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Quiz – Modern U.S.--#2

Quiz – Modern U.S.--#2. The organization that argued the Brown v. Board of Education case. NAACP. African American woman whose refusal to give up her bus seat led to a bus boycott. Rosa Parks. Bus Boycott in this city was led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery, Alabama.

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Quiz – Modern U.S.--#2

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  1. Quiz – Modern U.S.--#2

  2. The organization that argued the Brown v. Board of Education case NAACP

  3. African American woman whose refusal to give up her bus seat led to a bus boycott Rosa Parks

  4. Bus Boycott in this city was led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery, Alabama

  5. Organization of which Martin Luther King, Jr. was a key leader Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  6. The non-violent tactic used by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Sit-ins

  7. The primary purpose of the “Freedom Rides” Protest segregation in interstate bus transportation [cf. Morgan v. Virginia]

  8. SCLC protest here led by MLK that included a boycott, demonstrations, and the arrest of MLK Birmingham, Alabama

  9. What “Bull” Connor used on protesters in Birmingham Dogs and fire hoses

  10. What MLK wrote while in jail in Birmingham his “letters from jail”

  11. The technology that made all Americans aware of the Civil Rights protests television

  12. The event at which MLK gave his “I have Dream” speech March on Washington - 1963

  13. The two laws that are considered to be the direct result of MLK and the March o Washington Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965

  14. A 1964 project in Mississippi to register African Americans to vote that led to the deaths of several volunteers Freedom Summer (the Mississippi Summer Project)

  15. The 1965 civil rights march from this city to Montgomery was stopped by police violence Selma

  16. African American Muslim who encouraged Black Nationalism Malcolm X

  17. The war that LBJ wanted to fight in America “war on poverty”

  18. LBJ’s program to eliminate poverty in America The Great Society

  19. Medical programs established during the LBJ administration Medicare and Medicaid

  20. Program to help more African Americans to receive government contract and be accepted into universities Affirmative Action

  21. The Conflict that kept LBJ from fully funding his war on poverty Vietnam War

  22. Nixon’s plan to build the Republican party in the south “the southern strategy”

  23. 3 Key environmental laws passed during the Nixon Administration Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act

  24. The 1964 resolution that expanded the U.S. role in Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  25. Nixon’s program for withdrawing from Vietnam Vietnamization

  26. Leader of North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh

  27. Military forces of North Vietnam Vietminh

  28. Communist rebel forces in South Vietnam Vietcong

  29. College anti-war demonstration at which National Guard Troops killed several students Kent State

  30. defoliant used by the U.S. to destroy jungle areas where the enemy could hide in Vietnam; later caused cancer among many soldiers Agent Orange

  31. A gel-like substance that when mixed with a fuel can create massive fires, killing personnel and destroying buildings Napalm

  32. The publication of these “secret” documents proved that the government had not been truthful with the public about the Vietnam War The Pentagon Papers

  33. The break in and an subsequent scandal that led to the end of the Nixon presidency Watergate

  34. Massacre of innocent Vietnamese by American soldiers; added to the anti-war fervor My Lai Massacre

  35. Law passed during Nixon’s presidency to greatly limit the President ability to take the U.S. into conflicts War Powers Act of 1973

  36. Political philosophy that believes the government should take a very active role in solving the problems of society liberalism

  37. Political philosophy that believe in more limited role for national government and an emphasis on personal responsibility Conservatism

  38. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S. Roe v. Wade

  39. Movement that began in response to the Roe v. Wade decision Right to Life

  40. First Woman nominated to the Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor

  41. President who pardoned Richard Nixon Gerald Ford

  42. Crisis that was a key factor in Jimmy Carter’s loss to Ronald Reagan in 1980 Iran Hostage Crisis

  43. The economic approach of the Reagan presidency Supply Side (Trickle Down) Economics

  44. The colloquial phrase for Reagan’s approach to economics Reaganomics

  45. The area of increase spending during the Reagan administration Defense spending

  46. This term is used to describe the expansion and integration of worldwide trade networks globalization

  47. 1994 Agreement that lowered tariffs worldwide GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

  48. Major Program to improve American Education passed during the George Bush Administration No Child Left Behind

  49. What “No Child Left Behind” demanded in order to prove student improvement testing

  50. The type of legislation that failed during Bill Clinton’s first term, but was passed during Barack Obama’s first term Health care

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