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Building Our Curriculum. Louise Turnbull Head Teacher Livingston Village Primary School. All for the children, for all of the children!. QI 5.1 The Curriculum. Theme 1: The Rationale of the Curriculum Theme 2: The Development of the Curriculum Theme 3: Programmes and Courses
Building Our Curriculum Louise Turnbull Head Teacher Livingston Village Primary School All for the children, for all of the children!
QI 5.1 The Curriculum Theme 1: The Rationale of the Curriculum Theme 2: The Development of the Curriculum Theme 3: Programmes and Courses Theme 4: Transitions
Totality of the Curriculum Year plan to support planning of learning across the 4 aspects • Interdisciplinary learning • Curriculum areas and subjects • Personal achievement • Ethos and life of the school Staff working together to agree key features of effective planning • Long term • Medium term • Short term ‘..totality of learning experienced irrespective of where learning takes place.’ ‘..deliver coherent experience providing progression and well planned, joined up learning within the four aspects of the curriculum.’ ‘clear strategy for the development and assessment of literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing to ensure smooth progression and achievement.’ Monitoring and tracking Experiences and Outcomes to ensure breadth and depth of learning and entitlement to Broad General Education. • BGE tracking systems • Medium term planning meetings between class teacher and member of senior leadership team. • Develop manageable processes which are fit for purpose and not overly bureaucratic.
Developing learning and teaching pedagogy in tandem with the curriculum • Improving writing alongside formative assessment • Improving mathematics and numeracy alongside active learning approaches • Improving reading alongside target setting and Higher Order Thinking • Skills for life, work and learning alongside transferring learning and parental involvement Strategic Improvement ‘…curriculum as experienced by learners.’ ‘..clear rationale based on shared values, learners’ entitlements and develops the four capacities.’ m ‘..curriculum to be dynamic, reflect innovation and be flexible to meet the needs and interests of children.’ Improvements based on robust self-evaluation • Monitoring progress regularly • Develop practice then create policy High Level 3 year Curriculum Plan • Cloud 10 planner • Developed with all staff
Good practice discussions Collaborative enquiry Developing shared understanding of curricular development and learning and teaching pedagogy. Identifying key features of effective learning Teacher Professional Learning Distributive Leadership ‘..planned opportunities to collaborate across schools…’ ‘Staff engage regularly in dialogue about the impact of curriculum developments on improvements to learning and teaching..’ Evaluating impact of work Collegiate Learning Sharing practice Professional Dialogue which supports and challenges learning Assessment and moderation within and across cluster Shared professional reading Professional Learning Communities CPD focussed on delivering priorities
Individual self-evaluation • Daily reflections as part of short term planning • Individual self-evaluation and target setting linked to SIP priorities • Strategic evaluation of impact of medium term plan. • Preparation for PRD IMPACT ON LEARNING • What impact have we had? • How do we know? ‘…robust and rigorous self-evaluation gives high priority to the quality of learning and teaching…’ ‘…monitor and evaluate impact and outcomes of changes…’ ‘…clearly identify benefits to learners of planned curriculum change…’ Collective self-evaluation • Regular review of IMPACT of SIP priorities on pupil learning • Development of shared vision and values and next steps • 3 year plan • Audit against QIs • VSE Evidence based Self-Evaluation Involvement of pupils, parents, staff and partnerships • Questionnaires • Focus groups • Pupil Council/Parent Council • Regular dialogue
Clear Rationale based on shared vision and values, principles and practices papers and design principles. Skills based to enable children to develop and build on existing skills, learn new skills and apply these into new contexts. Develop planning formats to support thinking, target setting Flexible to enable children to progress learning at different rates – non-linear. ‘..enable flexibility in determining content to provide stimulating, challenging, relevant and enjoyable experiences.’ ‘’ ‘…a range of progression routes to meet needs allowing pupils to progress at different rates and in different ways…’ ‘..emphasis on planning for progression, coherence and improving curricular transitions.’ Flexible, progressive curricular pathways Monitoring and tracking progress with and across E&Os Support planning to ensure children are receiving their entitlements and Broad General Education Ensure progression with a level as well as across a line of development.
Balance of support and challenge • Professional dialogue and reflection on learning • Individual feedback on planning, practice and curriculum Developing shared understanding of high quality learning and teaching – staff generation of criteria Quality improvement Processes Monitoring and tracking attainment and achievement ‘Staff develop and refresh the curriculum on a regular basis..’ ‘…raise standards of attainment and achievement…reduce disadvantage and meet needs of all learners.’ Focus on IMPACT on pupil learning Evaluating pupil learning – focus groups and discussion of work/ learning/targets Collective feedback of whole school strengths and areas for development.