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MEASURING HUMAN SYSTEMS INTEGRATION RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Dr. Tareq Ahram, Prof. Waldemar Karwowski The Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida Spring,2009. IASE Proprietary Information Limited Distribution. Overview.
MEASURING HUMAN SYSTEMS INTEGRATION RETURN ON INVESTMENT Dr. Tareq Ahram, Prof. Waldemar Karwowski The Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida Spring,2009 IASE Proprietary Information Limited Distribution
Overview • Definition and Description of Human Systems Integration (HSI) • Human Factors and Task Analysis • HSI Domains and building blocks • Benefits of HSI • HSI Return on Investment (ROI) • Conclusions
Systems Engineering Man-Machine Humans Human-Computer Hardware Software Integration HSI Defined • Human Systems Integration is defined as a process that optimizes the human part of the total system equation by integrating human factors engineering, manpower, personnel, training, health, safety, survivability, and habitability considerations into the system acquisition process . Ensuring Systems Design & Development Meet Human Performance Capability Early in Acquisition Process
Human Factors is… • A branch of applied science aimed at matching system, machines and tasks with the abilities of their human operators. • The study, discovery, and application of information about human abilities, human limitations, and other human characteristics to the design of tools, devices, machines, systems, job tasks and environments for effective human performance. -Alphonse Chapanis What HFEs need to do… What they do best Know the USER!
Task Analysis and Modeling in Activity Theory: Cognitive Analysis, Quantify Economic, Productivity & Injury Issues for Human Factors in Acquisition Status: Provides comprehensive process overview of risk factors through all acquisition phases
Human Systems Integration Domains Human Systems Integration (HSI) Manpower Personnel System Safety Training Number of personnel, both men and women, military and civilian, required to operate and maintain the system Aptitudes, experiences & other characteristics needed to achieve optimal system performance Inherent ability of the system to be used, operated and maintained without accidental injury to personnel Requisite knowledge, skills & abilities needed by available personnel to operate and maintain systems under operational conditions Health Hazards Human Factors Engineering Human Survivability Inherent conditions in the operation of a system that could cause death, injury, illness, disability or reduce job performance or personnel Integration of human character-istics into system definition, design, development and evaluation to optimize performance of human-machine combinations Characteristics of a system that can prevent damage; minimize medical injury if wounded; and reduce physical and mental fatigue.
HSI knowledge management components Source: “Interactive Management of Human Factors Knowledge for Human Systems Integration”, Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives, (IGI-Global). (Ahram, Karwowski and Andrzejczak, 2009)
Systems Engineering and HSI “Pieces Fit Together”Systems Engineering Considerations
HSI model as a framework for analysis and traceability Source: Human Systems Integration: Development Based on SysML and the Rational Systems Platform. (Ahram et al. 2009)
Benefits of HSI The goal of human systems integration is to: • Optimize total system performance, • Accommodating the characteristics of the user population that will operate, maintain, and support the system, • Minimize life-cycle costs.
Source: A Total Ship-Crew Model to Achieve Human Systems Integration, Dr. Loretta DiDonato CDR Joseph B. Famme USN (ret.),LCDR Alan Nordholm USN, Senior Chief Alan Lemon
Operator Scenario & Instructor Control “Flooding” Source: A Total Ship-Crew Model to Achieve Human Systems Integration, Dr. Loretta DiDonato CDR Joseph B. Famme USN (ret.),LCDR Alan Nordholm USN, Senior Chief Alan Lemon
Integration of Human Performance Modeling in Telelogic Doors A typical ENOVIA session with models and model preview
CATIA session for designing modern car seats with position prediction based on human factors engineering and ergonomics guidelines Source: Interactive Management of Human Factors Knowledge for Human Systems Integration, (Ahram, Karwowski & Andrzejczak, 2009)
Source: Interactive Management of Human Factors Knowledge for Human Systems Integration, (Ahram, Karwowski & Andrzejczak, 2009)
Examples of Bad Designs (Image source: HSI in Human Spaceflight , Susan D. Baggerman. March, 2007) Excessive Noise Levels Lack of Human-Centered Design Poor Usability of Procedures Excessive Vibration and Stress Levels
The tool box for the T-53 turbine engine (Huey & Iroquois) had 134 different tools. • The tool KIT for the T-800 for the Comanche has only SIX tools instead of 134 • Standard bolts throughout the engine provided the fix (some bolts “too” strong) • Results • Reduced workload for maintainer • Less burden on the supply system • Less training and inventory time • Better combat readiness
Importance of HSI The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that: • About 38 of 95 projects exceeded their original allocated budgets (extra $295 billion), and an average delay of 21 months in project schedules (Taubman 2008). • Systems delivered almost two years late on average. • None of the systems that the GAO looked at had met all of the standards for best management practices during their development stages. • Major cause was the lack of human systems integration. Source: Taubman, Philip. (June 25, 2008) Top Engineers Shun Military; Concern Grow. The New York Times
Importance of HSI Failure to employ human systems integration within the systems engineering process may result in: • Failure to meet desired system objectives, • Poor design, • Unnecessary burdens on the workers, • Negative impacts to the environment and public health and safety.
Human Systems Integration Building Blocks HSI process Requirements Analysis Modeling HSI Strategy Human Interfaces HSI Plan HSI Metrics HSI Risks
Modeling of HSI Return on Investment • Starts with the identification of good HSI practices. • Including factors such as cost reduction, meeting project schedule, increased safety and improved overall system performance. The expected result is a savings in both time and cost, with better system quality and increased safety.
The Multi-criteria Weighted Model To Estimate HSI Return On Investment • The Human System Integration Return on Investment (HSI-ROI) model was developed based on the multi-criteria weighted HSI performance measures. • In the multi-criteria weighted model we calculate the sum of weighted values of improved performance (cost savings) resulted from implementing HSI best practices.
The Multi-criteria Weighted Model To Estimate HSI Return On Investment • Multiply savings associated with each HSI performance measure (i.e. dollar value) (K ) by the weight of the respective performance measure, assigned by HSI professionals.
= Savings resulted from reducing workforce costs. = Savings resulted from reducing training costs. = Savings resulted from avoiding accidents and injuries. = Savings resulted from increasing personnel habitability. = Savings resulted from increasing workers/personnel survivability.
The Multi-criteria Weighted Model To Estimate HSI Return On Investment In order to achieve best performance, program managers seek to: • Minimize the dollar value spent on: training, manpower, maintenance personnel, • Maximizing: safety, habitability and human survivability by avoiding accidents and injuries.
Challenges • Providing quantitative value-added positive contribution, in terms of cost and schedule. • Providing tools and methods that can help program managers and systems designers with answers to questions crucial to successfully meeting this challenge.
Challenges • There is a need for more comprehensive HSI tools and techniques. • Poor guidance and understanding on what HSI methods and tools can provide. • Research in HSI indicates that employing best practices can shape better system decisions.
Conclusions • The application of decision science into systems engineering to evaluate HSI return on investment is a new contribution to the field of systems engineering. • The weighted multi-criteria model for leveraging the effect of multiple performance measures is anticipated to provide a better technique to quantify HSI-ROI for overall system performance.
Questions ? Thank you ! Contact Information: tahram@mail.ucf.edu
References Cited • AF SAB 2005 “System-of-Systems Engineering for Air Force Capability Development”, SAB-TR-05-04 • Air Force Science Advisory Board report (AF SAB-TR-04-04) • Ahram, T. Z., Karwowski, W. Andrzejczak, C., (2009) “Interactive Management of Human Factors Knowledge for Human Systems Integration”, Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives, (IGI-Global). • Ahram, T. Z., Karwowski, W., Amaba, B., Obeid, P. (2009). “Human Systems Integration: Development Based on SysML and the Rational Systems Platform”, Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL. USA. • Ahram, T. Z., Karwowski, W., (2009) “Measuring Human Systems Integration Return on Investment” The International Council on Systems Engineering – INCOSE Spring 09 Conference: Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC), Suffolk, VA. USA. • Booher, Harold, ed. (2003). Handbook of human systems integration. New Jersey: Wiley. • Chapanis, A. (1996). Human factors in systems engineering. Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management. Andrew Sage, series editor. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. • DiDonato L., Famme J., Nordholm . A. (2004). A Total Ship-Crew Model to Achieve Human Systems Integration, I/ITSEC • Dray, S. (1995). The importance of designing usable systems. Interactions 2 (1): 17–20. • INCOSE INSIGHT Volume 11 No. 2. I/ITSEC
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