IGSO
Priority 1 SGPTD Secondary cities • Secondary Growth Poles in Territorial Development • Policy questions: • What economic advantages can secondary growth poles’ development deliver? • What are the possible effects of secondary growth poles in territorial development? • How can territorial policy at different policymaking levels contribute in exploiting territorial potentials? • What countries and regions have explicit territorial strategies that support secondary growth pole? • Partnership details: • Lead: European Institute for Urban Affairs. United Kingdom • Participating: Metropolitan Research Institute, University of Tampere
Priority 1 GEOSPECS Specific territories • European Perspective on Specific Types of Territories • Policy questions: • What are the needs of the specific types of regions for connecting their territories with others to overcome the constraints of physical distances? • What role may play territorial cooperation and partnership for these specific types of regions? • What role may these specific types of regions play in the context of organising the European territory? • Partnership details: • Lead: European University of Geneva. Switzerland • Participating: University of Geneva, Alterra, Perth College, University of the Aegean, Nordregio, Louis Lengrand & Associés, CEPS/INSTEAD, Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development, CMRC, Environmental Agency Austria
Priority 1 KIT Innovation & Knowledge • Knowledge, Innovation, Territory • Policy questions: • What is the current situation of the European territory with respect to the knowledge and innovation economy and how does this relate to the global picture of the knowledge and innovation economy? • What territorial potentials can be exploited to support the development of the innovation and knowledge economy? • What variations between regions exist in this respect and what types of relevant policies for territories can be distinguished? • Partnership details: • Lead: Politecnico di Milano - BEST. Italy • Participating: University of Cagliari, University of Barcelona, London School of Economics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Cardiff University
Priority 1 TIGER EU and Globalization • Territorial Impact of Globalization for Europe and its Regions • Policy questions: • What is the nature of the exchanges of EU regions with the rest of the world for various types of flows? • What structural strong and weak points do the various types of European territories have in relation to other parts of the world? • How can the competitiveness of EU territories be promoted and exploited at different scales? • How does the structure of EU affect its competitiveness? • Partnership details: • Lead: Free University of Brussels. Belgium • Participating: University of Reading, CNRS, Sapienza University of Rome, Jönköping International Business School, Institute of Geography BAS
Priority 1 ARTS Territorial impact • Assessment of Regional and Territorial Sensitivity • Policy questions: • What is the territorial impact of European directives at the different relevant geographical scales? • Which directives have a higher territorial impact and why? • Which European regions and types of territories are in particular affected by the selected legislations and how? • What additional information is needed to create awareness on territorial impact in EU policymaking processes? • Partnership details: • Lead: Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning. Austria • Participating: Politecnico di Milano –BEST–, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Priority 2 PURR Rural Regions • Potential of Rural Regions • Policy questions: • How does each partner region fare stand in a European context? • What can be innovative methodologies for explaining the territorial potentials of rural areas in Europe? • What are the policy options for sustainable regional development? • How can these methodologies be developed and applied in other parts of Europe? • Partnership details: • Lead: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. Norway • Participating: Cesis District Council, North Yorkshire County Council, Welsh Assembly Government, Dumfries and Galloway Council
Priority 2 TranSMEC Methodology • Transnational Support Method for European Co-operation • Policy questions: • How can available territorial evidence be applied for territorial cooperation programmes in order to support the capitalisation and dissemination of project results, and strategic project and programme development? • Contracting in progress.
Priority 3 INTERCO Indicators • Indicators of Territorial Cohesion • Policy questions: • What is the best way to define indicators in relation with policy expectations and territorial challenges? • How can the indicators be of thematic, spatial and temporal relevance for main territorial challenges and policy orientations? • How can the indicators capture infra-regional diversity and extend to extra European scales? • How can the indicators capture territorial cohesion? • Partnership details: • Lead: University of Geneva. Switzerland • Participating: National Technical University of Athens, Nordregio
Priority 4 NORBA Baltic Sea region • Nordic-Baltic dialogues on transnational perspectives in spatial planning • Main results in terms of capitalisation: • Dissemination, capitalisation and awareness rising of ESPON results and its implications for the Nordic-Baltic region. • Transnational dialogues on spatial planning between policy makers and practitioners, scientists and young academics and students in the Nordic-Baltic countries. • Contribution to the discussion and debate around the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. • Partnership details: • Lead: University of Eastern Finland / Karelian Institute. Finland • Participating ECPs: Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden
Priority 4 ESPON-INTERSTRAT Integration • ESPON in Integrated Territorial Strategies • Main results in terms of capitalisation: • To encourage and facilitate the use of ESPON findings in the creation of Integrated Territorial Development Strategies (ITDS) in order to increase the competitiveness and cohesion through development of Europe’s regions. • To facilitate transnational exchange of experience, concepts and data in the context of the ESPON Programme. • To develop and apply a transnational approach to active knowledge-transfer between ESPON scientists and policy makers. • Partnership details: • Lead: Royal Town Planning Institute. United Kingdom • Participating ECPs: Poland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia
Priority 1 (No Acronym) Land Use • European Patterns of Land Use • Policy questions: • What does the current European land use look like? • What are the main dynamics and trends over the last 16 years? • How will land use patterns change if no policy action is taken? • What are the relations between land use patterns and drivers of development? • Are there typical land use developments in particular types of regions such as border regions? • Selection and contracting is in the process of clarification
Expressions of Interest ESPON 2013 Programme
Priority 2 EATIA Using TIA • ESPON and TIA – Territorial Impact Assessments • Policy questions: • How can the assessment of territorial impacts of European policies be addressed in the cycles for territorial and spatial planning policymaking within European Member States in general and in the national and regional territorial development strategies in particular? • Stakeholders: • Lead: Department for Communities and Local Government. United Kingdom • Participating: Directorate General for Spatial Planning and Urban Development of Lisboa, The Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Priority 2 ULYSSES Cross-border • Using Applied Research Results from ESPON as a Yardstick for Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Development • Policy questions: • Which methods and approaches can be used to carry out territorial analysis for cross-border spatial development? • Which themes should be addressed by a territorial analysis realised for a cross-border spatial development concept? • How the use of ESPON results can be promoted for the elaboration of high quality cross border spatial development concepts • How awareness can be raised on the basic function and practical utility of decentralised cross-border spatial development • Stakeholders: • Lead: Region of Alsace. France • Participating: 18 partners
Priority 2 RISE Integration • Identifying and Exchanging Best Practice in Developing Regional Integrated Strategies in Europe • Policy questions: • Is there compatibility between sectorial and territorial policies? • How can the integrated nature of regional strategies be enhanced? • Which monitoring and evaluation indicators can be used? • How can the use of different financing instruments be enhanced? • What models of stakeholder engagement are being used? • Stakeholders: • Lead: West-Midlands Leaders Board. United Kingdom • Participating: Regional Council of Västerbotten, Region Zealand, Randstad Region Brussels
Priority 2 POLYCE Central Europe • Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe: Evidence Based Strategic Options • Policy questions: • What are the characteristics of the polycentric system on Central European level and metropolitan level? • What are the distinct characteristics and profiles of the involved metropolises and their relevant territorial capital? • Which recommendations/strategies can be derived for the positioning of the main metropolitan areas through strengthening the polycentric structure? • Stakeholders: • Lead: City of Vienna. Austria • Participating: City of Bratislava, City of Ljubljana, City Development Authority Prague
Priority 2 TPM Regional challenges • Territorial Performance Monitoring • Policy questions: • What is the situation of polycentric urban regions in Europe with regard to globalisation, climate change, energy and demography? • Are there other specific regional challenges in the case study regions? • What territorial performance monitoring tool can be proposed? How can these results improve the monitoring of territorial performance in the case study regions? • Stakeholders: • Lead: Flemish Government, Department for Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and Heritage. Belgium • Participating: Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Government of Navarra, Dublin Regional Authority
Priority 2BEST METROPOLISES Development • Best Development Conditions in European Metropolises: Paris, Berlin, Warsaw • Policy questions: • What are the consequences of metropolisation processes for the three cities and their metropolitan areas in the field of the three policy fields living conditions, mobility and governance? • How do political, organisational, spatial, and socio-economic contexts influence processes of formulating development policies? • How can development policies be evaluated in terms of their efficiency in achieving sustainable development goals? • Stakeholders: • Lead: City of Warsaw - European Funds Department. Poland • Participating: Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, City of Paris –International Relations Department–
Priority 2 SEMIGRA Selective migration • Selective Migration and Unbalanced Sex Ratio in Rural Regions • Policy questions: • How to counteract social and demographic effects of selective migration? • How to develop approaches to strengthen the economic environment and foster entrepreneurship especially with regard to the need of young women and young men? • What is the impact of migration patterns to the force of the local labour markets and resources? • Stakeholders: • Lead: Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt. Germany • Participating: Észak-Alföld Regional Development Agency, NORDA, Joint authority of Kainuu Region, County Administrative Board of Västernorrland
Priority 2 SMART-IST Cohesion • Smart Institutions for Territorial Developments • Policy questions: • To what extent have institutions met the challenges set by Cohesion policy? • In which regions has the institutional impact of Cohesion policy been positive and in which ones negative? • Can a common methodology measure the institutional capacity of public authorities involved in Cohesion policy? • To what extent has good governance affected regional economic performance? • Stakeholders: • Lead: Ministry of Economic Development, Italy • Participating: DIACT, France